#i think my depiction of them are kinda inaccurate but also I'm just having fun ya know?
gurenmonster · 4 months
to like the 3 ppl who like damien and chanse as a pair: can y'all let me know your hcs for their dynamic? (platonic or not idc)
because i got some but idk how accurate they are and I kinda want to see what others think (preferably to my inbox so I can maybe draw something about them?)
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tyrantisterror · 5 months
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It's been over ten years since a hot goth girl asked me to be in her D&D group in college, and in that time the game has come to mean a great deal to me, even with the shitty behavior of the evil corporation that owns it. So, as is my way, I'm trying to honor it by building a collection of its monsters to display on my bookshelves. They've got these fun sets out right now that specifically take inspiration from the 1st edition monster manual illustrations, and it's helped me build up my collection significantly. I've also got a few other guys sprinkled in there, including a couple of minis for characters of mine that I retired (because I got better minis for them).
I also have this unpainted Red Dragon mini that I want to paint so it fits in better with the gang, but also keep putting off painting because I'm very bad at painting things.
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This isn't just my usual show off the collection of nerd shit post, though. One of my favorite D&D monsters is its incredibly distinct (some would say "willfully inaccurate") take on the Tarrasque, which has basically become D&D's equivalent of Godzilla by this point. I would like a Tarrasque in my collection quite a bit.
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And, like, they've got this VERY big mini of him out right now. I could technically have a tarrasque on my shelf, but, like... ok is it just me or does this kinda suck?
I mean, firstly, I don't think it should be hard for a Tarrasque to stand on its own without the need for a stand. Maybe you'd have to go a bit off model and put more muscle on the legs, but it's a big lumbering lizard who's often depicted with its tail and one of its arms touching the floor to help it stand, you should absolutely be able to sculpt that in a workable way. Secondly, the head's too big! What's he doing with a head that big, chasing Zim? Shrink that head of his, jesus. Third, that tail is way too thin and ragged, he's a big lizard, he should have a powerful swish to his tail! Fourthly.... yellow? All the illustrations portray him in these gnarly rusty oranges and reds, and they made him, like, banana yellow.
Oh and it's two hundred dollars, which I feel like should get me a tarrasque that looks... better. Better than this.
Am I crazy or is this not worth it? Are there better options for a Tarrasque out there? This can't be it, right? Two hundred bucks for this?
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chocolatespyro · 8 months
Me learning to not give people the benefit of the doubt when they've been given the benefit of the doubt about 50 times already
(III 15 edition. Spoilers under the cut if you still haven't seen it somehow.)
EDIT: Took out the part about them not mentioning her disability since Bot does say that they wouldn't want Cabby to forget iirc, also about them not thinking kids would understand disability since I wasn't happy with those points and I feel they were inaccurate or somewhat off-topic. That's pretty much it though.
The more I think abt it the more I can see how the Bot apology sucks lmaoooo
Dunno if this was a point made on Twitter (I've heard there's been discontent there? I dont have Twitter tho but I'd LOVE to hear more from other Cabby fans abt what's going on there. u can leave comments on this post if u want or u can just rb and do it thru tags.)
Anyways, to my main points: Bot just says they're sorry for... forcing Cabby to get permission to use her files?
What about them lying to Cabby? I don't believe they ever really apologized for that. OR TOLD HER THAT THEY LIED??
Bot also doesn't really apologize for the other main points people were upset for I think?
I don't think bot ever really takes full accountability for judging Cabby either. No one does really. Like... at least an
"I'm sorry. I really screwed up, and so did a lot of the other contestants. We were too harsh and judgmental towards you for no reason, and our insecurities shouldn't have gotten in the way of you being able to remember. This was supposed to be a fun and welcoming environment and vacation... but it became a nightmare for you instead. I know this won't make up for all the damage done, but I hope this file is useful to you."
(maybe reworded some to fit Bot's personality better, but the apology shouldn't have just been this quick one-off moment taken to the side like in canon.)
To kinda add to the above, I also think it would've been nice if Bot fully noticed and acknowledged HOW other people haven't been treating Cabby very kindly too by giving examples of where nobody stood up for her. Lifering was a great supportive person in the episode, but Bot was there for some of the shit that was pulled against Cabby, ESPECIALLY in episode 7. I so wish that that was acknowledged here. And the fact that Test Tube went directly behind Cabby's back to do that. Where does Bot think Test Tube got those files from?
There's also the fact that Test Tube never approaches to apologize for judging Cabby for no reason. Like she just stares at Cabby and Bot hugging for a few seconds after Bot apologizes that's it. And she... doesn't accuse Cabby. That's the barest fucking minimum she could've done.
Also... the "inaccurate depictions" thing wasn't even true outside of Baseball's file... and that was a bunch of contrived bs. Like Suitcase literally had this whole thing where she stood up to Nickel and I guess... Cabby glossed over that somehow??? I can't suspend my disbelief this much sorry all. Idk where the "Manipulated by Balloon" shit came from. Correct me if I'm wrong bcus I haven't seen season 2.
The only reason why it was inaccurate with Bot is because Cabby thought Bot was Bow, something Cabby IMMEDIATELY corrected herself on. Bot coulda just... reminded Cabby that it wasn't her fault because she didn't know Bot and Bow were two different objects and told Cabby to just... start a new file like others said??? So that shit didn't make sense.
The apology just... kinda feels shallow. Cabby didn't do anything wrong here. She's beaten herself up over this shit. It just hurts to watch.
Bot only really apologized for a single thing and we don't get any acknowledgement towards the lying or the mistreatment or Cabby destroying Bow's file as some sort of garbage symbolism attempt.
Bot's apology was kinda supposed to tie everything together and top everything off nicely in a better and at least slightly more satisfying way than whatever the fuck 14 did, but it just... doesn't. It barely acknowledges the issues. They don't really show how seriously they screwed up with Cabby.
I wanna believe that AE has the best intentions here, but they're on very thin ice in my eyes. If they screw up any next steps with Cabby and/or never address Cabby's issues with Test Tube ever again, I think I'm done having any kind of faith in AE. Even Cabby winning wouldn't save it.
Yeah sorry this got really depressing, this situation is just sad
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symptoms-syndrome · 2 years
What is your opinion on the movie Split, if you have seen it, with regards to how it depicts DID? Because like I feel like someone with DID would be offended but at the same time don’t KNOW whether they actually would be? Like when I see anti-asexual or anti-Irish sentiment and think “Hmm. Well that is certainly offensive from an objective viewpoint, but am I personally offended?” I do feel like if the twist behind the ‘Beast’ alter being superhuman was that he had been bitten by a werewolf, because there were so many hints towards him being a werewolf and the whole backstory they gave the protagonist about being a hunter, I feel like it would have suited the story better and avoided the ‘all people with DID are evil’ trope. Am I saying this right?
I honestly don't give a shit about it's depiction of DID if I'm being 100% honest. It didn't bring anything new to the table or introduce anything that hasn't been said or in the public consciousnesses. While I definitely don't think depictions like that do anything good for DID, I don't think they have the same level of impact that people act like they do.
I can't imagine any scenario in which someone would watch a movie like Split and think "yeah that's probably how DID works," like if I disclosed my diagnosis to someone and they thought I could climb up walls or whatever that would give me more concerns than "wow that's an offensive idea of DID."
Counter to that, I personally find some depictions of DID made by people with DID (or supposedly with DID) more offensive than Split. Things like TikTok or YouTube videos where alters are all super defined, switches are clear, all the parts are fun and cute and it's just presented as "LOL fun people in my head! Watch different alters react to flaming hot Cheetos!" Or "informational" posts about "how to react to someone with DID" that say things like "ask who's fronting! Don't act entitled to niceness from all alters! Give stuffies to littles!" are for me, far more offensive mostly due to them being more, IDK, realistic? Or grounded or believable. Like someone is more likely to believe I want to be greeted by part name all the time than they are to believe I have an alter that can bend steel bars. Maybe that's that person's experience, but they're often framed more as a "universal" experience with DID, which is worse than smth like Split, or even smth like that documentary about that murderer with DID, because both of those are sort of like. About one specific person more than they are about DID on a whole I guess? Or present themself as such.
I did think it was a shitty movie just from a movie standpoint LMAO. It was just kinda boring.
But also when it comes to media in general I think people do put a lot of undue weight on it, sorta putting the cart before the horse and focusing on the wrong things. Like I honestly rly enjoy United States of Tara even tho it's like, in my experience not really accurate at all to my experience with DID or a lot of people I know. It's entertaining, and IMO that's the main like, priority with media. And like, re:cart before the horse, it's almost like acting like Sixteen Candles' depiction of an Asian man is why those stereotypes exist, as opposed to that depiction being a reflection of already-existing racist ideas.
I also really love Fight Club, even though it (if you look at it through the Tumblr-typical very narrow lens and strip all nuance from it) could be said to fit some offensive stereotypes I guess. It's to date one of the best depictions of dissociation and confusion about time loss stuff I've found describing my experience. I related to it really hard NGL.
I guess the TLDR here is that I think there's a diff between "offensive" and "inaccurate" as well as a difference between smth being offensive in a hypothetical way as opposed to offensive in a way that like. Actually matters. I think people get really caught up in media stuff bc they have Tumblr fandom discourse disease and it's an easy thing to be like "that bad" as opposed to things more nuanced.
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