#i was not confident enough to do a chrollo one i'm so sorry >.<
lovelucilfer Β· 1 month
I thought this selfship game was so cute and wanted to do it, so thank you to @strawberrystepmom and @tired-biscuit for having open tags!!! πŸ’• I still feel new around here so please be nice to me kdbjhfbd πŸ˜–
Chelsuke // Chelsea x Sasuke instagram feed ~ πŸ’™βœ¨
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And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences / sit with you in the trenches / give you my wild, give you a child
Tagging my bestie in sin @feitanporter and the lovely @isaut ~ (if you'd like to of course, no pressure!!) πŸ’— Otherwise, open tags!!!
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oakantony Β· 7 months
hey emanthony I love your hxh fics some much I have a random question that you can totally ignore if you dont feel like answering πŸ˜„ I've noticed that killua is usually away in your fics like in your last fic he was on a boarding school and in your other fics he is just mentioned but doesnt have a major role except for the sharpest knife though he was still more like plot device there imo, do you try to avoid writing him because he is arguably the most popular hxh character and you prefer not to deal with the unnecessary fandom drama that writing a fic about him might cause? Which is totally fine if thats the reason, your fics are still amazing with killua involve but I was just curious.
I have MANY thoughts and I'm preemptively sorry for the wall of text that's about to happen. ily, though, here's the TLDR: it's honestly mostly logistical issues that have caused me to avoid inserting Killua into stories.
tbh if I didn't want fandom drama I wouldn't have written that opening for The Youngest Child. That shit was risky af. I still marvel that I haven't gotten e-flayed over it and sometimes I consider removing the story entirely because I have anxieties. (Obviously Chrollo and Kalluto's tryst at the beginning is not meant to be some hot aspirational kink-thing [you do you if you're into that]--the intention has always been to show how far Chrollo had fallen, socially, and how Kalluto has been placed in a dangerous position his entire life without parental figures to care for his well-being [enter: Gon, our knight in sun-shining armor.]) But we're not here to talk about that, so I'll stop lmao.
I've gotten a few questions about Killua throughout the years, ranging from people wondering if I hate him (I love him; I have him as a tattoo) or if I'm just not confident writing him (I'm not confident writing anything, ever), and really it's mostly just logistical. I actually would love to do a Killua-centric story one day, but I haven't had time (though I'm constantly trying to figure out how to write more and faster so I can write more fic. I legit have a pretty fleshed out story in my mind featuring Killua Zoldyck x Shouto Todoroki, which sounds WILD, and it is wild, but I also think I could make it work).
When I say logistical, it's like... We can use The Youngest Child as an example. Obviously Killua being absent is one of the main plot points, but if we pretend instead that his parents decided Kalluto was a better heir, the story doesn't change much... Except that I now have another big personality to contend with. Killua is, without exception, a main character. If he's there, he's going to be there, you know? He'd have to have a whole subplot of his own (which I'll touch on more in a second). The Youngest Child would likely be double in length. Maybe even triple, because I'd have to explain him and Gon's relationship from the onset, too. That would take my idea for a novella-length story and turn it into a full on novel. Which is fine, but as previously mentioned... Time. I can either knock out a story with Kalluto, Gon, the Troupe, Illumi, Hisoka, and the Zoldycks (that's already a wild list to write concisely) in ~20k words, or I can add Killua and watch it bloat up to like, 50k at the least.
There's also an element to writing Killua that I'm not sure a lot of people realize is actually a lengthy subject to cover, and that's his responsibility to his family. Even as a side character, there's so much to address. His story ends (both in the manga and in the anime) with him rescuing his sister, running away, and presumably keeping her safe from Zoldyck influence. But what about the other kids? Maybe we can write off Illumi; he's fully grown, and abused Killua deeply enough that Killua could dismiss him as a victim of their upbringing. But what about Milluki, who's openly derided and dismissed by their parents? What about Kalluto, a small costumed doll handed over to a genocidal gang? Is Kalluto not worthy of saving? We know Kalluto loves Killua; we never see Killua think of Kalluto at all. Does that mean Killua doesn't love his other brothers? Does that mean he doesn't think they suffer? Obviously Alluka needed rescued, that's not in question. But any canon-compliant fic that includes Killua has to answer this question (and many of them do not, and I don't blame them): does he care about his family at all?
(The answer, imho, is yes, but Killua is so afraid of his past and his parents and his role as heir that it paralyzes him similar to the ways we saw him paralyzed trying to fight for Gon in the Chimera Arc.)
That's why it's hard to include him in fics. That's honestly probably why Togashi hasn't included him in the manga in 11 years. There're so many loose ends. It's a nightmare to tie up neatly so that other characters and their stories can shine. I mentioned it before, but he's got some of the biggest main character energy of any fictional character ever made (this is a compliment). His capacity for love, violence, humor, poise, intelligence... He's really remarkable. He's going to outshine anyone if he gets involved. Illumi's whole arc in The Longest Job was learning some of the things that Killua's been capable of his whole life. If Killua was there, Illumi probably would have seen even more pathetic than he already was. Which maybe isn't a bad thing, lol.
Anyway. I should write a Killua fic one day. Lemme just finish...uh...man, idek. I have like 6 WIPs at the moment. I'm gonna go lay down.
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peachiipark Β· 3 years
character: chrollo - (chrollo x fem!reader)
genre: angst, slight fluff
title: "the queen to his king, pt.2"
cw: mentions of assault
a/n: a part two was requested, so i shall write! here's chrollo and y/n's backstory :) i feel bad since this is even shorter than the original, but i tried my hardest! hope you enjoy πŸ’—
(thanks to a quick google search, i discovered that the troupe was formed around 12 years ago in the hxh timeline. that's just for a bit of context! :D)
meteor city ; ten years ago
Chrollo quickly realized that he was being cornered. Not bothered by the situation, he allowed it to happen. His pursers may have been buff and much larger compared to him, but Chrollo could tell that they were significantly weaker.
"That lil' dagger of yours gave me a few scars, but it's not enough to keep me down!" the bulky thug spoke with a Scottish accent, tugging on Chrollo's clothes.
He shoved Chrollo against the wall, attempting to rise fear in the man. Chrollo's lack of a reaction seemed to upset the attacker even more, causing him to try and land a punch on the criminal.
"H-Hey! Let him- Ack! Let him go. Now!"
The two men turned to the direction of the voice to find an injured woman. She could barely stand on her own, using the remainder of her strength to stand up for Chrollo.
"Oh, look what we have 'ere. The little lass from earlier! I guess the beating I gave her wasn't enough." His attention shifted from mugging Chrollo to the confident stranger.
"You gave me quite the bruise with that kick! Robbing you didn't bring me enough satisfaction. I'm going to kill ya!" He yelled, charging at the woman. Before he could take another step, the thug nearly froze in time. Confused as to what was going on, the woman trembled in pain and fear, watching as her previous attacker collapsed.
Chrollo already knew that the man was dead before he hit the ground. Only because he had poisoned the dagger from earlier. The stranger ran over and immediately checked the man's pulse. Coming to the realization that he was dead, she backed off and walked over to Chrollo.
"A-Are.. Are you okay, Sir?"
He simply nodded, eyeing her various wounds.
"That guy, he's.." The woman covered her mouth, gagging a bit. "I can't.. think about it."
"Was he not bothering you? You should be glad. One less horrible person in this town." He spoke hollowly, shifting his eyes to the large corpse.
"Y-Yes, but-" Knees buckling, she quickly began to fall, landing into Chrollo's arms. He could feel the way her breathing became more and more uneven. In between being injured and seeing a corspe, she was probably shaken up This girl needed medical attention, stat.
"What is your name?"
"Y/N.. My name is Y/N.." She slurred, slowly slipping out of consciousness. "I-I'm sorry for bother–ing.. Please.. you go... I'll be okay on my own.."
"You have no idea who I am, do you? Why did you save me from that man? I'm a criminal too."
"You looked nice, that'sallicansay.." Y/N's sentences became mush as she fell asleep, nuzzling into Chrollo's chest. Obviously, this left him quite shocked. Cuddling and calling a murderer 'nice'? Who was this girl? Did she have something wrong with her? Although he needed to return back to the base, Chrollo felt the strange urge to take her with him.
For the meds, Chrollo thought. She needs to be healed and bandaged. Little did he know, Y/N would end up meaning much more to him than he could ever imagine.
accompany on: to the masterlist!
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