#i’d like to see y’all try to write 5k+ words with several dozen feral anons breathing down your neck
explorevenus · 5 months
okay hi i really hate to do this but i have been receiving an unusually high amount of asks about when something permanent is going to be updated and i understand and appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm but can we please take a moment to remind ourselves that i am not a machine that exists for the sole purpose of churning out fanfiction
i am a fully grown adult currently out of a job and taking commissions to get the rent paid. i have said it before but i swear to god part 12 is in the works and will be posted when it’s finished, that’s really all there is to it. it’s also worth noting that this chapter is going to be quite significant to the plot and that’s a huge reason why i’ve been taking my time with it, we’re at a turning point in the story and i want to do it justice.
i want to make it extremely clear that there’s nothing wrong with asking for crumbs or updates on my progress and i understand that two months is a long time to wait, but let’s also consider that during these two months since the last update i lost my job, hosted family for the holidays, traveled for the holidays and celebrated my birthday. i love you guys and i love this story but it’s far from my only priority in life and all im asking for is a little patience
ok rant over, no hard feelings, back to our scheduled programming etc etc
tldr be nice to me i’m working on it 😔
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