#i will sexualize every single part of gortash i dont gib a shit
hijackalx · 6 months
what if Gortash has long hair and I can put it in a ponytail with my hands as he goes down on me. THOUGHTS??? IDEAS??? I WANNA GEAB HIS HAIR AND PULL IT
i have only just recently been converted into a long hair gortash enjoyer so i havent had many thoughts on it BUT IM FEELING THIS ONE ‼️‼️‼️
i think hes SO into having his hair pulled…….. like the way ur grip tightens/twitches when hes really putting the mf work in HELLO !!!! 💪🏻💯 imagine his deep groans when u do it !!!! WHILE he has u in his mouth AHH !!!!! HELLLLLPPPPP !!! MY PUSSYS GONE CRAZY !!!!!!!
ALSO…….. on the topic of gortash hair…….. i fucking love those longer mullet-ish (LMAO) pieces on his neck……. i want to grab those sooooo bad. u cant really see them usually because they blend in with the collar of his jacket but they cant hide from me…… i see them………
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