#i think the way iwtv handles vampirism as 'you are no longer human but you wish you could replicate everything you miss about it
croc-odette · 22 days
star trek's 'the only thing that's truly yours is the rest of humanity' versus iwtv's 'we own nothing'
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starrynight0612 · 2 years
It's still early but the first three episodes alone give me so much hope. There was a lot of rage at Louis for no longer being a white, slave plantation owner and instead a black man who owns a brothel and various other businesses in New Orleans. I don't know the reasons for the change but I mean it's not that hard to figure out a dozen reasons why they wouldn't have gone the original route from the books. But what Interview With the Vampire is doing really well and so many people fail at is actually adapting the story to suit the change. So many people put POC in their stories for diversity's sake but do absolutely nothing with the character that you might as well still have a white character that just looks black. And then so many authors or creators act like they should be given a damn ribbon for just even mentioning a POC in their book thinking that's what it means to be inclusive.
But IWTV readapted everything while still keeping a lot of the source material and fleshed it out. Made it make sense. In the books, Lestat is my favorite character but in the TV show, it's Louis. It's understandable why a black man who suffered so much racism and intolerance wanted to feel powerful. Was seduced by the promise Lestat was offering him. The best storytelling knows that you need characters you will root for even if they are a monster. Episode 3 was perfect. I wanted the alderman to die too. I cheered when Louis told him he could reload the gun. Felt a smug satisfaction when I saw him pitched to the fence referencing Louis' earlier statement to Lestat at the beginning of the episode. Felt anger and heartbreak when Louis saw all the destruction wrought on by his decision and knew how useless he must feel because killing one white man can't kill the racist institutions and attitudes in place. Other facets too like the tension between Louis and Lestat who as a vampire is indifferent to all of humanity's struggle and doesn't bother himself with things he deems as trivial like race and therefore is unable to understand the plight of a black man in America. And there are just so many other little things in the show if you look. It's all being handled so well and adding depth to the material that makes this so far one of the best adaptations of a book that I've ever seen and it's only 3 episodes in!
This is just race by the way. I haven't even gotten into the added oppression of being a gay man during those times. I had been waiting for someone in the show to outright demean their relationship and that made the alderman's death just even sweeter. Trust me it hasn't escaped my attention that Lestat is still given more respect than Louis because even though he may sleep with men he's still white and to the rich, white men that still holds more value to them.
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nightcolorz · 5 months
I'm so sorry I don't mean to be rude or coming for you or anything but can I ask a question? Didn't you have a post about gender recently and you said the amc iwtv show was about gay MEN? So why are you tagging Louis art with female terms? Again, I'm so sorry, I just don't understand and I think I'm probably missing something. I'm trying to learn more about gender things but it's very confusing for me. Thank you for your time 💚
dont apologize anon ur not being rude! I'm not rlly sure how to explain this, I'm gonna try my best 😭 so sorry if this is only more confusing. At least the way I see it, AMC iwtv and the tvc books handle gender very differently. Tvc vampires r described as not rlly having genders bcus of there vampirism and lack of alignment with humanity and mortal concepts of the gender binary. The way Anne rice saw it was since their genitals no longer work they r no longer male or female and so since they r so disconnected from the societal expectations around gender along with this bcus of how gender roles r always changing and vampires r outside of time, they r essentially gender neutral. The amc show (at least of now) doesn't seem to be going this route, although it does play around with gender norms and stuff, the vampires do seem to be cis men essentially (obvs ppl can have there head cannons and my read doesn't invalidate any trans reads of AMC iwtv that exist). But since they do just have cis normative sex with each other, vampirism doesn't rlly change there sexualities or gender expression, and they do identify and present gender the way gay men would, I don't see the amc vamps as particularly gender less the way the tvc vamps r. I made a post about this B4 that summarizes my thoughts much better then this or the post ur referring to (which was kinda crap which is why I deleted it 😭).
But anyways, I call Louis she/her pronouns on art (specifically Kate @loelett art love u babe) bcus Kate and I rlly like this aspect of the books, and since we talk about the gender fluidity in tvc a lot we've started using she he and they pronouns interchangeably for the vamps (mostly Louis cus Louis is Kate's fav character so we talk about him the most lol). When I call Louis she/her pronouns or feminine terms it's not cuz I see him as a woman or perceive him as particularly feminine, it's more cuz I see him as genderless so using any pronouns for him is natural to me. I usually call Louis she her when I'm especially excited about him 😭 idk maybe bcus of the cultural association with she/her + feminity and softness/loveliness and affection (like the way u call a boat she/her y'know? Or a beloved car), or maybe bcus most of my close loved ones r women so using she her is natural when it comes to compliments and affectionate terms for me. Anyways I hope this makes sense or clears things up, tbh I am very surprised that ppl I'm not friends with even perceive my blog at all sometimes so I never considered how I may have been confusing ppl 😭
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