#i remembered frank’s fortune cookie and connected it with what’s happened this week!
milligramspoison · 8 months
Let’s connect the dots, we’re gonna theorize real quick 😵‍💫
Obviously back in August, Frank posted a fortune cookie, which seemingly hinted (or confirmed, however you wanna take Frank’s story as) that something was coming at some point in the future.
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Obviously, the last time Frank posted a fortune cookie, which was in February 2022, we got Foundations three months later in May 2022.
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The miracle we witnessed was them dropping Foundations a few months after this was posted.
And of course, this isn’t the first time he’s done this either- he hinted at the mini MCR reunion in May 2017 with a fortune cookie, MCR’s first time spotted together since the breakup in 2013.
Now let’s go back to Frank’s August 2023 fortune cookie- what are we waiting for exactly?
Well, there’s a few things, actually- MCR5, LOTMS2 announcement, another tour announcement, Eagles as the next single, etc.
Starting Tuesday night, I and some other MCR blogs got the same exact ask at the same exact time.
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We all received this ask asking us if we’re seeing MCR at WWWY in 2024. Of course, as of writing this, the 2024 WWWY lineup has yet to be announced.
We all had received more similar asks asking us pretty much the same thing but worded differently and also gave us some info- I’ll show the ones I got personally that gave us info.
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No one had heard anything at this point in time as far as I’m aware! So we were all pretty convinced that we were getting trolled.
Earlier today, a mutual of mine on tiktok came across this screenshot below on twitter.
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This seems to be the origins of those asks we received on Tuesday night.
Of course, we knew MCR was gonna tour again, Gerard’s expressed a shit ton of interest for it at various of shows throughout the tour.
And based on the fact Frank remained in LA from late August to early September after the Dunes tour ended and also posted the fortune cookie while he was there, we can assume that they were more than likely in the studio together.
But let’s connect this discord message to Frank’s August 2023 fortune cookie.
“Let’s finish this up now, someone is waiting for you on that.”
That’s what Frank’s fortune cookie said. And like I stated earlier, we’re waiting for MCR5, LOTMS2 announcement, another tour announcement, Eagles as the next single, etc.
The discord message is stating an announcement from MCR could come within the next 2-3 weeks.
While that would dismiss the Friday the 13th theory, as that’s 7 days away as I’m writing this, it makes the Halloween theory more possible.
Halloween is a little over 3 weeks away and is one of the theorized dates of MCR doing something, whether it’s an announcement of some sort or them dropping a single.
Frank, like he’s done in the past with fortune cookies, was telling us something. And if this announcement does happen in the next 2-3 weeks, whether it’s a tour announcement, an announcement of a surprise single like Foundations was, etc, that’s what Frank was possibly telling us through his fortune cookie.
Of course, this is a theory, so this could all be wrong. And we don’t know how true the discord message and the anonymous asks some of us received are, so of course, take this all with a grain of salt.
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