#i woke up at a very happy 5.6mmol so i felt the care even tho i was asleep ๐Ÿ’•
hyah-lian ยท 2 years
Ahhh, I'm sorry blood sugar stuff is keeping you awake. :( Roolie's on standby with glucose tablets since I imagine it's the low side that's bothering you. But if it isn't, the nurse boys have insulin lol.
Anyway, I'm half insane with exhaustion so sorry if this is too personal of a post but hiii insomnia buddy <3
Aaaa ty ; u ;
It was the low side! Havin a rebound from a high earlier, my pump likes to overcorrect (my endo team n I are trying to figure out the right adjustments still) lol I ate like half a sleeve of oreos and was all good
I love the lads on standby with all the options lol
Sry I flaked out on you before answering but I feel ya on the half loopy exhaustion โค I hope u can get/have gotten some rest
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