#i still don't know why tte and first both refer to first as phi when they're barely two months apart in age lol
visualtaehyun · 5 months
Today on- Random new Thai expressions I stumble upon:
A pun on มุก /mook/
This clip is from ep. 2 of DMD Friendship the Reality which airs Sundays on Mandee Channel and is about Domundi's new artists, also known as Gen 3. The end goal of this show is to form two pairs to be the mains in a new Domundi BL (possibly what they announced as Fan Boy during their lineup for 2023?). But it's mostly about all the kids bonding, trying out different skills, and showing off their strengths and personalities. These two are FirstOne (left) and Latte (right) and they're likely gonna be a คู่จิ้น /koo jin/ (= shipped couple)/have a fixed working partnership, considering the show's editing and them already having fans together.
ANYWAY- literally none of this is relevant for the actual joke. First asks why Latte would choose him and Latte says:
เพราะว่าเราโบบากันได้อยู่ /phraaw waa rao boba gan dai yuu/ = "Because we can boba together."
หมายถึงเล่นมุกนะ /maai theung len mook na/ = "Meaning playing jokes!"
มุก /mook/ as in มุกตลก /mook dta lohk/ = pun, joke but also as in ชานมไข่มุก /cha nohm khai mook/ = pearl/bubble milk tea aka boba 🧋
Latte my guy- you and First's endless bad jokes istg, keep 'em coming though lol
---previously: ฟ้ารักพ่อ - sugar daddy meme and song explained
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