#i was also not a fan of yangchen before her books but now she and i are homies
I got tagged to answer some questions like half a year ago(oh wow😳) by one of my besties @brotherspankus-streaming (Thank you, King ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) Please go watch his streams! Sometimes there are cats!
Without further ado(unless you wanted more ado... haha jk... unless?👀):
Last Album?
So I actually haven't listened to all the new music from some of my favorite artists this year because I've been busy but at the start of the year I listened to all of "Ctrl" by SZA. This album effortlessly slides into my top 10 favorite albums. I don't know why I didn't get into SZA before but in January I was like "I need more of her voice", I decided to listen to more of her stuff and now I'm a huge fan. CTRL is such a good album within which SZA allows herself to be vulnerable about her relationships, insecurities and other things that people would generally never admit. My favorite song from CTRL is "Broken Clocks" but every now and then a different one comes back to me that I have on repeat for weeks. Also she casually mentions that she's dated women on this album(which came out in 2017) and confirmed it in a follow-up interview but I never really see people mention her as a queer/lgbt+ artist which is strange to me.
Last Movie?
Last movie I watched was Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness(it's finally available in HD digitally for you to DisneyMinus it). NOW I'M NOT ONE OF THE MCU GIRLIES but I do like spiderman movies and the last one had a end credits trailer(marvel studios, normal movies don't have these!!) for this one so I decided I would watch it too. However, I know marvel movies insist on trying to be some sort of fucked up gestalt so I watched WandaVision and Dr Strange 1 beforehand. DSMOM was not that good imo. The feats of power weren't really that impressive, they BARELY explored the multiverse for a movie that was supposed to be about it(Unlike our beloved All of It All Around At the Same Time ) and I believe they nerfed Wanda so that she wouldn't win her fights before they started. Wanda's lines were very iconic though and I think those saved the movie.
Currently Reading?
I started Chainsaw Man(manga) by Tatsuki Fujimoto a while back but I've been lazy with the reading so I'm not very far(I've become weak;teenage me used to finish entire manga series in like 2 days). I'm like 2 chapters in and it's alright but idk if I'll like it. It's very highly rated and popular among weebs, which isn't really a great vote of confidence, so I'm hoping it's good.
I haven't read any actual novels in while but I think I'll get the next book in the "Chronicles of the Avatar Series" once it comes out in a few days so I can find out the tea on Yangchen.
Currently Watching?
Harley Quinn(animated series). I'm not a huge DC(or marvel) fan because I was a weeb as a teen but it's refreshing to see DC from a modern and relatable point of view. I love observational humor and series that don't take themselves too easily so I really like this one.
I'm also watching Odd Taxi(anime). I don't think it's very popular but it got good ratings and was recommended by a close friend. It's alright so far.
I'm like halfway through Our Flag Means Death(live-action show) but I got busy and forgot about it. It's not bad but pirates and that time period aren't always interesting to me.
As I'm writing this I'm receiving word that season 4 of What We Do in the Shadows has started so I guess that's how I'll be spending my night.
Currently Craving?
Something sweet... a peach tree... Jk I'm not a wild woman and I do get the blues. Anyway maybe something savory like ____ or chicken?
This was fun and an excuse for me to ramble haha
I'm tagging @iridiiscente @badhanddealt @mystiqdreamer @phagethemage @gaybluemage @virgo-dicks @universalinvariant @5eanathan @trekwiz @waterloo-rd @tuna-core @rabid-mr-blobby @taykoutmccleod @marky-g20 @jimothysomebody @bundibird @teruterusky
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