#i still toss my guitars around like theyre sandbags though idgaf
shiftyambientmusic · 4 years
once when i was just barely a teenager i was putting my grandfathers very expensive acoustic back on its wall hanger
his studio room was pretty small and had very low ceilings with a fan, and i was so so focused on not bumping the guitar on furniture so i lifted the guitar up to clear a table and heard a massive bang from above and instinctively yanked it back down to assess the damage while trying to come up with ways to explain to my grandpa that i broke his $2000+ guitar.
fortunately, there was a spring capo on the headstock, which is what hit the fan, with no damage to the headstock; regardless, i have never felt more fear while handling an instrument, and since then i have been extremely conscious of paying attention to all variables while moving guitars.
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