#i would draw something in commemoration but i am on designated art break until monday 🤧
crescentfool · 9 months
ryoji... ryoj..... RYOJI !!!!!!!!!!! 🤧
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Margot Brown
Question 1: Like, OMG, the Worst. I Can’t Even
Ariana Grande A pop sensation who I want to throat punch (in the nicest way possible).
Although many are raving about pop star Ariana Grande since the death of her ex, Mac Miller and the release of her new song, Thank u, next, about her many exes, I strongly dislike her music and her as a celebrity overall. The star started singing at a young age and got her big break on the Nickelodeon kids show, Victorious, which aired in 2010. I watched this show very often as a child, so not only do I know Grande’s music, but her acting as well. Her acting and music are one in the same— basic and lacking depth.
Many find Thank u, next, released on November 3, to be a motivational song about Grande moving on from her relationships of the past as she just broke off her engagement with Pete Davidson and her recent ex Mac Miller died. I find it was written too quickly after the breakup— and that it doesn't really have much substance. Sure she may say she was, “so thankful” for Pete Davidson, she doesn't give any real reasons why and doesn't do it without saying in a poppy, diva voice, “I’m so fuckin’ grateful for my ex,” right after or mocking their engagement in the music video. I also find the words, “Thank u, next” to sound slightly derogatory and arrogant. I just think there could have been a more mature and classy way to write about past relationships for someone of her age and celebrity status. 
Her newest song, Imagine, released December 14, is about her relationship with Mac Miller, who passed away September of this year. Its mostly about their physical relationship and not much else. All she does is describe them kissing and ordering pad thai. Sure, she has to be in pain after losing such an important person in her life, but a song like this does not commemorate his life in any way. Not to mention the fact that she is benefiting financially in a big way from releasing a song about her dead ex when she dumped him and got engaged a month later. It just doesn't seem all that genuine to me. But again, it’s not my place to judge how she copes.
In the show, Victorious, Grande played the role of Kat, an annoying teenage girl who acts extremely dumb all the time and talks with a high-pitched baby voice that makes you want to punch her throat. Many would say, “it’s only a role she’s playing!” but she talks like this in real life too, only less exaggerated. Ariana grande is also a white woman who tans herself until she is basically living in brownface and pretending to be Latina. She even joked about a Quinceañera, while mispronouncing it. All this along with the fact that all of her music is top 50 pop hits that play on the radio until you want to scream make Ariana Grande an artist I do not enjoy at all.
word count: 498
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Question 2: Gone but Not Forgotten
Trish Keenan The late love of my musical life.
My favorite band of all time, Broadcast, is an indie electronic band that was formed in 1995 in Birmingham, England. Rather underrated in my opinion, this uncommon group blended American psychedelic rock, electronica, and experimental samples to create what I consider the best music I’ve ever heard. Sadly, the life of this group was short lived, as Trish Keenan died unexpectedly in 2011 of pneumonia. She took the band’s voice and heart with her to the grave, as they have not been a group since. They couldn’t be, she was the lead singer and soul of the band.
When I first heard Trish Kennan’s voice, I was in the car with my my person— my best friend, Justin Conrad. We were driving down a country road and blasting music with all of the windows down and our limbs flying out of them. I have him to thank for opening my world to much of the music I listen to today. We share the same taste in music totally and completely, and I trust anything he sends me is worth the listen. I heard her once and immediately became obsessed with the band. 
Her eerie yet soothing voice on top of the odd sounds of different samples and instruments just creates something magical— almost unexplainable unless heard. Some of her songs are calm, some jarring. The tone of her voice and samples intensity can make that change— even within one song. The lyrics also speak to me in ways I cannot fully explain. The band had a way with creating songs that speak to people in personal ways and Trish Keenan is the only one who had the voice for the job. There is truly no one like her.
Trish Kennan had already died once I discovered her music. Since I never got to experience her while she was alive, all my friends and I do is get very sad that we will never be able to see Broadcast live. One late night after listening to their performances live on Youtube, we cried because we will never get to experience the greatness of Trish Keenan or Broadcast in person, ever. Trish Keenan almost sounds better live than on her released albums, which is insane.  
I also enjoy the album covers and music videos for the band’s music, as well as Keenan’s personal style. The music videos are a creepy, film-camera-feeling, artistic mastery of video-making. Each album cover is a work of graphic art or photography I would display proudly on my wall— or even hope to design myself, if I could ever come up with such genius. Trish Keenan dressed like all of my fashion goals. She didn’t care what was trendy or becoming of her, she just wore what suited her. Her chunky jewelry, big, colorful sweaters, and long dresses with big boots reflected the music she made and the person she was. I admire her in all ways possible, and would give a limb to see her come back from the dead.
Word count: 502
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Fun (but serious!) #1: Singalong
A New Favorite Song 
While putting this Spotify playlist on shuffle, I found many songs that I enjoyed. The one that I hadn't heard that stood out to me the most was The Way I Feel Inside by the Zombies. The simple lyrics and calm beat with the strong, unwavering voice of Colin Blunstone is something that made me stop and download the song. I had heard the zombies before, but not much, and not this song.
I love the fact that it is so short— it just makes it better in my opinion. There’s no need to go on and on repeating lyrics when you can say them like this, plain and simple, in a very clear tone with little background noise. It forces you to hear the lyrics and savor the short time you have with them. The lyrics themselves are very relatable. I was listening to this song and thinking about a time when I had feelings for someone and didn't know how they felt back. I think we’ve all been there. It’s scary to say something if you’re not sure what the outcome will be, love or heartbreak. 
Perhaps my favorite part of the song is the ending— the sound of a coin spinning on a table. To me it is indicative of a person trying to figure out if “She loves me, or she loves me not,” with a coin toss.
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Fun (but serious!) #2: Reflection
This Class Was GREAT
To me the thing that most stands out on my “Let’s Get Acquainted” form that I filled out in August is my response to question #2, my interest in journalism. Before taking this class, I knew I loved writing and that I wanted to have that be a part of my career. Now that I have taken this course, I can say with full confidence that I want to be a journalism in some way, shape or form. 
I took this class to try journalism and see if I like it and I am so grateful that I did. Not only did I look forward to coming to class every Monday, I really felt that my professor did too. To me, a professor that cares about me and my peers and gets excited to teach me is the most inspiring thing a university can offer. I also got to go out and explore the city for assignments. I would have never gone out to see as much art, theater, or concerts if I didn’t take this course. I experienced things that made me a more knowledgable person, and through this course I became a better writer. I learned how to edit myself more harshly than ever, and come up with some great words with little notice.
Now that I know more about journalism and the arts and culture world of New York City, I have even more inspiration to write. I also write more confidently. Being forced to see the art museums also fueled my artistic side. I make art— be it painting, drawing, graphic design on my laptop— and now I am making more of it. This course was a great thing to experience. I feel like it helped me open my eyes to possible careers and to the world right in front of me that I didn’t know existed.
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