#i wonder if they've seen spies are forever..
lilacthebooklover · 19 days
real suffering is learning that the awesome pretty girls in your chem class are also into starkid and you have no way to drop that you know what that is without it being completely out of the blue <//3 i'll just have to settle for liking all of their starkid innit reposts <///3 woe is me
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momtaku · 7 years
I can't help but wonder what the hell the main cast have been up to these last few years. All those warships have reached the island, and... they've just been destroying them? I sure hope they've been more proactive than that. They can't sit around hoping their enemies will leave them alone forever. I hope they've been stealing the ships, maybe taking soldiers prisoner. What do you think?
Anonymous asked: What do think has been happening inside the walls during the four year time skip?
In four years Paradis has seen 32 warships filled with technology, information and quite likely, disenfranchised Eldian soldiers seeing freedom for the first time. I absolutely think Hange and team are taking advantage of this and learning all they can about modern warfare. I think it’s also likely some of the Eldians on board have become sympathetic to the cause of the Walldians. Four years is plenty of time to build trust. Some could even be back in Marley acting as spies.
As much as I dislike the time skip, it does provide possibilities that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. Hange has an armada of new toys at her disposal, but so does Isayama. He gets to redesign the characters and reinvigorate the snk world. I’m anxious and excited to see both of those things.
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