#i will speak hours on end when it comes to Remedy kahfaksh
kkrazy256 · 3 years
🔥📙🍋🌸 (for the oc ask thing)
🔥: Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colors, textures, music, weather, and other stuff!
Likes: Spicy food, good caf (he and Fox could have a battle to the death over the last bit of caf in the breakroom while the entire Guard watches and takes bets. Everyone bets on Remedy), dye-ing hair, parkour (useful on the lower levels), gardening, small things like miniatures, dioramas, and other tiny collectibles, sunny weather.
Dislikes: Sweets (but he will keep lollipops in his office and hand them to cooperative vode after checkups, and tell them ‘it’s because you were so brave about it unlike the Commander’ with a straight face), alcohol, loud music, board games, drafts/wind from unexplained sources, the dark, the cold and being unexpectedly touched.
📙: What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
His favorite subject is toxicology! He’s very good with chemicals and that can be useful for the creation of medicines, antidotes, and poisons. His specialty might even be poisons. Take what you will from that.
Stemming from that, he enjoys pretty much all science, especially current research development in the medical field. There’s a stigma where most natborns believe clone medic knowledge is crude and only fundamental and that they can’t become anything more than medics. Certainly not a doctor. Coruscant has a lot of universities on the topside and hosts a lot of research symposiums for esteemed scientists. But they are definitely not open to clones.
There’s a thing that Remedy helped startup for the GAR medics. Since it’s a big galaxy, not everyone can make it to these conferences in person, so they are usually broadcasted/streamed if you have the right access links/codes. Remedy works with one of the best slicers in the Guard to gain access to these conferences and uploads them to a server made specifically for the GAR medics so those that are interested in learning more can access them. He does the same for university courses, working with slicers to make up student profiles for vode to gain access to registration so they can learn in their free time.
🍋: Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not?
He’s not interested in romance so he doesn’t get romantically jealous. But there is some yearning for closeness with his brothers that he denies himself because he’s got a doctor-patient distancing thing going on. And after everything that’s happened, he doesn’t want to get too attached to his medical team. So seeing other vode be close makes him feel some pangs of longing/jealousy but he quickly distracts himself from it with work. He tells himself, “as long as they’re all safe and healthy, that’s good enough for me”. Of course, he will eventually get coerced to hang out more with his bros, whether it’s for a meal or just chilling. Maybe regular hair brushing with Leo’s Nocte (he will get silently jealous if Nocte brushes someone else’s hair but he’s not going to say anything kajhflka.) Just god, please I need him to get some sibling cuddles and therapy asap.
Oh, but he is very petty. If you disregard his medical advice? He will bring it up every chance he gets and makes you feel guilty about it. He knows where to press to make it hurt, and won’t feel guilty about it if he believes he’s in the right. If he goes too far, he will follow up with a sentence or two that softens the blow, but he won’t apologize.
🌸: What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
He sounds like Temeura Morrison as all the clones do and should. His voice is a bit lighter, not too rough or gravelly. But when he goes full-intimidation medic-mode, his voice is loud and sharp. Even commanders suddenly feel like cadets, stammering out, ‘yessir!’. He’s picked up a mix of lower-level Coruscanti accents from all the shady dealings he does down there (easier to get others to trust you/fall for your traps if you sound just like they do).
He rarely shows up to team-building karaoke night because he always has some excuse to miss it. And when he does, he’s usually just sitting back, not singing. So no one knows if he can sing. He can :) a very soft singing voice that fits slow songs.
He doesn’t laugh a lot. If he does, it’s usually a controlled, sarcastic ‘harhar’ type of laugh. But when he does genuinely laugh? It’s the most room-stopping sound in the galaxy. Because no one’s ever heard it before and you wouldn’t want to miss it for anything.
OC Asks
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