#i wrote this on ketamine okay soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
sewercentipede · 1 year
what does ketamine feel like?
so many things <3 its impossible to explain
well its not impossible it just takes a shitton of effort and time and energy to go thru alll the details of how it feels and what it does at what dose (because its very dose dependent) etc etc etc and ive painstakingly relayed this info so many times for people on tumblr who have asked me what ket feels like but!!! shitty shithead tumblr wont let me access any of those fucking posts and asks, its like theyre gone forever, all because of tumblr's garbage search function
one of them was such a fucking good very instructive detailed guide to how to do ketamine for the first time too,,, and tumblr stole it from me to be forever lost grrrr
and one of them was a very elaborate description of what k-holes and k-land is like........
but i will never find them
so all i can do is uhhhhh give u bits and pieces of ketamine experiences like this this this this this this this this and this but none of them will give you much insight into what its like to be in a k-hole (Full-blown hallucination-land of cozy music-influenced space-time-interior-design-morphing euphoria) although james st james gets close
maybe youll hav ebetter luck than me w tumblrs fickle search function if u go to my blog and use search term "ketamine" maybe youll find the lost asks that contain so much precious information
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