#i was just listing to when memories snow by mistki
casimircrane · 6 months
the first year shauna got back from the wilderness was fine. she was fine. she was dating jeff and they were on track to marry, just like jackie- no. shauna was dating jeff. not jackie. jackie is dead.
the first spring was easy. there was food on her table, in her belly, her parents approved of jeff, everything was good.
the first summer was good. sure she wasnt going to brown, she had already made up her mind about that when she didnt know if ja-. when the pla-. when she got the letter. she had a summer job and bought one small ceramic bunny with some money from each of her minimum wage paychecks.
the first autumn was an adjustment. shauna didnt like the weather changing. when it was warmer she was okay, but during the nights she had to sleep with no less than 4 blankets. every so often she would wake up in the night to turn to jackie and say-. she would just wake up during the night because of the cold. thats it. her parents kept the house at 75 degrees ferenhiet exactly.
the first winter home was terrible. she wouldnt leave her house. she couldnt leave her house. she lost her part time job. jeff was coming over dayly to make her eat something. anything. she always said it didnt taste right. she wasnt used to seasoning anymore was all. when the first snowfall came, she woke up shivering. her blinds and curtains were shut. when she opened them like she always did, her heart dropped. she rushed into her back yard screaming jackies name, digging into the snow trying to find her body. where is jackies body. i shouldve never fought with her. where is she. where is she. WHERE IS SHE.
shauna's parents find her in her pajamas, with cold and bloodied finger tips and red snow around her sobbing body. they take her to bed and turn up the thermostat. they get her a heated blanket that christmas.
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