#i’ve been blessed to find a supportive community here that hypes up my creations and that helps people Know Me
loveofastarvingdog · 2 years
Hey dude! I kinda have a question, and because you’re pretty cool and friendly, I wanted to ask you. How do you make friends online? Hope you’re doing well!!
well first… darling… 🥺🤍✨ thank you <3 and second! a lot of it is starting with following people whose content you enjoy, whether that just be posts or if it’s full fics and amvs etc. and then interact with them! adding tags on posts, sending asks (even and especially anon asks! i’ve been an anon a lot, and most people would love to have someone who sends asks every once in a while anonymously or not). a lot of times people will recognize you if you’re in their notes a lot, even if you only like their posts (i have a few followers i know by sight, just bc they like things <3)
sometimes it’s pretty scary to put yourself out there, and friendships don’t normally happen overnight, but over time you can really build some nice things with people just by consistently showing up and being nice in the tags of their stuff, or being passionate about the same things! :)
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