#i would have been more accepting of jack thompson because at least that asshole has somewhat of a redemption arc
ghostofskywalker · 3 years
okay sometimes when people on here rag on wattpad i get kind of sad because that’s where i started reading/writing and i’ve been lucky enough to have a mostly positive experience on there but today someone asked me if i could write a john walker fic for them and i contemplated deleting my entire account
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turnertimeline · 6 years
‘Verse Headcanons (2)
Collection: Tim and Annie
Year: multiple
Characters: Timothy Turner, Annette Thompson
Content Warnings: Discussions of abuse
Rating: T
Style: Chat fic
Summary: some bits and bobs about Tim and Annie, headcanons, ideas we had, somethings we used, others we didn’t. A lot of it delves into Annie’s thoughts early on.
Maybe her parents didn't want her to go away to university in the first place - unbecoming of a woman, to be living alone in a strange place, it didn't seem right, unaccompanied with all those men around. Who needs a degree when you'll be a housewife anyway, etc.
Yes. They saw it as a waste, but maybe at least just for her to get her MRS? They /love/ Kenneth the first time they're introduced. Thinks he's quite wonderful and will keep their Annette close to home. The fact that she didn't want to live in the dorms either was a blow to them.
Her getting pregnant just makes it all worse. And they go off on her about not marrying Kenneth. Even though she tells them he won't even acknowledge that the baby is his.
Kenneth can turn on the charm, when he wants. Says the right things, brings them flowers and a drink, he's rather upper class and scrubs up nice and can talk about stocks and he comes across as quite well, and he says things that makes them think he's traditional too, but it's just his possessiveness and controlling nature.
They tell her she should go away to one of those mother and baby homes and give it up if he won't take her
She flat out refuses. She had talked to Tim about that possibility. And he told her, in all honesty, what goes on in them. And she's horrified. She can't stand the thought. And what if she gives her baby up and it's not adopted by a family as wonderful as Tim's?
Her parents just won't listen to reason. Tim even tries to help. But they've never approved of her friendship with him. They  know his father is a doctor, but they know he's from /Poplar/. And being snooty assholes, they don't think he's even good enough to be at University.
She doesn't *want* to give it up, she wants this baby, however hard it's going to be and however lonely it might be. And those mother and baby homes sound horrible, even the one Chummy reformed, and there's no guarantees, and just - no. She can do this.
Her parents just don't want to see reason. Tim goes, he even wears the clothes he thinks of as his Doctor clothes, dresses like Patrick going to see a parent or a patient, even write himself notes and then feels embarrassed about it. He has information about the things available to help new and single mothers, and their babies, and has a neat list of her appointments and when the clinics are and the like. But he's from Poplar, and they know Shelagh is his step-Mum and they have an adopted child and that he married an ex-nun and they disapprove of his *ahem* opinion on things. It doesn't go especially well. They're also half convinced she's sleeping with him but the time they leave After they leave, they're more than half convinced the baby is not Kenneth's. Because why is Tim so invested. It's not right for a boy to be so interested in someone else's baby.
But it's not just about the baby for Tim. Annette is the best friend he's ever had, next to Jack. And he will do anything he can to help her. He won't let her go through this alone.
And neither will Shelagh and Patrick. Shelagh is smol and full of rage.
Tim is invested in Annette, and hence her baby, and he's invested in the sense that she needs help and it would be the right thing to do. He's not used to limiting the circle of people he cares about.
_ Her interactions with the Turners makes her wonder what it would have been like if Kenneth wasn't horrible. If his family would have been welcoming. She doesn't really miss him, she misses the idea of him. She misses what he was supposed to be. She always assumed that when she had children, their father would be her husband. Not someone who was willing to hurt her to make her end the pregnancy.
She sees him around the University. She keeps going to class as long as she can. Before someone from the dean's office requests a meeting with her. And suggests that maybe it's time to take some time off. Annette argues that there's only a few weeks left of term and she's still months from being due. Tim tries to help, talks to whoever he can, but it's not the "image" that the university wants of its students.
Which sends Tim in a rage. What about the poor excuse of a human being who got her pregnant and not only denies being the father but threatened her with violence to end the pregnancy. Which is still illegal. Annette had a bruise on her arm for nearly two weeks from where Kenneth grabbed her, the one on her face thankfully faded after a few days. He was charming enough at first, and she liked the attention, but she was scared too, especially once they'd been dating for a while and he started getting possessive. But she does miss the feeling of knowing someone's there for her, and the thought of a family, of a little house and someone to cook for and someone to help take care of her children...
Oh man, Tim is SO angry about that. You're okay with the image of your university being the bruise on her jaw? With the racist shit I know goes on? With the girls too drunk to remember? You're okay with *that* being the image of you university, but this young woman who is still turning her assignments in one time somehow ISN'T? It hurts Patrick's heart a little, when he gets the letter, to hear their wonderful, passionate son they raised so well come up against this stuff he's been dealing with his whole career for the first time, the hopeless fury in his voice. He sounds so much like Shelagh, too. She's kind of willfully blind about Tim being right there. Being the one she can build a family with. Because she's still waiting for him to leave. Because he has no ties to her or her child. She's waiting for him to find a girl who's not pregnant with someone else's baby to catch his eye.
So much has happened in just the first few months of her pregnancy. She's lost her family, she's lost Kenneth (which she's not really broken up about). She nearly lost her flat, and now her education. At just five months along she's being told she can't continue her education.
She tells Tim to let it go. She can go back to school after the baby, though she's not convinced she'll ever have the time. She's doesn't want to keep fighting at every turn. Her anger is much quieter than Tim's and she's internalized so much, that she blames herself. Where Tim blames the society they live in, she sees it falling on herself. She's the one who was stupid enough to get pregnant, stupid enough to have sex with Kenneth (although "no" was never an answer he accepted from her), stupid for not giving her baby up.
Tim and Annie can rent a house as a couple for Tim's third year and Annie didn't realise how much the stress of uncertain living arrangements was upsetting her. Like, she knew Tim wouldn't throw her out, and he still could, but ... she feels more settled now.
Even after they're engaged she's afraid he's just going to decide she's not worth it anymore. That he doesn't want to be with someone who already has a child. And Tim tries so hard to convince her that that won't happen.
Engagements can be broken off. Maybe this will be what finally convinces him he's better off with someone else, or that he can't spend the rest of his life looking after a baby already. And Tim is so determined to show that he loves her, and baby Daniel, and will *always* love baby Daniel whatever happens between them.
Tim just wants so much to be Daniel's father and Annette's husband. He felt a sense of duty towards her at first, doing the right thing even though he's not Daniel's biological father. Even as her friend, he loved her enough to step up and offer marriage. But Annette doesn't trust, not after Kenneth. Not after her parents. She kind of starts pushing him away after they're engaged. Almost as if she's testing to see if there's a point where he'll leave her. Tim gets super frustrated but knows what she's doing. He makes her sit down and talk with him. And they hash it out. Tim is big on talking. Because communication is key. He learned that from his parents. Saw what happened before Angela was adopted, what their breakdown in communication did. Annette isn't used to that. She can't recall knowing about her parents just talking to each other. Their discussions are usually loud and end with a slammed door.
Tim tells her that he's not going anywhere. They're engaged, living together, and raising Daniel. Why would he even be there if he wasn't planning on making it a forever thing? And he tells her that even if something happens, and their marriage doesn't work out, he will never disappear. He will always be there for her, and for Daniel.
Tim is so big on talking about their feelings, saw what happened when Shelagh and Patrick didn't talk (even if it was just the tension over the dinner table and barely audible conversations when he was supposed to be asleep but straining to hear what was going on, worried he was going to lose them. And also his Dad's breakdown after the brittle bones case, how Patrick pushed everyone away but it was the words of his patients and his friends that helped to bring him back. It's frustrating, when Annette pushes him away or tries to antagonise him but he understands her trust was broken and it's not about him.
He's in this for the long haul. Always. Daniel is his son as surely as he is Shelagh's. ____ half the girls think he's queer he ends up hanging out almost exclusively with girls by the end of first year lol yes
Annette does at first too but then he talks to her about liking someone and she helps him ask her out he's sweet he's like, none of the usual ways of asking girls out are nice!! and like, my dad proposed to my mum an hour after she stopped being a nun
and ugh it takes them AGES to admit they like each other more than platonically *so* long especially because Tim proposes, if that's what she wants, and she turns him down then because they both deserve more than that and fuck what anyone thinks of her, etc.
like, before she starts showing even and she /loves/ that he's willing to do that but she can't ask him to tie himself to her because of a baby a baby that's not even his yes and like ... he exists surely there will be another man willing to love and marry her even with a child? they both deserve that And she sees his parents, she knows that Shelagh is Patrick's second wife, and that Tim is her stepson so she knows that it's possible to love another person's child as your own but she doesn't want Tim to resent her even though he tries telling her that he won't yes she just - no so she turns him down when he asks that first time he holds on to the ring tho
keeps it safe it takes her a long time to admit to herself to really likes him and even longer to accept he doesn't just feel obliged
she realizes he's in her life for the long haul after the baby is born he's all but living with her, goes to classes and goes back to her flat at night, sleeps on the couch he goes to her appointments with her, has a row with the midwives when the baby comes because she's insisting she wants him in the room
she's frightened and alone and he feels safe and the midwives are super judgy he argues that he's 1) a med student 2) the child of a doctor and a midwife 3) the closest thing she has to family and is like, also i assisted with a birth when i was 17
and heck, if a nun can let his dad in when his brother was born the midwife can certainly let him when his....Annie....is giving birth
afterwards they have to grudgingly admit he coped better than most first time trainees and Annie is a lot calmer with him there of course he coped, he's been hearing about the worst births possible growing up as the son of a district dr and midwife in Poplar and reading the Lancet since he was like ten birth was just part of his life experience it takes a lot to make him squeamish hearing Annie in pain is worse it wasn't necessarily *easy* it never is Annie was in pain, and the potential for something to go wrong (and he is doubtful of the midwives in the way he's doubtful of doctors not his Dad - like loyalty) but the actual birth itself, the logistics and stuff, that didn't phase him
Annie tells the few friends she still has that Tim was with her and it gets back to Kenneth and he tries to go all macho and possessive like it's suddenly his kid or like Annie is his property still and Tim is like i fuckin dare you to try that Uncle Tim is more of a presence in that baby's life than Kenneth ever will be
It's a little boy and his middle name is Timothy
Annette sometimes feels that she still doesn't deserve everything the Turners have done for her. She doesn't feel like she's contributing anything at all. Tim works and does med school, she's home with the baby. His parents help out a lot. She want's to maybe work part time, to feel like she's doing something
Skinny Tim who she watched play tea parties with Angela and then lay on the floor so she could play Doctors and then helped cook dinner in Shelagh's apron because it makes Annie laugh. She's glad someone laid a punch on him, at least, and that Annie has other people in her corner who would throw down. The memory of Shelagh's steely gaze back at her parents is a memory she cherishes. She hasn't met Trixie but she likes the sound of her.
Yes - she feels like a burden, and a fairly boring one at that, with all Tim and the Turners do for her, when she's just at home. Hell, most of the time Tim cooks, when he can get home in time. I think maybe she asks Barbara - she doesn't want Shelagh to feel like she's being ungrateful or like she isn't happy in their home.
Barbara helps her look for a part time job, something that's only a few hours a week. Maybe talks to Violet about taking her on at the shop? She has been saying how she's getting too old to be on her feet all day. Shelagh happily watches Danny while Annette works. They coordinate so that the days Shelagh is at clinic Annette watches Danny and Teddy. And they switch. It helps make Annette feel like less of a burden. She's doing something and there's extra money coming in. So Tim doesn't have to work as hard.
Oh yes, working with Violet would be lovely. And she finds there are still some uses for the things her mother taught her about appearances and looking the part, the girls love her knowledge about colours and materials and she can show them how to put ribbons in and the like. Shelagh is more than happy to have Danny while she works, and Angela and Teddy like having their friend around, and staying with Annette some days too, so it all works out. And Janie helps when Shelagh has them.
I think for Annette she also starts making friends. Friends who aren't Tim's friends and family. Girls who come in every day to have a chat with her over Violet's new shipment of embellishments and the new mothers she can have a gossip with, and regular invitations to the pictures or the pub that she starts accepting when Shelagh assures her she can cope a couple of evenings a week. It's nice. She can build her own little community
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powerranks · 7 years
Power Ranks: Week 3
This week in the NFL was slightly depressing for me, and it wasn’t just because I got my ass handed to me by Dyl. I’ve wanted to sort of share my thoughts on the protests through some sort of outlet, and I guess I’ll do it here, as briefly as I can since this isn’t why you guys read this. If you really don’t want to, you can skip the next two paragraphs. 
Trump, among other things, is a racist prick. However, I think he knew what he was doing when he started attacking the NFL. He (and the media) have turned what was originally Kaepernick’s protest against racial inequality into “NFL players against the flag”, all while taking attention away from the fact that his shitty attempt to take away healthcare failed. It’s really hard to get so much wrong in a four word headline, but headlines on major news outlets read “NFL protests American Flag”. What the fuck is that? Trump literally took all attention from the point of the protest and made it a race/patriotic thing, despite saying it wasn’t about race.. Twitter arguments on the subject are absurdly revealing of closeted racists that now have a reason to speak up (this sentence can be said about the entire Trump administration), and I’m sure you guys have seen the videos of people burning their NFL jerseys and swearing off the league. A bar owner in Minnesota made the doormat into his bar out of jerseys that read “Lynch Kaepernick”. This is pathetic and sad, and it’s even sadder that I could go on. I think this is what Trump aimed to do. The people angry about the protest are the people that are missing the point, or ignoring it because of their own racist agenda. Lots of bad things have come out of this, but I hope we can focus on the positives, which is that this has sparked a national discussion that you can’t be on the fence about. (Sorry Drew Brees, you sounded like an asshole when you tip toed on the fence.) Nothing will change unless something like this happens, and I’m glad that a unified showing against the bullshit intimidation methods of an attention seeking president who’s done everything in his power to make activism in the NFL about him might start a revolution.
It’s absolutely insane to me that the most influential athlete of the past year wasn’t seen Sunday, but it was incredible seeing that his presence was so strongly felt. It’s clear he’s being blackballed, but with every passing day that we talk about the reason he’s being blackballed, Kaepernick won. I guess the point of this little write up is to not forget the point of the protest. White privilege and systemic racism exist, kneeling during the anthem does not equal disrespect to the flag or soldiers, and the more we talk about it the better. Contrary to the people burning their jerseys and season tickets, I’ll watch the absolute shit out of the NFL now. I know that I usually don’t talk about anything that actually matters with you guys so this might be weird or uncomfortable to hear, I just needed to share some thoughts.
Scott Team Update : 6-3. I will continue to post this until the Scott trifecta is under .500.
Reminder: the number I give you doesn’t matter as much as the tier I put you in, I don’t see a big difference between teams in a tier other than small details.
The “literally every draft pick I made was perfect and I have the midas touch” tier
1. Scott’s Balls 12-11-16 (Anthony “it’s been golden boy bullshit for a year and a half now, i hope karma comes and fucking stabs your cocky, complaining about Ben Watson garbage time touchdowns when literally everyone on your team has 239487239847 points, saying you could lose when Alex has Carr and Lynch when you’re up 75 ass face” Mendola) (3-0) (LW:1)
I’m not actually that mad, I’m man enough to admit its jealousy. Your team is good, I’m not sure how much I can write about it considering it’s been the same formula for three weeks, Cam sucking, Kareem Hunt 60 yard touchdowns, Chris Hogan bullshit, Gronk fucking the football, and your WR2 always doing well. (Geronimo fucking ALLISON). I’m still not 100 percent sold on the receivers, but Hogan looks for real at this point. Enjoy it while it lasts my dude. 
2. Fournette About It (Jack “closeted viking fan, non closeted clown porn enthusiast” Cleek) (2-1) (LW: 3)
I really believe in this team now that it’s been proven that the skill position guys are QB proof. When you can sustain four fantasy relevant people with Case Keenum, you know you can start any of the Vikings any given week. When you thrive with Jared Goff and Bazooka Blake Bortles as the people handing off to you, you can do anything. I like the addition of Nick Swardson, and if you could find a QB you’re never gonna lose again (other than the Vikings bye week)
The “This is a whole tier of above average inconsistent garbage” tier
3. Hammer (Tony “He’s back!” Mendola) (1-2) (LW: 7)
I know, I know, this is a meteoric rise from 7, but Tony’s team has gotten better every week, and over the course of the years there hasn’t been a single person better than him at identifying the random, shitty dudes who get 10 a week. Brady is back to being Brady, Devonta Freeman looks like a steal at the 8th pick, T.Y. showed he might be able to do something with Brissett, and Jared Cook is this year’s Richard Rodgers, the tight end Tony starts and just always gets 8. Going forward, this team should be just fine, especially if Chris Thompson can keep producing at this rate for a few more weeks.
4. Aegon Targaryen M’FVCKA (Alex “weirdly been quiet” Ahn) (2-1) (LW: 2)
I’m not sure if you’ve been quiet because nobody’s accepting trades, or you just don’t talk to me specifically because I just laugh at all the trade offers, but its been a strange start of the season, I almost miss the crappy trade offers because it at least made us talk. Anyways, nobody can really blame you for losing to Anthony’s golden boy bullshit, but your team did REALLY bad last week. The main reason you’re dropping down to 4 is that Lynch, the Crow, and your QB’s just don’t look consistent. Jeffery (maybe) and Tyreek are gonna be just fine, and Elliott is Elliott, but the rest of your team doesn’t really look good or bad, just kinda meh. It’s a good team that needs to find consistency. That being said, I’m calling it now, Matt Ryan reads these and he’s gonna drop 400 yards and 3 TD’s on my ass for suggesting he’s gonna keep regressing. 
5. Rick and Jordy (Chris “also should kinda change the name” Gatzow)    (1-2) (LW:4) 
You’re only in dead last place because of how weird the victories have been this year, but I still think your team is about average. I’m a lot lower on it than I was at the beginning of the year, but only because so many guys haven’t shown up yet. Julio has had the yurds, but not the touchdowns. Baldwin only looked good because Wilson put up a shitload of garbage time points. T West doesn’t look nearly as good as he did at the beginning of the season. Delanie Walker is having a down year because of how many weapons that Tennessee offense has. I’m not sure if Cooper and Howard are gonna get 0 or 20 on any given week. This tier was full of inconsistent teams that I think are okay, and your team is the most inconsistent of the bunch in my opinion. 
6. Don’t Trust a Younghoe (Dylan “name change time now?” Jessop) (1-2) (LW: 8)
Dropping Younghoe might’ve been the best thing you did (You’re welcome bitch) since Succop looks legit this year. Your record and points scored don’t suggest you should be this high, but holy shit I don’t think that many people know about how much points you’ve left on your bench, I know part of that is your own foolish decisions, but had you been starting the right dudes you may be the second or third highest scorer. I think the longer the year goes on, the more you’ll figure your own team out. This team is deep as hell. You’re sitting Michael Crabtree AND Gilislee this week, that’s impressive as hell. If CJ and Demarco can get slightly more consistent, you’re gonna be scary, Watkins dropping that low looks scary now.
7. Mixon it Up (Alec “Chris really ruined this and made me write so much more on these rankings by losing, and also ruined an amazing meme that nobody’s gonna see now” Bernstein (1-2) (LW:9)
Alright, the joke and tier is over. I really was doing it only because you talked shit about your ranking, and I was TOTALLY right for the first two weeks. But last week was more along the lines of what I think you envisioned with your team. Granted, Wilson only got his points because it was garbage time and they needed to come back, but he got 35 nonetheless. Lamar Miller, as we’ve said, will get 8 or 9 a week but he’s not gonna let you down. Mixon looks like he’s on the upswing. Green/Beckham, for as bad as they had been before this week, are about as scary a duo as you can have at WR. Eifert dying sucks, but Graham is such a nice fantasy tight end and I’m upset nobody else got him/someone dropped him in the first place (cough cough ALEx). I still don’t think your team is good, but it deserves to be in this tier just because it’s shown you can break 100. That’s more than...
The teams that can’t break 100 or even 90 can say tier
8. Scott’s Penis (David “slowly realizing I used 100% of my luck the year i won” Chinchilla) (1-2) (LW: 6)
I’m only ranking myself 8 because I’m the only one of the remaining teams that’s broken 90. Dyl hasn’t broken 90 either, but he’s left like 2903847298347 points on his bench so he deserves a bit more than this embarrassment down here. I don’t even know what to say. QB is so bleak without Luck that I just dropped Jared Goff and picked up Trevor Siemian and felt like that was an upgrade, how sad would that sentence have been last year? Hyde is my only good player, Ajayi and McCoy are in bad situations (McCoy especially, the Bills REFUSE to give that guy the ball inside the 45 yard line) and my receivers are just so MEH. I have no faith in any of my receivers getting more than 9, and Reed might’ve ALREADY died for the year. I think my team really really sucks, but not because of a lack of talent, just all my players are on teams that can;t seem to score. I’m finding myself rooting for the other team to do bad more than I am for rooting my team onward to victory.
9. Beshoy and some Backups (Beshoy “Aaron Rodgers vs. The World” Halim) (1-2) (LW:5)
We’ve talked a lot about our teams and while I think your top three are better than my top three, I think the rest of your team is a whole hell of a lot of not number one guys. You get Martin back after this week, but I still have little faith in some of your guys. I think Henry can be for real, that offense might be able to sustain two RB’s, but that remains to be seen. Cohen could be good, but Jordan Howard came back from the dead last week (multiple times). Thielen is always gonna be the #3 red zone target in that offense, but the good thing is that he has a clear yards floor. Idk what Blount will be doing going forward, but at least he’s definitely the battering ram down at the goal line. I really hope this turns around for you, but as of now, much like with my team, things look bleak. 
10. Scott’s Jizz (Scott “just being disrespected at this point” Felgenhauer) (2-1) (LW:10)
I know you’re gonna be upset again, but I don’t know what you want me to say...Ajayi has played in two games and scored less than three in one of those two, and he’d be your second best running back on your team. Dak and Dez have been REALLY nice so far, and I trust Kelce, but everything else on the squad is just such a random dart or a bad player. Mike Thomas finally had his good game, as did Jackson/Dez/Dak and you STILL only scored 80. I am rooting for you and hope you win more games, but I can’t rank you any higher until you get literally anything out of your RB’s.
Aegon Targaryen M’FVCKA (Alex) over Scott’s Penis (David)
Beshoy and some Backups (Beshoy) over Scott’s Balls 12-11-16 (Anthony)
Hammer (Tony) over Mixon it Up (Alec)
Don’t Trust a Younghoe (Dyl) over Scott’s Jizz (Scott)
Fournette About It (Jack) over Rick and Jordy (Chris)
Last week : 2-3
Season: 100-0 (fuck you guys)
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