#i won't ever get over thoschei like
quietwingsinthesky · 9 days
(Transmasc-rose) Have you ever heard that they were, at several points during the old who days, going to make the Doctor and the Master brothers? In Planet of Fire the Master says "Won't you show mercy to your own ..." which the director and producer of the episode both said was intended to end with "brother", and in the scrapped reboot they were supposed to be half-brothers.
It seemed relevant to your interests.
u must imagine me kicking my feet and blushing and twirling my hair. 🥰 yeah. yeah, i know.
like. okay first lets get out of the way how fucking funny it would be if they ever backtrack their way into this twist again somehow. the utter chaos that would unleash upon the thoschei section of the fandom. imagine that one anime that just got a cousin reveal after a decade of yaoi but by the magnitude of like 50 years of doctor/master shipping. it would be so funny to me, i wanna peek into that universe.
but like god. god. there is something so appealing to me about this idea of them as star-crossed siblings. it’s the spn fan in me, it makes me insane. what if you grew up next to this boy, your worlds revolve round each other, and then as adults, you can never be that close again, you won’t even call each other siblings anymore. just childhood friends. someone you once thought you knew.
i have not seen Planet of Fire (classic who? i’m assuming. and im now very excited for that episode specifically for um. normal reasons.) but Something about the master being the one to bring it up, to call on a brother’s mercy…… thinks about last of the time lords with canon siblings doctor & master. because something i’ve picked up watching doctor who is just how Certain the doctor is that the master will survive, despite all odds, that he’ll find a way back. (something the master has always proven him right about.) and that’s such a powerfully resonant feeling with having a sibling. imagining a world without them is like imagining a world without air, in my eyes, so of course, if we put the master in the role of the doctor’s brother in this scenario, of course he will survive. wah the way it just slightly changes the framing of all the little things, the way this scenario takes the master’s childish “i win” and twists it as old as a sibling rivalry…
im such a sucker for sibling tragedy, i really am. i know im also the haha incest guy, which can be a component of the tragedy, but i really do fall to pieces for just the pure platonic stuff, too. it’s unreplicable, the intensity of that pain. and then. okay, every time i speculate on timeless child stuff, i preface it with me not having seen it just Knowing the basics and making shit up according to the lore ive gathered BUT. but. if ever there was a storyline that would have benefitted from them being siblings over them being childhood friends turned rivals, i really think it would be that one. because it digs into the core of it, of the lie, the unknown rift between them that drives the master to ruin. and god something about them being adopted siblings (without their knowledge) but the doctor still being stitched deep down into the Master’s bones, the core of them wrapped around the Doctor’s existence. the way it both matters so fucking much that this is the lie their bond is based on, but also how can it matter. how can it matter. when she’s in his blood anyway, she would have been if they’d been born together or like this. (and that he isn’t. or maybe, more accurately, that he thinks he isn’t and never will be.
oh, my soul for a version of this show where the master has been calling the doctor brother/sister/sibling all this time without the doctor reciprocating except very rarely, when they’re at their most emotionally vulnerable together (like the end of time ‘stone cold brilliant’ monologue. sorry. getting distracted.) and then suddenly. the master stops calling her that. like come on, that would be such fucked up foreshadowing, i can’t be the only one who thinks that would work so well. it’s all about the framing, all about the very slightly different context that friends versus siblings gives them to flavor the tragedy. the endpoint may be the same, but the pain is different, does that make sense?
and. and also i think it would be hot if they were. so. you know. there’s that. i’m not going to deny that i’m Like That. im a freak who enjoys when familial obsession spirals beyond control and into a horrible, outcast kind of love. they’re renegade time lords, for fuck’s sake, let them do a little incest for funsies. 🤭 drop a story of them at the academy always being a little too close, always making everyone else uncomfortable because of how inseparable they were. 🤭🤭 let the doctor avoid bringing up how they’re related so they don’t have to explain this shameful thing to their companions only for the master to flaunt it because the doctor wishes they could forget it, stop feeling these things, stop wanting the master. 🤭🥴🤭🥴🤭
to be clear, this is. obviously not something id actually want on the show, or would ever be on there, they’re not gonna put time travel incest on disney+. (hell, i don’t even think the siblings twist is preferable to the dynamic they already have except in the specific scenario it would have created for ttc between them.) but like. its fun for me to think about <3 i love when the doctor is filled with an incalculable amount of shame for their own actions—actions they keep repeating because its the master and the doctor needs them—and the master has fun tormenting them about it. but incest flavored this time :3
(as anytime i think about thoschei incest i Need to plug this anonymous fic that lives rentfree in my brain: connection. its sooooo. 🥴🥴🥴 oh they are gonna make me ill.)
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bookpersonmaryj · 1 year
Fanfic Writer Interview
Thank you @you-have-to-use-your-imagination for tagging me!
I have to tag people now, but since I only have very few followers (for a reason, that reason is I get overwhelmed easily and need a bit of distance) I hope no one gets mad if I skip that part...
How many works do you have on ao3?
40 works on ao3, one other on a German fanfic site but it's uhh on a several-year hiatus so... not important!
What's your total ao3 word count?
it's 79.578 words holy shit... that's almost 80.000??? how???
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I've posted works for four fandoms, three on ao3. Doctor Who (27 fics), The Umbrella Academy (2 fics) and Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast (10 fics).
I've technically got 2 Harry Potter fics, written before JK turned out to be a terf, but I removed them for the moment because I don't want to support her in any way until she gets over her bigotry, and if she never does that then I'll just leave them unpublished forever.
The other one not on ao3 is a Once Upon A Time fanfic that's really just a self-indulgent self-insert for my best friends and myself.
I've also written for far more fandoms, just most of those are only WIPs on my laptop that I'm not sure I'll ever finish and/or post.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Cheating (236 kudos, The Umbrella Academy fic)
Stormcage Wives (232 kudos, Doctor Who fic)
drunk on your love (and a whole lot of ginger) (119 kudos, Doctor Who fic)
tired of the lies (but afraid of what the truth will bring) (107 kudos, Doctor Who fic)
you're burning up and I'm burning out (or is it the other way around?) (101 kudos, Doctor Who fic)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, always. People tell me they like my writing, of course I'm gonna thank them for it! And if I get to ramble on about my fic for a bit, even better!
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Oof, let me think...
I'm torn between three, I think.
Wait for me - TUA fic that is really just angst the whole time and especially the ending
Achilles Come Down - DW fic that I would call angsty, but it's kinda ambiguous? it's based on the song by Gang of Youth with the same name, and that song is definitely angsty, so it stands to reason the fic is also at least a bit angsty
I had a dream, which was not all a dream - DW fic that's also very angsty throughout and the last thoughts aren't very cheery, I'd say it's pretty darn angsty.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've written?
Yes, but only unpublished unfinished stuff so far.
The craziest of them would probably be the 'Hunger Games but fandoms for districts' one which I only started because of a tumblr post I shared with my friends and we hyped each other up so much that I wrote three chapters in a haze of euphoria before reality kicked me in the teeth and I stopped.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, and I really hope I won't receive any in the future...
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Every time I try it either turns into cuddles or the screen fades to black without my doing. I just can't write smut for my life.
(I might be greyace actually??? that might be a contributing factor...)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know, and again, I really hope it never happens.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Does it count if I started translating my own fanfic?
If not, no, but I wouldn't be opposed to it if someone were to ask!
What's your all time favorite ship?
Thoschei, I'd say.
Maaybe Zoscar, but tbh I've shipped Thoschei the longest so I gotta go with that one.
No, wait, I've been shipping SwanQueen far longer than Thoschei!
So either one of those...
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Oof, that's a hard question... I've got so many WIPs I wanna finish but don't think I ever will.
There's a soulmate AU I've started, Doctor Who, Thoschei, rather angsty, and I've written myself into a corner and can't get out of it again.
I also started something that I call Override Paradox, which is really what it sounds like, in that it's 13 trying to create a paradox big enough to override the memory block in the matrix. I really wanna finish it, but it's really hard to write paradox fics, tbh...
Err, I've got several timetravel fix-it stories for various fandoms that I'd really like to finish, but not any one specifically, really.
I also really want to finish that Once Upon A Time fic, mostly just so I can have it finished, and because I did start it for my best friends and I'd really like to give them a nice thing, basically.
I also recently got back into The Umbrella Academy and really wanna finish a couple of those stories, just because they're rattling around in my brain and I would love to make something out of the ideas.
What are your writing strengths?
I'm... pretty good at angst? And fluff? Does that count as strength?
I'm good at imagining what a character is thinking, that's probably a neat thing. There are a lot of fics where I get fully immersed in the inner monologue of someone, and I'd say I'm pretty good at it?
I've also been told I'm good at plot twists, so. those?
(gosh I'm so bad at complimenting myself... definitely need to work on that.)
(also what the hell is a writing strength??? I don't really know what this means...)
What are your writing weaknesses?
I ramble a lot. Describe too much.
I also cannot for the life of me just write a story on the fly without having at least five paragraphs of backstory... It's really annoying, honestly.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If it makes sense story-wise and if it's done well, then I'm all for it!
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Once Upon A Time. I started it like, five years ago? It feels like an eternity tbh... hang on...
2017??? holy shit that's. yeah, that's six years... wow.
What's your favorite fic that you've written?
I'm gonna choose from the ones I've finished, because I will not be able to choose from the unfinished no matter how hard I'll try.
'Achilles Come Down' is really one of my favorites. I had a lot of fun writing it.
'confessions uttered in the (un)safety of your embrace' was incredibly nice to write. The level of double and triple thinking? Brilliant. The fact that I didn't even realize I was doing it in a triple way until it was pointed out to me (thank you @rearranging-deck-chairs)?! Effervescent.
So yeah.
That's it. You can stop reading now. Also, thank you ^_^
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