#i’m sorry i really thought a could be consize for once
channelsoph · 4 months
Hi there! super sorry if I'm bugging you especially since this was something you asked someone else a while ago, but you sent an ask to ghoulijams that mentioned that you read their fics in an e-reader and I was just wondering what kind of e-reader you use and how you get tumblr fics onto it.
Personally, I'm using a kobo but the pocket integration doesn't always work unfortunately, especially with tumblr fics, so i was wondering if you had something else that turned fics into e-pubs or something else.
again super sorry if this was a weird ask or if others have already asked before me but yeah I was just curious as I would also love to read ghoulijams fics like books lol
hiii! don’t apologize it’s very ok to ask and it’s not weird, i get you a 100% ghoul fic admirers unite 🫡
so i very embarrassingly also do it from ereader but i use kindle. it’s not great but i haven’t found anything that does the job. i tried finding a free epub converter but failed, they’re either all on a subscription service or they just mess up the file completely. the other option is to export it into pdf and just read it like that if you can bear with the horrors.
i get you, i want to read ghoul’s fics from a book also lmao i even considered making my own copy just for me like printing it and binding and making it pretty and stuff (imagine being able to draw some smol illustrations and just cute hearts on the side… you can give up on trying to contact me rn cause this is just the only thing i would do tbh) but that’s venturing a bit too far into the pirating territory and i wouldn’t ever want to do that to our lord and savior ghoul.
all in all companies should make our lives easier and pour money into making a tablet do its thing goddamit
(feel free to pop in my dm if you find a good solution i will smooch you on your brain real hard)
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