#i wont stop posting abt pyre ofc but i just thought to shake things up a bit :]
blue-unifox · 2 years
Man, I really should've played Transistor sooner
This is just everything that speaks to my artist bone, the stunning hand-painted visuals, the cutscenes, the modern influences, the light, the composition - this has it all! And all that is just scratching the surface why this game is a masterpiece
I don't really like sci-fi settings all that much, but Transistor managed to make it something magical, give this world a soul, so to speak, even the machines feel alive and organic (maybe because they partially are)
Really, everything there just breathes style, beauty, and it all comes together in the perfect symphony of aestheticism
That is not to say other sgg games don't have their own style, mind you, but Transistor is something so incredibly unique that I doubt anything is going to compare
Not to mention the deep story that, in its core, is pretty simple, it is about how love overcomes broken society and prevails no matter what
But it works so well that you can write just paragraphs analyzing it
And in tandem with music, everything comes together perfectly that it steals your breath away
Ok, I think I'm done waxing poetics about this game (for now)
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