#i started watching kimetsu no yaiba when it first aired because some irl friends knew the manga and were hyping it up
phantomrose96 · 1 year
There's a popular tweet going around that's like "If you say your favorite anime is [string of Japanese words] and I find out that's just [English name of very generic popular anime] I'm shoving you into a locker"
And I take issue with that! Actually! Because it overlooks the context where some new anime starts airing--sub-only, referred to by its Japanese name only--which you and a micro-niche of like 4 of your mutuals decide to watch. And the only name it's ever called is the Japanese name, because there's no English speaking audience beside you and 4 weirdos reblogging gifsets from each other.
And then, months or years later, it blows up. Season 2 hits it big or some youtube personality does a waifu ranking of it and now Hot Topic is shilling its merch and Cosplay Tiktok is calling out some 14-year-old for race-faking and now someone asks you "hey what anime are you enjoying right now?" and you're like "oh I like [Japanese name]" and they have the audacity to go "scoff, you mean [English name]?"
Buddy! I was here first!! I've already established my tumblr tag for this!! Now I have to change in order to not be pretentious!? Because your favorite 16-million follower minecraft youtuber is wearing a skin from it now!!? This sucks. Put the minecraft youtuber back
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