#i saw a lil alien guy and a pretty butterfly one
indigo-corvus · 9 months
Might fuck around and buy a kite. 👀
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heartbreakcity · 6 years
87.5 RanDoM QuEstiOnS
okayyy, i’ve always wanted to do one of these !! hopefully you all know me a lil better afterwards
tagged by: the lovely @inspiredbynewt
tagging: @gilinswilkwhore & @maximoff-pan
♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛
0.5) Name and age? Megan and i’m 16
1. Where do you live? Oxford, England. yes it rains, yes it’s cold.
2. One cool item you own? my record player, and i have my dads old band on vinyl (Faze Action - they’re the bomb.com) and my huge collection of photos clipped to fairy lights is cute
3. Moon or stars? moon
4. Places you’d like to travel to? E V E R Y W H E R E A N D A N Y W H E R E
5. Favourite song? a) A Sky Full Of Stars by Coldplay b) Isombard by Declan McKenna c) December 1963 (Oh What A Night) by Frankie Valley and The Four Seasons
6. Do you have any fears? Yup, it’s called Ostraconaphobia...and yes it’s ridiculous it’s the fear of...shellfish THEY TERRIFY ME I CAND DEal WITH IT
7. Do you feel different than you did last year? i’m so much happier, honestly i’m loving life
8. What is your race? White British
9. Pet peeves? loud and obnoxious people but that’s it.
10. Any siblings? a brother
11. Are you a gamer? depends on the game
12. Sexual orientation? straight
13. Does a broken mirror mean bad luck? oh hell yes
14. What do you feel is your mental age? ranges from a 3 year old to 50 year old
15. How old were you when you started dating? my first proper relationship where i was in love was at the age 15. some say it was too young but this guy was my everything and i saw my whole future with him. pity he said “you’re not good enough”, eh
16. Where do you do most of your online shopping? amazon or asos
17. Favourite animal? penguinsss
18. What’s one film from the 2000s that you like? hands down “13 going on 30” and the classic “Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging”
19. What’s your favourite scary movie? hate them with a passion but probs Incidious
20. Fun fact about yourself? i am probably the most musical person you will ever meet - i play trombone, bass guitar, flute, clarinet, piano, keyboard, saxophone, trumpet, baritone, cornet, drums, guitar and i sing.
21. Shoe size? 6
22. Which fictional character(s) do you relate to the most? Betty Cooper, she’s basically my spirit animal and Blair Waldorf
23. Where do you see yourself living in ten years? in america
24. Ever wore clothes that were just wayyy too tight? yes and i still have the scars lmao
25. What’s on your mind? ironic, but i’m thinking about the ex bf who said “you’re not good enough for me” bc hell i miss him
26. Are you religious? yes
27. How tall are you? 5’7”
28. Favourite band? 5sos, The Killers, The Hunna, Jackson 5
29. Do you remember 2009? no i barely remember 3 days ago
30. Cats or dogs? cat person here
31. Fruit or vegetables? veggies
32. Do you want to get married? 100% yes
33. Do you want children? yep, 2
34. Flamingos or peacocks? flamingos they’re so pretty
35. What superpower do you wish you had? mind reading or being able to change minds
36. Are you a germ freak? god yes
37. Did swearing baby, ghost car, or ghost caught on tape scare you as a kid? HELL TO THE YESSSS i had an awful friend who showed all of the above to me
38. Do you prefer sweet or salty? salt. tons of salt pls
39. Tea or coffee? dislike both but coffee cause i like Mochas
40. Are you superstitious? yup. i hold my breath when i pass lorries on the roads, i carry a luck stone with me and wear 2 rings every day in case of bad luck
41. Do you like stripes? i guess?
42. Favourite shows as a kid? teletubbies or the tweenies
43. Favourite shows growing up? victorious, icarly, wizards of waverley place, kickin’ it were the bomb
44. Favourite musical? Kinky Boots, Les Mis, RENT, Jersey boys, FOOTLOOSE HELL YEA
45. Favourite movie? shit there’s a list: Guardians of the galaxy, footloose, the breakfast club, star wars episode VI, the maze runner trilogy, ferris bulers day off, 10 things i hate about you
46. Birthday? 17 december (i’m 16)
47. Are you a grammar Nazi? absolutely. i’m so pedantic
48. Ever gotten drunk? yeah
49. Do you have a carrier bag? huh?
50. What would you do if you were the opposite gender for a day? tell a girl what makes her special
51. If you were the opposite gender what would you change your name to? i’ve looked at this question for 5 mins, idk i love Ashton (yes irwin)
52. What song is stuck in your head? “rent” from rent...
53. Celebrity crush? always = luke hemmings but rn = shia lebouf
54. If you could live in a non-English speaking country, where would it be? spain
55. Are you a good dancer? i like to think i am but really i look awful
56. Have any allergies? to nasty people
57. Any bad habits? i think things over at least 2784 times and then realise, maybe it really was nothing
58. Ever broke a bone? left elbow
59. Are you a city or country person? city, totally
60. Do you like your home country? love it
61. Sunflowers or daisies? daises. have so many memories involving daises
62. Tulips or roses? roses
63. Oak or maple? oak
64. Disney or Nickelodeon? refuse to answer
65. WYR be obese or anorexic? anorexic
66. WYR be over 6 feet or under 5 feet? under 5 ft
67. Rubies or sapphires? sapphires
68. Are you stubborn? look up stubborn in the dictionary you’ll see “Megan”
69. Have you been in scouts/Girl Scouts? yeah, in england you call it “Rainbows” then “Brownies” then “Guides”
70. What type of music do you listen to? EVERYTHING and i mean everything EXCEPT rap/hip hop/dubstep
71. Favourite vine? thomas sanders “narrating people’s lives” with the one about the guy stepping on a snake
72. Beaches or castles? beaches
73. Pick the closest book to you, and write the line for page 36, line 16 -“ - meant adding our own to the pile” it’s from Library Of Souls by Ranson Riggs
74. Anyone in the same room as you right now? nope i’m in bed
75. Which is worse; throwing up or diharreah? throwing up
76. Butterflies or lady bugs? butterflies!!
77. Do you say “K” when you’re not mad? i hate the letter so no
78. How do you react when purposely scare you? i’ll scream. i’ll always scream
79. Most overrated celebrity? the whole kardashian clan #sorrynotsorry
80. Do you have a globe in your room? i wish
81. Do you have a dream catcher in your room? nah
82. What do you see when you look out your window? my allotment, a play park, a graveyard, and fields and barns for miles
83. Have you been on an airplane? yes and i hate it
84. Do you believe in aliens? honestly i believe we can’t be the only ones in the whole entire universe
85. Do you believe in ghosts? in a scary way - no. in a comforting way/family/friends passed way - yes.
86. Do you believe in God? yes
87. Do you believe in yourself? i believe i can do whatever i put my mind to. so yes. i have confidence in myself
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swampgallows · 7 years
pride month questionnaire just for my own reference
what is your sexuality? biromantic asexual
what do gender do you identify as? cis woman 
how long have you been aware of your sexuality/gender? around 16-17 i knew there was some shit wrong w me lmao, i had always just assumed i was straight but if we’re being real i knew from a pretty young age that i was broken and an alien. only ever had a few crushes [on guys] in my life but generally felt the same way about both men and women
do you have any preferences? big
share a positive memory about coming out! none
how do you feel about pride month? is good. isnt really “for me” but i will keep the glow i feel about it on the inside, like when i wear a favorite pair of underwear
do you participate in pride related events? any other events? no, though i was invited a few times it was by very sexual people who also drink alcohol so it wasnt really my kinda deal. much as i love sk i didnt really care for ladykiller’s sets
how do you feel about lgbtq roles in media? more, more written by lgbtqia people, less about dying and more about living ffs. let them be alive. let them be professional but also lgbtqia, let them be three-dimensional fully fleshed out characters who are also lgbtqia instead of being one-note cardboard cut-outs erected for Diversity
do you feel pride in who you are? not yet.
who has been your supportive idols in your self discovery? lmao
tell us about your first crush? despite kissing and being in a relationship with and having sex with a girl it didnt occur to me that i might be a lil gay until years later when i had a crush on undyne and she had a crush on a girl who became her girlfriend, and i was like “holy shit, you can do that? undyne likes girls? she likes a girl???? that means???? she could like me???? i could also.... like girls???? girls can be girlfriends???”
what sort of advice to have you lgbtq teens? i have no idea, im 27 and i still feel like a teen, do not ask me things 
have you come out to friends and family? sort of. i tried to tell my siblings and my sister said I just hadnt met the right person yet, to which i asked her “oh well youre bi too, you know, you just havent met the right woman yet” stupid fucking bitch. my brother was silent. so was my mother. my dad doesn’t know, i dont think. he asked me “what does this mean, ‘tracer is gay tracer is gay tracer is gay’?” but the conversation got derailed luckily before i could answer
how do you feel about the term “coming out” ? not really up to me i guess. i only use it because i dont really know another term for it
do you believe there is a “closet” to come out of? sort of, i guess. people dont fucking care about asexuality; they complain that “nobody cares that you’re not having sex, theres no need to talk about it” then when i say something like “well im not really a sexual person” or “i dont like sex” all of a sudden it’s “WHAT WHY ARENT YOU HAVING SEX??? WERE YOU RAPED? YOU SHOULD SEE A THERAPIST. HAVE YOU TRIED SEX TOYS?” - my doctor  So like yeah just saying the word “asexual” gets people really fucking riled up, i have to decide whether or not i want to engage in a fucking hour long debate and reveal my traumas and life story if i feel like even saying my orientation so w/e, that’s the closest kind of a closet i can have i guess. granted im not gonna be gunned down in the street for being asexual but i also dont like being incessantly interrogated and armchair pathologized either
any tips on coming out? no. i never really came out to my parents deliberately, my mom just snooped some shit on my facebook and cornered me w a question about it when i was stuck in the car with her
what’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to lgbtq characterization in media? stop fucking killing them and making them the butt of jokes
what’s your favorite parts of lgbtq characterization in media? “well at least they’re there, i guess”; alternatively, when done well: “that me”
what did your teachers say about the lgbtqa community in school? i have very little recollection. it was mostly about gay men, i dont recall anything on lesbians, and i remember like one time we had a transgender person (calling themselves transsexual, at the time) come and talk to us, but i didn’t even know it was a thing that could be done or even existed so i had no idea what to make of it. but i remember they were there and spoke to us, even now. i basically just remember it happening lol
do you practice safe sex with the same gender? we didnt use dental dams or whatever, and since we didnt use toys we didnt use condoms. i mean i guess it was pretty safe, we were both monogamous and unsexed to all fuck. we washed our hands i guess?
what’s an absolute turn off for you in the opposite/same gender? this is too weird of a question for me to answer. im pretty demi when it comes to romantic shit, i dont feel attraction to people at all really, though i have felt attraction to people i dont know it’s extremely few and far between. like this year i saw two (2) girls i found attractive, not in a sexual way but i thought they were iridescent beings comprised of pure light and couldnt take my eyes off of them. before that i cant even remember the last time somebody stopped me in my tracks or gave me butterflies. i dunno if i have any real active ‘turn-offs’ aside from basic shit (racism, sexism, general shittiness) other than like... sports, i guess. sports and drugs
what’s an absolute turn on for you in the opposite/same gender? big. soft, hug. hairy boys. hairy girls are fine too but it’s more prominently a thing in guys. cool teeth (if you have cool teeth i will remember you)
how do you feel about lgbtq clubs/apps/websites? not for me
how do you feel about the term “queer” ? use it if you like, but respect those that it hurts
how does your country view the lgbtq community? america a fuck
favorite lgbtq actor/actress? fuck dude i dont even have a favorite straight actor or actress
any tips for heterosexual and/or cisgender people on how to handle lgbtq events/news? 1. it’s not for you 2. be proud for them 3. LISTEN TO THEM. SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND JUST LISTEN
what’s the most annoying question you have ever gotten? literally any time i tell a man im ace and he wants to fuck me, like, anything he says after that point is the worst thing
how do you feel about receiving questions about your sexuality/gender im open to answering but i can only speak from my own individual experience, which is a disclaimer i try to give any time anybody asks me shit. im not the best representative for the bi or ace communities or anything lgbtqia in general. i dont like sex and i barely like people. leave me w my monsters
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