#i was a hungry gal before but now?? i feel like i could devour whole worlds
fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
The only problem with doing exercise is that I’m now hungry ALL the time
#i was a hungry gal before but now?? i feel like i could devour whole worlds#i had tea early. i had four black bean tacos and i feel like they didn’t even touch the sides#if someone invited me out for dinner i’d go and i’d be able to eat a big plate#i’m sitting here like can i justify second tea??? supper. is that something#i could make pasta or something. or eat the rest of the taco filling. that’s supposed to be for lunch tomorrow 🙃🙃🙃#if i make the tacos i’m PILING them with all the lettuce in the hopes that something will fill me up#oh i could make popcorn. it’s not exactly filling but i have it and i’m not saving it for anything#god i wish i had some tofu. i’m craving fried tofu and sticky spicy sauce so so badly but i don’t have any fucking tofu#i have all the components of the sauce though!! which is so annoying. i remembered to buy five spice BUT NOT TOFU I HATE IT HEEEERE#i need to convince someone to drive me into town just to buy tofu. or take the bus but god that’ll be annoying#it’s the last saturday of the easter holidays so my town will be full of tourists running about wild and i’m liable to not be able to move#for their nonsense#but god what’s the alternative. eat random bullshit that is in my house? or i could see if the shop in the village has tofu#i fucking highly doubt that it does but it won’t hurt to check. and i might find something good to eat#i don’t get food delivered until sunday :( and there’s very little food in my house and nothing that i like#i’m even out of curry sauce paste. and harissa. i had to make the tacos with gochujang. jesus#maybe i should make halloumi fried rice tomorrow and just see what happens#personal
0 notes
Hey, Stranger
alright guys, gals, and non binary pals! I present to you ‘Sex with a Stranger (but not really a stranger)’! so excited to be a part of @berrynarrybanana ‘sex bucket list fic challenge! theres a ton of talented ass writers participating in this, so be sure to check it out!
here is 6.5k words of absolute filth and smut! literally this stuff is filthy i was shook myself
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A well deserved break was in your favor. 
A long break that had to do with a lot of drinking and perhaps fucking, if you’re lucky enough tonight. 
Work has been stressful lately. Being the CEO of an up and coming makeup brand has its perks. The new season called for a new line of makeup and the whole process would start again. The countless meetings with the design team, marketing team, and the factory; all while hoping everything runs smoothly. 
It was the busiest season of the year trying to come up with new and better ideas for your brand, and hoping everyone likes it. 
Needless to say, you needed a break. A well deserved break at that. 
It’s been a while since you properly went out by yourself. You’re not even sure if you’ve ever been out by yourself, especially to a bar. It was a last minute decision that you told yourself that you were going to step out and have a drink after work, and it would’ve been too late to call anyone up considering it was 8 at night. 
Work had been keeping you at the office later than usual, and you hated it. You were a firm believer of having downtime and taking care of your body and skin after work, but you get home so late that all you want to do is crash; not given enough time to relax. 
But it was Friday night and you thought that a drink to celebrate the end of the working week was enough to go out. 
You walked through the door of the bar, seeing that there were a good amount of people there, but it wasn’t too overcrowded. You took a seat at the counter, and the bartender had already seen you, making his way to you. 
“Hi. Can I get a shot of tequila please?” 
“Sure thing,” he replied and quickly took out a shot glass and reached for the tequila bottle that was at the top of the shelf, and poured it. “Want a lime? Or a chaser to go with that?” He asks as he sets the glass right in front of you. 
“Nah, I’m good. Thank you.” Without a thought, you downed it, letting the burning liquid run down your throat. The bartender was still in front of you, an impressive look on his face. “Can I get another please?” He nods, and pours you another, which you gulp it quickly. He waits for you to ask for another, “I’m okay right now. I’ll call you if I want another, thanks,” he nods and serves his other customers. 
You start eating the peanuts that were set right in front of you as you remembered that you didn’t have much to eat before; just a small salad with coffee for lunch. No wonder why you were so hungry, practically devouring the whole bowl of peanuts. 
“Pretty impressive to down two shots in a row,” a man takes a seat right next to you. You couldn’t help but think how attractive he is. His hair was short and slightly curly at the top along. Overall, his face was just too pretty. 
“Why, were you watching me?” You tease. 
“How could I not when a pretty girl walks into a bar and orders two shots and downs them back to back?” He smirks and your face is hot. The two shots and very little food you’ve eaten had made your face fluster. 
“Wow, that whole thing you said sounded like a song. Are you a musician?” He laughs, genuinely laughs. The whole head thrown back and his fist banging on the counter. 
“Of some sorts. I’m Harry,” he takes his hand out to shake, and you take it.
“Nice to meet you, Harry.” 
“And you are?” 
“Whatever you want to call me tonight,” you smirk. 
“Oh, so we’re playing like that, huh?” His brows raise and you nod, giving him a ‘mhm.’ “Well, if that’s the case, I reckon we’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight,” his eyes turn dark and you have no idea what you’re in for, but oh, you’re so ready for it. 
“Tell me,” he starts and you raise your eyebrows, “tell me what you like being called.” 
“Hmm. There’s a few that I can think of,” you think up, pretending to think.
“Yeah? Care to share?” 
“I think I’ll save that for when it happens,” you tease. 
“And when do you think it’ll happen?” He smirks. 
The sexual tension between you two is insanely thick. With back and forth teasing and smirking, you two are building up the tension and connection, and there is absolutely no doubt that you have a connection with this stranger. 
“I think it’ll happen a lot sooner than you think,” you give him a look as if you’re saying ‘how does that sound?’ 
“Do you mind if I touch you?” He suddenly asks. 
“Quite the gentleman you are when you’re going to tear me up tonight,” you joke, but quite literally meaning it.  
“Always a gentleman out of the bed, but don’t expect me to be nice to you in bed,” he tests. 
“Oh, I don’t expect you to be. Want you to go for it. And by the way, yes you can touch me.” 
Harry grabs your hand, caressing it. It had surprised you because you had expected him to go somewhere less innocent than holding hands. You feel the soft rubs of his thumb, gently rubbing over your skin, and the small touch of his sends electrical sparks throughout your body. You’ve never felt like this. The slightest touch of someone you don’t know and had just met had this effect on you, and it blew your mind. 
“What are you trying to do, Harry?” You take a deep breath as he begins rubbing your leg. He starts off slow, starting at the knee, testing to see if it was okay, and when he looked up at you, he saw you nod and began circling his single finger across your thigh. 
He made all sorts of patterns across your thigh, and you had wished that you were wearing a skirt or shorts just so you could feel it on your actual skin, but the thick barrier of denim was in the way. 
Harry’s face was close to yours and you think he’s about to kiss you, but his face steers him next to your ear. You feel his run closer to your heated core, but not just there yet. He was running his finger in your inner thigh, making you squirm in your seat and hit breaths coming out of your mouth, hitting Harry’s ear. 
“I’m trying to get you ready. Is that okay?” He finally answers your question, and you had totally forgotten that you had asked that due to the distraction of an insanely hot man teasing you to your death. 
“Get me ready for what exactly?” 
“I’m sure you know what.” 
“Hmm, rather have you tell me,” you hear him take a breath in and out. What you don’t expect next was that his finger had made its way in between your thighs, pushing down on your clit. The feeling had totally shocked you, not expecting him to touch you in such an open and public place, but you honestly are far from caring. 
“Wanna lick and eat your pussy when I take you back to my place. I want you to cum all over my mouth that your legs give out. Then I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you’re sore. Gonna fuck you till you remember me for the next guy you wanna fuck because let’s face it, darling, all you’ll be thinking about is me. You’re gonna come back to my cock and begging me to fuck you over and over again,” he tells you sensually in your ear, all while pressing down on your clit and moving his thumb around. The friction between your thick jeans and his finger felt amazing, and it took so much in you to not buck your hips into his finger. “How does that sound?” He says, coming face to face with you. 
The dominant side of him is showing heavily. But you were one to not put down a fight. 
“That sounds great, in all honesty, and I would absolutely love that. But I’ll believe it when you show me. You could be all talk for all I know,” you’re practically challenging him to your death. You know this guy would fuck you good. Hell, the way he’s just talking to you is leaving you a stain on your panties from your arousal. 
“You’re testing me, darling,” he shakes his head. “But if you really wanna know, how about I take you to my place right now and I’ll show you?” He stands from his stool. 
You shrug your shoulders, “okay,” you stand as well, grabbing your purse. “But aren’t you gonna kiss me first?” Harry raises his eyebrows, shocked this woman is even asking that when he’s literally about to fuck her brains out. “What? All I’m thinking is that what if our first kiss is horrible when we get back to yours? So if the kiss is horrible then the sex will definitely be worse,” you know you’re on his last nerve, and you’re surprised he hasn’t moved on to the next girl to pull his moves on, but he seems to be enjoying the bantering. 
“Okay, that’s fair. Can I kiss you darling?” Harry asks just like the gentleman he is. 
“Yes. Please kiss me,” you plead. 
Harry wastes no time in connecting your lips together. Soft lips that mold together when they become one. The taste of alcohol on each other’s tongue can drive you both drunk; drunk in one another’s taste, lips, hold. You had wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as he wraps his around your waist. The two of you both kiss each other in the middle of the bar, not giving a single fuck that people are still around and they can obviously see. You’re so caught up in him, he’s so caught up in you that neither of you don’t care to stop. 
The only thing that does make you two stop was the drop of glass shattering, startling the both of you to pull away from one another. Some random guy had dropped his drink, making a complete mess on the ground, and all the attention was turned on him. Luckily, away from you and Harry. 
“How was that?” He asks, in hopes that you would still let him take you home, 
“It was good. Really good.” There was no point in playing with him if he’s actually good in bed. You knew that the first time he sat next to you. But god, that tongue is driving you crazy, and it’s sending so many thoughts of what else that tongue can do to your body. 
“Then let’s save the rest for later, darling. Reckon we put on a show,” he chuckles, placing his hand on your lower back to guide you through the door. “Really not gonna tell me your name yet?” 
“Hmm, nah. Maybe after you fuck me. I believe you’re already too attached,” you tease. 
Harry laughs and shakes his head, and thinks this girl is gonna be the death of me. 
The ride to his house was anything but awkward. Harry had called his driver, not wanting to risk driving even though he’s only had one drink, but really he just wanted to be close to you. You’ve never met someone who has their own personal driver, and it amazed you how much money this guy has. Not like you were interested in the money because frankly, you were only in it for the hot sex you’re about to have with, but damn! Hot stranger with hot sex and hot money? Why the fuck not. 
As soon as the door shut and the car started moving, he grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours. He told you that he was saving the kisses for later, but he couldn’t help it. Your lips were irresistible that he needed to feel it against his again, along with other places, but he’s only a handful of minutes away and then he’ll be graced with the beauty of her lips around his cock. 
His aching and hard cock, to be exact. 
Once the car comes to a stop, he thanks his driver and leads you out the car and to his front door. You stand behind him as he tries getting the right key into the slot, but he’s shaking and anxious because of his excitement. 
You made the bold move to reach over and palm his bulge. Harry’s breath hitches in his throat as he continues fumbling with his keys. Your front is pressed to Harry’s back, squeezing him through his pants. You can tell he’s big and ready to be taken care of. 
“Never gonna get in the house if you keep doing that,” he moans out, finally relieving some of the pressure that went straight to his cock. 
“Sorry, couldn’t help but notice how hard you were when we were in the car, so I had to feel for myself,” you say against his back, kissing him through his shirt. He turns his head to the side, so you could hear what he’s about to say loud and clear. 
“Keep it up or I’m fucking you against the door that you’ll be screaming my name so loud that you would wake up my neighbors.” 
“You act like I’m opposed to that,” you giggle, but he takes your hands away from his dick, practically throwing it off.
He turns around slightly towards you, and his eyes darken, “be good.” You practically go silent after that as he turns back around.
He finally unlocks the door, pulling you instead to his house before smashing your lips against his. The quick movements had shocked you as you tried observing his wealthy home, but didn’t get a chance to due to his lips. 
Heated kisses dominate your mouth as your back hits the closed door. His tongue repeatedly touches yours, making your knees weak, and if it wasn’t for Harry holding you so tight, you would have definitely fallen. 
It was like you were finally waiting for this moment to come. The tension at the bar was so sharp that just upon meeting each other, there was a pool in your panties and a hard on in his pants. 
And to which, the arousal you both had are both hot and ready to devour one another to pleasure. 
“Can I touch you?” He one last time, knowing that this time you were turning in your full permission and submission. He already knew you were weak for him when you had said yes the first time, but again, he is a gentleman. 
You nod and lift the hem of his shirt up a bit, raking your nails on his love handles as you earned a moan from his that directed to your mouth. Harry unbuttons your jeans and pulls down the zipper, not finding enough time to fully take your pants off before his hands are down your pants already. His fingers find your clit, rubbing it gently in slow circles and he feels your wetness lubricating his fingers. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he whispers out. You only nod, not wanting to speak but only wanting your lips to be occupied by him. His finger finally touching your raw and bare pussy sent shivers down your spine. You were waiting for it ever since he had gotten close to you. 
He pulls his lips back from yours and starts kissing your neck as he undos the buttons of your shirt, and lifts it up and over your head, leaving you in just your bra and jeans. He trails down to your collarbones and works the latches of your bra, unhooking it to reveal your breasts. 
“Your tits, holy shit,” he immediately takes on your nipples, sucking and biting it while grabbing the other and fondling it, and switches and does the same. Once he’s done, he kisses his way down to your stomach, pulling your jeans down fully along with your panties. 
You had worn a red lace cheeky panty, feeling the most confident in sexy underwear. “Gonna have to see you in that another time, love,” the thought of him saying another time had made your heart drop. You couldn’t deny the connection between you two. Although not knowing him well enough emotionally, the physical connection was so strong. 
“Fucking lick me already,” you pant out breathlessly, already feeling heated from his teasing kisses. 
“Alright, alright,” you had expected him to lick you up already, but he still continues with kissing your skin and sometimes sucking on it, leaving a hickey. He kisses your pubic bone and thighs before hiking one leg up to rest on his shoulder, and starts licking a strike up your heated core. 
Harry flicks his tongue on your clit many times before sucking on it as you're a moaning mess standing above him. You grab a fistful of his curls before slightly bucking your hips, grinding against his tongue. The sensation running through your body is powerful, and you're lucky your leg is on Harry’s shoulder or else you would have collapsed. 
“Fuck, yessss,” you moan out as you continue grinding on his tongue. Harry stops you from moving by pulling back a little before inserting two fingers inside your pussy and continues flicking his tongue on your clit. His fingers curl up to meet the spongy spot inside of you, taking you to the brink of your orgasm. “Keep doing that,” he doesn’t stop fingering you and you continue with your motion from before, needing to feel pressure on your clit with his tongue. 
“Taste so good, baby,” he says quickly before proceeding to lick and suck your clit. 
“Mhm,” you whine out, “I’m gonna cum, baby,” you say as your hips buck. 
“Cum on my face, please. Need it,” he urges out, continuing to curl his fingers into your pussy. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” you had felt like a water balloon inside you had exploded, feeling the overwhelming pleasure of your orgasm. Harry lets go of your leg that was resting on his shoulder and kisses your clit once more and the inside of your thighs, before kissing up to your lips. When you put your foot down on the ground, you were welcomed by a wet floor. You tried looking down at the mess you’ve made, but Harry’s lips caught yours, and you feel his wet chin that’s dripping your inside fluids off of his chin and down to your chest and the taste of your orgasm on his lips, making the scene so erotic and filthy. 
“Be careful, you might slip. Let’s go to the bedroom, yeah? Maybe you can make a mess on my sheet like you did my floor. Didn’t know I got squirted in my hands,” he grabs the back of your thighs, hoisting you up and your legs go around his waist. You were about to kiss him, feeling lost without it, but he needed to watch his step as he turned out, not wanting to slip and hurt both of you. 
He carries you to the bedroom as you kiss his face and his neck, and it takes so much in him not to just fuck you where he’s standing. Once he finally sees the bed, he makes sure he’s close enough before he practically throws you on it. A squealing yelp comes out of your mouth as you giggle slightly. 
Harry was still fully clothed as you’re fully naked, but you wanted to change that as soon as possible. You motion him to come towards you with your finger, and he walks towards the edge of the bed, standing above you. You sit on your knees on the bed, and lift his shirt up halfway so he could take it off. And once he does, you admire his body. His beautiful body that you’ve been aching to see. The one that doesn’t compare to anyone else, and all you want to do is love on him and fuck him. 
“Fuck, look at you,” you breathe out before you kiss his neck and trail down to his chest. His tattooed chest was something you wanted to look out forever. You wanted to kiss each and every single one of his inked designs, but you do that to what is right in front of you. You kiss the swallow tattoos, kissing down the middle and stopping at his pecs. You lick one of his nipples and do the same to the other, and Harry had not expected you to do that at all, but he isn’t complaining. You then trail down to the butterfly on his stomach, kissing it loads before going down to the ferns that lay at the bottom. His body is so sexy, so magnifying, and you wanted to engulf every single inch of him. 
You managed to get his belt off, and start working on the button and his zipper, pulling it down just enough to see the entirety of his underwear. Harry quickly takes off his jeans and kicks them to the side as he stands in just his underwear. You continue kissing his stomach, deciding that you weren’t done leaving a trail of your lips all over his body so he wouldn’t forget about this night. You fondle him over his briefs, relieving some of the pressure that is his hard cock, and Harry moans. 
A smile is present on your mouth, happy to hear his sensual moan. “So hard for me already,” you look up through your lashes. 
“Been hard since the moment I laid my eyes on you,” he looks down at you, and you smile, blushing at his statement. 
You finally release the restraint that is his underwear, and his dick springs up. You lick your lips hungrily, looking up at him. “You’re so fucking big, holy shit.” 
“Stroking my ego, aren’t you?” 
“Yeah, and stroking your cock,” you lick your hand and grab a hold of him, stroking your hand up and down, working him up. As your hand works against him, you suck the skin of his hip, leaving multiple hickeys on his skin. 
You finally lick up his cock from base to tip, and take his tip inside your mouth, sucking lightly. You then take more of him, hollowing your cheeks. 
“Yeah, baby. Do it like that,” Harry groans out. He pushes all of your hair to one side, so he could see your face. You were in an all fours position, and it was hurting your back and neck, but you didn’t care; only wanting Harry to feel the pleasure right now. 
You start taking more of him, feeling the tip hit the back of your throat and your nose pressed up against his pubic bone. Harry moans get stuck in his throat and you release him. 
“Like that? Like when you can feel the back of my throat? Like when you’re in my mouth? Huh…daddy?” The name had slipped and you didn’t expect it. But it had turned you on even more, and you were hoping it did the same to him. 
And oh, it did. 
His eyes turn dark as he looks down at you with his cock in your hand, pumping it. He smirks, grabbing a fistful of your hair, bringing you up to his lips. Your forehead is pressed against his and his lips graze yours, and you want to desperately kiss them. And you try to, but he tugs your hair back. 
“You wanna call me daddy? Yeah? Be a good little girl and suck daddy’s cock, and let’s see if you have the honor of calling me that. Got it?” You nod, not trusting your voice and also surprised how fast his tone changed. He pushes your head back down to his cock and you take him back in your mouth. Your mouth works on him, having to move from side to side because of the position you're in, which causes your whole body to move as well. 
From Harry's view, he’s got the view of your naked back and your ass. He lets one hand go from your hair and reaches forward to slap one cheek causing you to moan around him. “Fuck, you’re such a good girl,” he whispers out, feeling the vibrations from your moans straight to his dick. 
The second time he said the pet name, it made you clench. It caused your thighs to slightly close and make you moan around his cock. And Harry notices and he thinks he hit the jackpot.
He pulls out of your mouth again and brings your face to his with both hands on the sides of your face. 
“You like that, huh? Like being called a good girl? Didn’t wanna fucking tell me your name because you wanted me to call you good girl. Think you were being a good girl? I certainly don’t think so. Do you think so?” Your hair was a wild mess, mouth still wide open like his big cock had jammed it open. He slips his thumb in your mouth, “answer me.” 
“No, don’t think I was.” 
“Exactly, I didn’t think you were either. But since you wanna be called that so bad, prove to me that you are by sucking me good,” he lets go of you and you bend down to continue sucking him. 
He starts bucking his hips, fucking your mouth, and hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag around him. It had felt amazing to him, having you gag around him, but decided to stop, not wanting to hurt you. 
“Do it again? Want you to fuck my mouth,” you beg. He doesn’t hesitate to thrust into your mouth, starting off slowly though, not wanting to push you. 
After a thrusting a few or more times, he starts holding your head when he reaches the back of your throat and your face is pushed up against his body. You tried your very best not to push away; opening your mouth wider than ever and relaxing your throat. Harry pulls you off of him and a string of saliva hangs from your lips to his tip. 
“Fuck, you’re fucking mouth, baby,” he pulls your face up to meet his, giving you a heated kiss. “You may call me daddy. Your mouth is so filthy already. Sucking me so good. You definitely are a good girl.” He kisses your lips and moves down to your neck. 
“Thank you, daddy.”
Now that foreplay is out of the way, he can’t wait to stuff himself inside of you. He had gone to get a condom, but you told him that you were clean and was on the pill, and said that he could go bare as long as he was clean. He immediately agreed and told you that he was clean and he just recently got tested, and if you wanted to see the result. You laughed, telling him no and that you trusted him. 
You lay on your back against the pillows and he hovers over you, giving you a few kisses before he reaches between you and lined himself up with your pussy. 
He finally pushes in and you both let out a moan in a sigh of relief. The feeling of the two of you connected, increased your arousal as Harry started thrusting in and out of you. Your hands were placed on his hips, pulling him close if possible; wanting him close as he pounds into you. 
“Feels so good,” your head throws back onto the pillows. Harry grabs both of your arms from around his waist before lifting them up above your head, holding your wrists in one hand. The other hand places a hand on one of your breasts, squeezing it harshly. 
“Yeah? Who feels good, baby?” He drives even deeper into you. 
“You, daddy. You feel so good,” you practically scream out. 
“God, baby girl, you feel amazing,” his head is thrown back in ecstasy, feeling you coat his cock with your arousal. 
“Thank you, daddy,” you bite your lip and innocently look him in the eye, but you’re far from innocent, 
“No, thank you. Just met and you’re already calling me daddy. Fuck, where have you been all my life?” He continued to thrust like there’s no tomorrow—harder, deeper, and all you could do is take it and moan. 
“Been so…lost…without you. Harder, please.” You feel yourself start slipping. Your head begins to feel dizzy as he relentlessly attacks your pussy with his cock. The pain and pleasure had taken over your mind, swirling and jumbling your words and thoughts. 
“My good baby girl wants it harder, huh?” You nod as you shut your eyes, feeling so much pleasure as Harry starts thrusting harder and faster, making a moaning mess out of you, his chest slightly sweaty from the movement and your back damped from the writhing above the sheet.
“You’re here now, aren’t you?  You’re here and you’re mine. Right, baby? You’re mine now?” Harry’s dominant side is seeking through, needing the praise and the reassurance. 
“Mhm…here and yours.”
“That’s right. Wanna be a good girl and ride my cock?” You nod and he pulls out of you, a whimper leaving your lips from the absence of him, and lays right next to you before pulling you on his body. You barely had any time to register what was happening, because it was all happening too fast for your liking, you found herself straddling him and he immediately lined himself up again, and pushed you down to sink onto him. 
You slowly start grinding on him as you were still in her hazing state. Everything was so fuzzy, but you continued to bounce on him, wanting to make him happy. 
“Good, baby girl. That’s so good,” he moans out, gripping your hips hard as he guides you up and down his cock. His hands trail up your stomach, stopping at your breasts to give them a harsh squeeze. He then reaches up to suck on them before covering them again with his hands. “Love your fucking tits.” 
Your hands cover his big ones grabbing your tits, and it’s a sight for Harry. His baby girl was riding him, eyes closed, mouth open, him touching her tits, and her touching his hands touching her tits. He was practically in heaven. 
“Gonna cum, daddy,” you whimper. You open your eyes and fall on his chest, all while still moving your hips. “Please, let me cum? Please, daddy?” You’re nose to nose with him, pleading to let you feel pleasure to the full extent. 
“Hold it, baby. I’m nearly there,” he says, kissing your cheek. A pout formed on your lips and you whined a little, feeling like you’re going to explode anytime soon. But you wanted Harry to reach his high too, so you don’t say anything and you hold it. 
“Fuck me then? Please, fuck me?” 
“Hold on tight, okay?” Your arms wrap around his neck and your face is buried right next to his head. The gaps were closed between you two, and you’re so close to him that it was starting to get hot, but in the best way. 
Harry wraps his arms around your torso, hugging you to him as he plants his feet onto the bed, and starting fucking up into you. His thrusting is fast and hard with skin slapping against each other and moans were only heard, and he’s there. He’s on the edge. 
“Daddy…” you say softly in his ear, practically begging him to give you his permission. “Please.”
“Go ahead, baby. Cum for me, yeah?” And with that, you cum…hard. So does Harry; shooting his hot cum deep inside of you with a loud groan of relief escaping his lips. “God, yes.” 
You softly grind down on him, riding your orgasm out until you feel a familiar squirting between your legs and on Harry's stomach. 
“Mmm,” you whine out. 
“Doing so well for me, baby girl. Cumming so hard for me, right?” You only nod, continuing to cry out. 
He pushes you off of him and you whimper, feeling lost without his body pressed up against yours, even though he’s inside of you still. You’re sitting up, straddling him, and you start feeling pressure on your clit. Harry’s thumb presses against it and starts rubbing it fast. 
“Ohh…” the feeling gets you to your next orgasm, grinding down on his cock as he rubs your clit. 
“One more, yeah? Got one more in there for me?” He challenges.
“Mhm…for you, daddy.”
“That’s right. For daddy, yeah? Come one, baby. Squirt for me again.” 
And you do, you squirt until your legs are shaking, and Harry’s body and sheet are covered in your juices. Your cries are loud, but it’s full of pleasure and the feeling of overwhelm. This just takes you more into a headspace, and with the shaking of your legs, it makes you even more dizzy. 
You collapse on Harry’s chest, wrapping your arms around him, wanting to feel him close as possible. You bury your face in his neck, practically crying against his neck, and you feel his hands rub your back and his lips against your temple. 
“Hey, hey. Why’re you crying?” He tries pulling your face out of his neck, but you whimper, not wanting to let go. “Come on, look at me, please?” His eyes had gone soft for the crying figure on top of him. He knew you were probably too overwhelmed and sensitive from all the pleasure, especially the full and hard orgasms. 
After a few minutes, you pull your head out of his neck and he’s met with glossy eyes and damped cheeks. He kisses your lips quickly, before asking, “what’s wrong, baby?” 
“Don’t wanna leave, daddy. You’re gonna kick me out now,” you sniffle. 
“What? No, I’m not. Baby, you live here too. Not gonna kick you out,” Harry frowns. 
“Yeah, you are because I’m supposed to be just a one night stand, and Daddy doesn’t do sleepovers and we just met.” 
“Hey, I’m Harry, alright? Come back to me. It’s Harry. You know Harry, right?” You only nod your head. “Your brain is all fuzzy, thinking I’m just daddy and I’m supposed to kick you out. No, it’s not like that, okay? We were just playing, remember?” He scratches your head. 
“Daddy’s not gonna leave or kick me out?” You look at him with your glossy eyes, begging him for you to stay.
“Daddy or Harry’s not gonna kick you out. Nor are they going to leave you. Ever.” He could feel you starting to relax on him, taking deep breaths rather than hearing your cries. “Come on, miss my girl. Want you back. It was nice ‘meeting’ you at the bar, but I miss you so much,” Harry says in soft and a hushed voice. He cradles her and hums, trying to get you to come back to the world. 
After a few minutes, he’s sure that you’ve fallen asleep in his hold, but you lift your head up, and he smiles. 
“Hey there, pretty lady.” 
“Welcome back, stranger,” he kisses her nose and you smile at his affection. 
“I went under again, huh?” Your face looked so defeated, like you were embarrassed. Sometimes you hated being in subspace because you have no clue and no control of how you’re acting. 
“Yeah, but it’s okay. You’re completely safe when you are and stop worrying too much. There’s nothing you could do or say that would make me leave you. Married you, so you’re stuck with me.” You nod, feeling slightly better. Harry was always so good with reassurance and aftercare when you’re in subspace or not. He’s also so caring and that’s one of the many reasons why you love him. 
“Thank you,” you say softly in his neck. 
“Of course. Always gonna take care of you,” he hugs you closer for a moment, relishing every moment he gets when you’re in his arms. “Now, let’s go take a bath? Let me wash you up before we sleep.” 
“Mmm. Don’t wanna move,” you say as you get comfortable on his body. “Feel so empty without you.” 
“Not going anywhere, love. You could cling onto me while I get the bath ready, how does that sound?” He moves your hair, so he could see your beautiful and tired face. You lift your head up to look at him. 
“No, what I meant was: I’m empty without you in me,” Harry’s mouth opens as if the realization just hit him; a soft ‘oh’ comes out. 
“Want me in you? Without the fucking, huh? Just wanna feel warm and nice?” He smiles, often loving when you go into subspace because a little cockwarming is in his favor. 
“Mhm. Please? Just for a little bit then we could take a bath.” 
“Okay, whatever you want. We could also do it in the bath too, but let’s stay here for a moment,” you nod in agreement. 
He reaches between you, stroking his dick to get it a little hard before lining himself up once again. His hips bucked and you pushed your hips down on him, both moaning in the relief of feeling full again. 
“Feel so good, even like this, baby,” you say against his skin. 
“Yeah? Keeping me warm, huh?” You nod and he kisses your face. “We should do this more often.” 
“I always keep your cock warm though,” Harry laughs at your vulgar language, but he’s not surprised. 
“I know that, but I didn’t mean that. I meant we should plan some nights where we don’t know each other and we meet up at the same place. Remember we always did that when we were dating? Got some of the best surprises out of each other.” 
“Yeah, I remember. Back when I was able to fit into my maid costume,” you sigh.“But sure. I really liked today. I was going for something else, but daddy just slipped out and I know how much you love being called that, so I just went with it,” you start scratching the back of his neck, and he feels like he could fall asleep anytime, but he’d rather stay up and talk to you. 
“Don’t deny that you don’t like calling me daddy either,” he sarcastically scoffs. 
“You’re right. I do,” you giggle, knowing that it’s your favorite thing to call him besides your innocent pet names for him. “I’m gonna surprise you for what kind of role playing we’re gonna do when we pretend not to know each other.” You kiss his chest and he hums. You both feel so relaxed that you feel Harry getting soft inside of you, but he still feels warm. 
“Okay, sounds good to me. As long as it’s with you then I have no reason to complain.” 
You smile at him, feeling so loved and grateful you’re married to him. As you two lay close to one another, chest to chest, and sexually and emotionally connected, you’re appreciative for the stranger that’s not really a stranger, holding you in his arms. 
feedback is very much appreciated! pls let me know what you think!
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queenmuzz · 4 years
Deep Blue Sea: Chapter IV
The way to a merman’s heart....
For a link to the full story on Ao3, click here
“You gotta be more specific than 'small silvery fish with spots' when describing the type you like, Vergil. That covers dozens of groups, let alone individual types.” You sat, back to the glass, while on your laptop, pulling up picture after picture of similar looking fish. Vergil floated behind your shoulder, steadily dismissing each picture.
“Well, the issue is that you humans seem to have picked a different name for it than we have” he almost seemed faintly amused at your frustration.
“What does the name 'Cordina' mean anyway?” You closed the browser window with the latest batch of rejected pictures. Well, it wasn't herring... what if it was a fish that humans just didn't eat?
“It is just a name in Old Mer. Do your names of your food staples have to mean something?”
He had a point. A cow was just that... a cow. You grumbled, this was going nowhere... You slammed the laptop shut, and spun to face him. He had been a lot closer than you expected, nearly plastered to the glass, and he quickly darted back, as if he had been caught doing something bad. Had there been no glass or water there, you would have been able to feel his breath on the back of your neck.... the thought of that made you feel warm...
“Alright wise guy, tell me something else about the fish, like how it moves, where it lives, any peculiar oddities it doesn't share with any other fish.” He cocked his head to the side, and his eyes looked upward as he recalled the information.
“It prefers cold water, and usually stays in the far south, ” He said, which was no help. Quite a few species were like that. “But...every so often, when the seasons make a full cycle, a current of cold water juts far north, and the Cordina follow it, to forage in the new territory. At the same time, the warmth of the Ringed Sea pushes against it, forcing the fish into a long narrow column, close to the coast. And since the water is shallow, the fish are easy picking for both the birds above and the predators below. And thus, the feeding begins”
Hmmm, that sounded familiar...you wracked your brain, trying to remember where you had heard of that phenomenon. A memory of a professor, showing an image of the east coast of Southern Africa...AHA! You yanked open your laptop again, and typed in words, bringing up the image of a fish that fit the description. Flipping it around, you showed him.
“BEHOLD! The Sardine! Specifically Sardinops sagax, South African Sardine ” You watched as he cautiously approached the glass, peering at the image, scrutinizing it. You felt a sudden nervousness, as if you were waiting for your exam marks to be revealed.
And then he smiled.
It was a small smile, barely visible, but it was genuine, and beautiful. Something you wanted to see all the time.
“You're very knowledgeable about such things, I hadn't thought that you, a human, would know about something so far away, and in the ocean, to boot.”
“Well, it's what I studied in university” you watched the confused look on his face, “That's where some people go to learn things so they can specialize. Some want to learn about computers,” you tapped the laptop, “Some learn to teach children, and some, like me, want to learn and explore the ocean. Migration patterns of Sardines aren't my specialty, but we did learn about them from about a lecturer who had studied it.”
“Not your specialty?” He asked.
Well, the ocean is vast and for the most part, we don't know what's down there...so a lot of us just focus on one Ocean, one particular ecosystem, hell, sometimes one type of individual fish. I prefer to study the deep ocean, it's a whole new world out there. We know more about the moon-”
“The moon?”
“The thing in the sky, usually you see it at night, cycles between getting bigger and smaller...”
“Ah, the Tidemother....”
It had a nice ring to it, you thought... very romantic, you'd have to ask him more about terms he used. “Anyways, the cutting edge of what we don't understand is the deep ocean, since we can't just... go.. there. Not to mention, it's an entire ecosystem that's not dependent on the sun...the Moon's daytime counterpart.” you clarified.
"Tidefather” he responded, “and no doubt, once you scour the sea floor, you will find a way to exploit it, as humans are wont to do. Never satisfied with their lot in life, they take, and take, and take...” His fists balled up, and even though you were separated by thick glass, you felt the urge to scoot away. The old look of hatred you had first encountered came back with a vengeance.
“What? No!” you responded. “I mean, humanity as a whole has done a lot of damage, I'll admit to that, but we're trying to get better...bit by bit.”
“Fitting words for the daughter of a murderer...” he shot back, an you winced. He had a point. Your father's company (and soon to be yours) harvested thousands and thousands of tonnes of fish each year. But something didn't make sense...
“Not that I'm accusing you or anything, but you've been going after my father's fishing vessels, but I remember that during the Sardine Run, fishermen from the villages on the coast come out in droves to harvest the fish as well, why not attack them?”
A pregnant pause, and you were afraid you had offended him “They merely harvest to feed their families, and their fellow humans, and besides, they are merely one fish in a shoal. I do not feel ill will towards them anymore then I do against any of the other predators.” he calmly explained, before returning to his anger “However, when those ships, with nets that can envelop and harvest countless fish, can scour the oceans clean to feed their hungry maws, that's what I take issue with...”
“Point taken...but if I'm going to get you some of the fish, I'm going to have to buy it from someone who most likely participates in that sort of thing... so it's either kelp, another fish I can get locally, or... this.” He hesitated for moment, before bowing his head in defeat.
“If this is the price for keeping my sanity, so be it”
You sat on aquarium platform, with a plate of fresh sardines splayed out in an amateur design, as if it was a plate of hors d'oeuvres at a fancy dinner. Unfortunately, there hadn't been much choice at the market, so you were only able to procure a little over a dozen of the fresh ones (and had managed to finagle a deal with a bemused fishmonger to get a regular supply, citing that you were rehabilitating some sea mammal, it was technically true) but it would take a while to get the supply going. So, you attempted a substitute, which you stacked beside the plate. Cans, and cans, and cans of Sardines. The look the cashier gave you, and the way her eyes darted down to your stomach, to see if you were pregnant, was worth it, even if Vergil ended up hating the stuff.
“So, it doesn't look like sardines are in season, so the ones I got might not be the best condition,” you apologized as you opened one of the sardine cans, one packed in salt water. Perhaps he would like the canned ones that tasted as plain as possible, and then you could try out the more flavourful combinations.
Vergil pulled himself up onto the platform, scaring the bejeesus out of you. “Sheesh, give a gal a warning before you do something like that!”
The merman chuckled...his voice, now 'real' echoed through the room “Apologies, I take it you thought we do not surface.” (you made a mental note to attempt to make him laugh again.)
“Well, it doesn't seem very practical,” you said. “You seem to be specialized for aquatic travel, while being rather clumsy on land. The inverse is true for humans.” You realized how dry and clinical that sounded, how close you were to sounding like Doctor Griffon. Your hands covered your mouth “Oh God, that sounded so bad, I'm really... really sorry!”
Vergil chuckled again (tingles went down your spine, perhaps the tales of the merfolk's alluring voices had a kernel of truth.) “It is forgiven, you cannot help how you think. You seem to be a person who is constantly observing, eager to learn. There is nothing to be ashamed in that, as long as you realize your limitations. Something the 'Good Doctor' could take a lesson on...”
He picked up one of the sardines by his tail, and with a quick motion that surprised you, he swallowed the fish whole, bones and all. At first you thought it was because he was famished, but then one sardine turned into two, then three, then half a dozen were gulped like a baleen whale gulping an entire shoal. You were used to animals eating like that, but the image of someone so humanlike.... well, you excused yourself, and went into the kitchen to get yourself something to eat (and hopefully settle your stomach). You weren't sure what you wanted, but you wanted something quick and easy.... And as you checked your cupboards, you found it... a plastic package. Pulling out a pot and filling it with water, you began to cook.
Five minutes later, you came out with a steaming bowl of ramen in salty broth. And what you saw nearly made you laugh. Vergil had devoured the entire plate of sardines, the opened can of of sardines in salt water, and was attempting to open another can, one with sardines packed in olive oil. He wasn't having much luck with it, frowning intently as he rotated the can, attempting to find out how to open the treasure box. You stood back, allowing him to explore, until he finally figured the pull tab, and with a bit of effort, he ripped open the top. He grinned at his success, but in his attempt to grab the reward within, he gripped the can by the sharp, recently opened edge. The can was dropped onto the platform with a clatter as he hissed in pain. A stream of blood bloomed on his palm. Quickly setting your bowl down, you ran over.
“Oh no, are you alright?” and before he could protest, you grabbed his hand to inspect the damage. Vaguely, you realized this was the first time you had touched him. His hands were remarkably soft, especially considering the salt water that he spent his life in. A thin red line on his palm indicated a pretty nasty cut....Or it would have, if it was not rapidly healing in front of your eyes.
“How in the...”
“We heal fairly rapidly, especially compared to you humans, we're not sure why, but it grants us a resiliency that most creatures in the ocean lack. How you humans survive without that ability, I have no idea” He, huffed, amused as you used your ratty old shirt to wipe the blood away to reveal that, yes the cut had healed within a few moments, leaving not even a scar. “You didn't have to do that, I would have licked it off.”
“You...lick your own blood?” you asked, part appalled, part intrigued.
“The less blood we shed, the less likely predators will be attracted,” he explained, and you realized that was probably the same reason for his super-healing. Or if a shark or something did approach, the merfolk would be healed enough to fight back or flee. You were learning more and more things about these people, and just by having a conversation, and treating him as an equal. The 'Doctor' was an idiot, he could have gained so much more knowledge, but no, he was compelled to be a douchebag.
As Vergil (carefully) opened another can of sardines, this time in tomato sauce, you went back to your bowl, now reasonably cooled off, and began slurping away. You watched as he swallowed the sardine, and resisted the urge to laugh at the face he made.
“Not a fan, eh? Ah well, you can't like everything.”
“Indeed, a bit too...sweet for my taste” He looked at the other cans, his brow furrowed, before he looked at you, no, he was looking at the bowl in your lap. The tip of his tongue stuck out, as if he was attempting to mentally form a sentence.
“Would you like to try some of my ramen? It's very salty, probably right up your alley”
“My alley?”
“It means I think you'll like it”
He hesitated for a second...before he nodded, and twirling your fork, you wound a small sized portion, before handing the fork to him. You'd expected (foolishly, in hindsight) that he'd take the fork from you, but instead, he shimmied a bit towards your direction, and carefully, fed off your fork. You couldn't resist giggling as he politely slurped up the noodles. “So, how is it?”
He didn't answer, his smile did more than words ever could
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3: It begins.
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Slowly opening my eyes I glanced to my left to see Cleo sleeping peacefully. We ended up getting kicked out the bar, but it didn't matter because we were leaving anyway. To avoid me getting arrested we took a cab back to Cleo's. Her lips slightly parted with low snores danced off her lips. Pecking her lips gently I placed little kisses all over her face to see if she was going to stir. Her eyes began to twitch after the eleventh or twelfth kiss. So I gave her a longer, and wetter kiss and she finally opened her eyes; a small smile coming across her lips.
"Good morning, beautiful." I greeted her with a smile. "Good morning, handsome," She tittered softly letting her fingertips graze my cheek bone. "How did you sleep?" She ran her manicured fingers through my still growing curls. "Real good. How did you sleep?" "I slept good too. I'm hungry." "What do you want to eat?" "You."
"That's not food." "Yes huh. Get all kinds of sugar and protein from that snack!" Blushing she turned her head and laughed; hiding her face from me. Following her body I trailed kisses down her stomach to her panty line making her squirm in response. Hooking a finger into the band I swiftly and smoothly pulled them off in one motion — ripping them clean off her hips. Parting her legs I kissed down to her pearl before wrapping my tongue around it. Taking my time I devoured her slowly, but sloppily. Licking and spitting all over her pearl I held her squirming body by her thighs forcing her to take all of this pleasure. 
"Oh fuck!" She moaned gripping at my hands and forearms. I could feel her body tremble under me —and the muscles in her thighs tighten up. "Chri-ah-um!" She screamed tapping my arm. I didn't let up though I continued to drench my lips and chin in her sweet nectar. Just as I was licking from her opening to her clit her sweetness pooled on the palette of my tongue. 
Using my fingers I continued to toy with her and middle as I kissed up her body to her lips. Our lips meshed slowly and softly; I let her come undone at my touch. "Stop, I—I-I can't take anymore, baby!" She cried for the third time coming all over my hand. Kissing her lips and neck until her body calmed down and able to form sentences I whispered sweet nothings in between kissing and nuzzling her smooth skin. "Why do you do that to me?" She smirked with a giggle — obviously out of breath. "Because I love the way moan, and it's even sexier," I snaked my hand between her thighs just resting there. "When you are saying my name begging for me to stop." With my fingers pressed against her center and it made her leg twitch and she moaned my name begging please. "Ah music to my ears." I spoke in a soothing tone.
"Stawp! Let me up. You want me to make you breakfast?" "Yes, can I have you on a plate?" "Bacon, eggs, sausage, and waffles it is." She rolled over and out the bed to the kitchen in her birthday suit. She thought I was playing — I'ma have her on a plate! Stretching my body and yawning I rolled out of bed and followed her to the kitchen where she happened to be wrapped up in her house coat. "Take that off." I leaned against the entryway of the kitchen/living room watching her bend over to get a pan out the bottom cabinet. She looked over her shoulder and smirked with playful eyes. Without blinking she twerked a little bit making her ass move like a sea-saw. Raising a brow I continued to watch her as she bounced it up and down. 
Her house coat is thin and flowy so as she bounced it followed every movement she did; had me hypnotized. Slowly strolling over I kept my eyes with hers until I was at least one step behind her. "Back it up." I slapped her ass making her squeal. Grabbing her waist I pulled her body to me and sat her on the counter. "I told you I want you on a plate." i growled into her neck making her giggle and squirm.
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Why the fuck am I here? Because my Momma would kick my entire black ass. "If yo ass ain't working yo ass better be in school." Is what she told me and my siblings for eons. Twirling my facial hair I halfway listened to the lecture the professor was giving; and she knew it. This shit boring as hell. I could be in the studio, but no my black ass has to be here. 
Like usual when I'm waiting for class to be over I gazed around aimlessly watching the few people pass by the M door. Just when I was about to look away some girl walked pass and I kid you not seem like everything moved in slow motion. 
Her flawless skin reminds me of vanilla with a splash of caramel and her dark ebony strands of hair flowed as if she's on a runway — just screaming perfection. Making a move to get up and go out the door — I was told by the professor to sit down. She knows my parents so if I so much sneeze the wrong way she snitching. "Dom sit down. I saw that. No, you can leave in five minutes." She scolded playfully.
"Now Ms. Jackson you already know I don't chase after nothing, but here right there! C'mon Ms. Jackson you letting my future wife get away from me." I pleaded halfway serious making her laugh. 
"Gone y'all enjoy the rest of the day." She dismissed us and I wasted no time dashing out of there only to be met with a sea of people. Fuck! Squinting my eyes I thought I recognized the aqua shirt she was wearing. Shawty turned around and I swear she was looking dead at me. Dodging people left and right I tried to get closer to her, but she kept getting further and further away. 
The moment she went through the entry doors I hauled ass like I never did before — hoping to catch her outside, but when I did finally burst through those doors she was nowhere in sight. Running my fingers through my thick coil strands of hair looking around to see her and saw everyone and everything, but her. Shit! Damn she was pretty as hell.
Why the fuck does my hair feel thicker than usual? I noted giving it a squeeze. You know what fuck this shit. I'm out!
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Thinking about the other night has me baffled. That has never happened before. It happened again the other night too — the fellas love, but they don't realize what's happening. I ain't never heard of no shit like this. Walking around the mall just to pickup a few things and clear my mind a tad I saw this bigger gal walking with this really handsome guy. 
From what I can see he's a light butterscotch color and his sense of style is all the way on point if I'm not mistaken he has freckles too. I don't know this hoe from a can of paint, but something about her is making me burn with rage. They walked hand in hand into a plus size clothing store and from that one to another one spending a good thirty minutes in each store. The whole time they're kissing and touching all over each other. 
It just pissed me off for no reason! I can't figure out why! Something kept  telling me to watch them; so I did. Now they're at the food court eating and laughing. I sat some ways away at a rounded planted area just watching them comparing her to me. What does she have that I don't?"She has one thing you don't have." A voice stated beside me. Looking around I saw no one; leaving me puzzled. "Down here." the voice hissed again. Looking to my right there was a snake chilling beside my thigh.
"What does she have that I don't?" I inquired.
"Your happiness."
"How is that?"
"That man there is the key to your happiness, and she has him. Only way for you to be happy is to have him." The snake slithered around my wrist and curling herself through my manicured fingers."How do you know this?" "I am the all knowing serpent. I see and I know all my child, and if you want a life full of happiness and peace — he's right there." She untangled herself from my hand and slithered back into the fake foliage.
If he's the key to my happiness — then I'm going to do what I can to get him.
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