#i refuse to see my mans cheat like tht
sidsinning · 1 year
I just cannot watch the extra Clannad eps where Tomoya ends up with other girls
The animation is updated and looks nicer so that slight temptation is there but no
Nagisa for life
I will not betray you my dear
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(re: big boi post, bc I figure not rbing it again is less walloftext)
Capitalism Dudley McMahon :( :( :(
CROSSING HIMSELF. The thing wrong w/ Nicky is, as ever, Catholicism. hardcore is flagellation. Joe: LOSE then! Nicky: fuck you so much.
Joe screenshots and retweets a crop of posts w/ the caption ‘yeah, a bell jar’ and giggles out loud, so Nicky kicks him, bodily, off of the bed.
Wanting whatever the keane v yusufnicky is in this au to take place as a staple gun match now
All of the Andy shit. Chefs kiss. Also glory days Andy and her axe Making A Metaphor abt the og dyke flag…fuck… OH ALSO-ALSO, the black parts of the face paint in the labrys-shape
In MY mind palace Nicky and Quynh are the t4t of branch this polycule and she can compare him to all manner of mid-sized predators. All those hobby lobby ‘the fastest way to get to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ needlepoints, but instead it’s ‘u access subspace through the Gender.’ What the FUCK was I talking about.
Having an ‘I’ve connect the dots (I haven’t connected shit)’ re: Booker/Copley parallels, and Andy/Nile parallels. The former as grief as a wound needing to heal, the latter as grief, as infection, which needs intervention. But all of it abt maladaptive coping. Like, Andy needs to address w/e happened with Quynh. And mb the au version of Nile not seeing her family, bc I don’t like to kill them off, is her father’s death/career change/xyz causing her to pull away from them, & she has to deal w/ that.
Is this Copley v merrick then. & Nile coming in clutch w/ the kendo stick. & Booker, as ever, having his neck broken doggy-style (love how dramatic the announcing is)
Sdhjgkdlsq not the ‘lose then’ god their dynamic is just the absolute crème de la crème truly the epitome of like. Puts them in a cage together and notes down their behaviours. <- meant that in a labrat sort of way but hello nickyjoe cage match who says no
The reason this au is so fucking good btw is the combination of like. Actual violence and bodily harm. And also the bodily harm tht comes from kicking ur boyfriend off the bed in a mean and not so gentle way, but its ok bc u kno he can take both it and u, and also you’re doing it at least 25% because it’ll give you an advantage in ur next match. But only 25%. Maybe 30%
Never seen a staple gun match. Disregard the fact that I have 10 tabs open rn to yt videos of wrestling lemme open up a couple more. Agreeing even tho I havent seen one yet because like yeah I mean. yeah. In this situation is it a tag team thing or is it like one on one w one of the two running interference. Either is so fun . <- wait now Im thinking abt the implications of a no DQ match cause obv u can cheat in a no DQ match thats kinda the point r u allowed to bring in other ppl to fight ur fight with u … no idea. Love the idea of it tho.
Also also now Im thinking of a merrick et al v guardofblack blood&guts steelcage match. Of the cool hand ang covered in blood, mjf throwing Jericho off the top variety. Of the booker realises he’s fucked up and sorta refuses to fight back & just sits there bleeding perhaps throwing himself into the punaises (forgot the word) someone brought in bc its the whole ‘i deserve to suffer thing’ variety. Thatd be so annoying. Like the guard would be annoyed extra with him like stop trying to be a martyr a) you are so stupid b) get out of the way I am TRYING to do smth here
“In MY mind palace Nicky and Quynh are the t4t of branch this polycule” obsessed w u. Giving this its own response to let it breathe like a fine wine Im sipping down in gulps.
Nicky & quynh is deeply underrated as a dynamic <- man who has never done anything himself to actually create a nickyquynh dynamic. Man who has always put Nicky with Andy and quynh with joe. Man who thinks he’s right on both counts because Joe and quynh also deeply underrated. Theres a (severely) unfinished fic in my drafts in which Nicky & quynh r rival wedding planners and Andy & Joe r their right hand men respectively and both couples start dating each other in shameful secrecy & then its like girl what were YOU doing at the satan’s prayer circle that is getting on ur knees to suck c— anyway where were we. Not important. Just saying all their dynamics are everything. ANYWAY YES screaming u access subspace thru the gender. Thesis statement of a very important b-plot somewhere halfway through this “”fic“” 
Maladaptive coping is, to put it mildly, the only thing worth reading abt in fic. sorry. I mean I know I legit cant say that because Ive only written one fic of that variety and its not even on ao3 bc I abandoned it but I contain multitudes I can be a hypocrite as a treat. Yelling yelling yelling abt the wound/infection situation. oh. ‘we could fix each other’ ‘we could also fix each other but we are instead going to make it so much worse. Hey Andy where did u put the blinders Im going to fix them so firmly onto my head.’ & yeah I also think that nile’s familial situation can be like. She just travels so much and has for such a long time from such a young age (olympic wrestling first & now this) all over the country to where her family can hardly follow her around all the time & maybe she goes home a little less than she maybe should and maybe she lets her phone die on purpose sometimes . Maybe she feels shame about utilising violence as a form of entertainment instead of for a Good Cause like her father did. Maybe this shame is entirely unwarranted but she’s too scared to find out bc yk. infection. Etc etc
[takes my shirt off & points @ my hardened jaw at the wrestling function] I fucking love wrestling I love low blows I LOVE THE WAY EDWARDS COMES IN I LOVE PICTURING NILE LIKE THAT. AND I DO MEAN ALL OF IT. SITS DOWN 2 PUT THE KENDO STICK IN HER MOUTH. MAKES SNOW ANGELS ON THE METAL RAMP. NOW THATS THE HASHTAG VIBE. 
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micahss · 5 years
how micah looks down at his line before snorting it up (warning, drug mention, parental neglect)
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here’s some statistics !! just a lil ..
full name: micah abel jeon nickname(s): doesn’t like nicknames,have to be named rosie to nickname him age: 22. date of birth: january 12th 1997 hometown: dallas, texas current location: milan, italy ethnicity: korean gender: cis male. religion: agnostic. sexuality: bisexual. education: has a high school diploma, no college.  language(s) spoken: korean & english hair colour: light brown eye colour: brown piercings: ears, both, left double helix piercing, 
easy bullet points for my friends, the brat muns ...  also bc im typing this while i have a cold and im too tired from work to rly be ArtSy, 
micah abel jeon, MAJ if you will, was born to two loving parents..
SIKE, THEY’RE DEMONS, like his dad was a HUGE director, very respected in the business and heavily awarded, an award winning director, like oscars big. his mother was a socialite / model, think like naomi campbell but not that iconic, 
no one really thought the socialite and the director would last, considering how much shit that came out about them, (cheating scandals, public fights, being absent from each other for so long,) but they did ? they oddly worked with each other and lasted, god knows why, the media still loves them till this day, 
fast forward from their problems, sinclair jeon and valentina jeon had one son and he is their only son, micah abel jeon. 
parents are supposed to be warm, loving, kind, supportive - you would think so right ? to have them support you in whatever way shape or form but nah, since micah was in diapers he was forced into acting, and since their big names in the world getting him his first diaper gig wasn’t so hard, 
micah’s parents wanted a child prodigy, they got him involved in his toddler years in as many activities as he can but there was nothing more perfect than having a child that grew up knowing how to act and actually being good at it, like you have your bad child actors and then you have your first and only child prodigy that won his first award at 8, like that was big on them
they continued to push him into acting roles he did not, no matter how much he pleaded with his parents that he doesn’t want to do this anymore, he wants to be quote on quote.. normal, like he just wants to live his life but up until he was 15, his parents had full control over him,
what to eat for roles, what roles to take, how to present yourself in the media, to seem like a picture perfect family but what was so perfect if you’re the puppet of the worlds two biggest stars who only birthed you to use you as a piece in their selfishness? 
come the age of 15, micah has had enough that he wants to emancipate from his parents and at that point they had complete control of his assets, everything he ever made never came to him but his parents, so what does he do?
hires a lawyer, steals some of his own money, takes his parents to court
it was on national tv, headlines everywhere addressed “MICAH JEON SUING PARENTS VALENTINA & SINCLAIR JEON ! “ “MICAH JEON DIVORCING HIS PARENTS OVER MONEY” “HAS MICAH BEEN NEGLECTED ?” paps swarmed him, his parents, his home, his street for days and at that point he was on the outs with his parents. but he didn’t care, he’d show up to court expressionless and explained he had nothing left to do with his family anymore, and that they have ruined him since he was a baby, 
of course, he’s an actor and he’s such a good actor too like a blessing and a curse on behalf of his parents but karma is like that huh val n sin ? but in court that boy MILKED EVERY SECOND, it was just another role, playing an estranged boy who hates his parents
he won the sympathy of the jury, the judge and the public and his names was everywhere when he won the case, micah hasn’t talked to his parents since. so he packed up, moved out, once the money was transferred over, he with nina & rosie, searched for his first home independently, like he only has nina & rosie as family, and his pr team thts it 
all micah ever wanted was to disappear from a very young age, have his own cafe somewhere vacant, somewhere where no one would recognize him like call it a cliche but he really just wants to have a little bird inside of a cafe and to deal with just customers, that was it from a young age and go to school but he was robbed of that and resents it everyday..
see, now you would think the boy would stop acting and go pursue something else but his life was literally never gna be normal, he was recognized everywhere he went and he hated it, but also it was a good source of income
he gets the title, hollywoods devil because he literally is such a pain in the ass to work with, if he doesn’t like the littlest thing about you or what you’re doing he wants you fired and his PR team has been with him since he was a baby so tehy understand him better than his own family did
he was called for roles after roles into his 20′s that he became hollywoods biggest actor, from blockbuster films to small cameos like his fanbase is so big its ridiculous and people know, like they know if micah is in the movie even for a split second the ratings would be higher than what they’d expect
after the show he put on in court when he was 15 ? that gained him A LOT of sympathy and since then he grew as an actor, and at this point he’s indifferent to his job, he still hates it, still wants a cafe somewher quiet in like sicily or something but being recognized day after day makes it harder
micah is a frail fragile child without a childhood, he never had one, never wasoffered one, most kids had toys, he had scripts, red carpets, like this boy has grown up and not grown up at the same time
because he never really had a childhood, he acts out in the most childish ways, if he doesn’t like you, he will call in for a rumor, if you’re bothering him on set, he’ll fire you and the thing is they can’t fire him because they know they’ll lose money, and hollywood and money, we know how a capitalistic society works !
he manipulates a lot of situations for his benefit and if you call him out on it, he’s like huh?
one hobby he stayed with was playing the piano, it’s really soothing for days he wants to have a panic attack over his life, like he has a piano at his home in malibu / shared apartment w his friends, he’s probably gna order a whole ass piano for their new place in milan like good morning MY piano don’t touch.  he likes playing it when he’s sad, a lot .. its his fav thing to do is hum and play :/ he has kind of a childish aura when he does, like part of who he was is there when he’s in element... :/ 
he developed an addiction to cocaine when he was 17, he went to a party and someone told him to try blow, it wouldnt harm him just get him high, so he did, and it was the happiest he ever felt like cocaine gives him this rush weed / alcohol doesnt like when he needs an energy / mood boost he turned to cocaine, at first it was a few times every few months but now he has a problme he won’t even address it
sometimes at 3 am on the dot like don’t ask me why 3 am specifically but he just has a full on breakdown and thats it, crying is good for teh soul and he does it a lot KFMDG, hes such a mess he needs help but refuses help 
personality wise he’s absent a lot when you talk to him, like kind of like talking to a void ? like even on twitter people tweet about their day and this man is tweeting about his grocery list hes unreal and has two brain cells but yeah i think.. that’s it, for now .. that’s micah .. my dumbass <3
you know, people ask him how does he feel under that title and he justlooks at laughs because till this day he just thinks its one running gag that someone really sat there and associated him with other people
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littlewolfdiaries · 7 years
oh my god no. I meant separated curly and tim relationship headcannons, like with their own girlfriends! incest is a no for me thank u ,,, thts fucking nasty man.. anyway thank u babe !! ur account is groovy dude :)
HAHAHA I was totally kidding I wanted to see your reaction 😭😭The relationships totally depend on the characteristics of the girl, but I'll try my best bbyDating Tim--- Hanging around playgrounds --- I've got no idea why, but he's there a lot--- He'll definitely push you on the swings--- You can force him to stargaze with you --- He hates mushy stuff but as a kid he was obsessed with outer space --- So he can't refuse --- If there's any kind of weird space thing; solar eclipse, meteor showers, etc. you bet your ass you guys are gonna see it--- You know where?--- The roof of Buck's. --- Tim can actually be very sensual, but also expect rough sex--- Tim Papi Chulo Shepard --- You will actually be cleaning him up 24/7--- First you're bandaging him, next you've got to do something weird like wash his hair because he can't for whatever injury reason--- Can we just talk about his hair for a sec tho--- He thoroughly enjoys you running your hands thru it--- If you get into a fight, don't expect him to run apologizing--- You'll be apart anywhere from a week to three months, but he'll always come back--- It's generally because he's so ashamed --- Not bc he doesn't care or anything --- SMOKING WITH HIM OMH--- If not, just WATCHING him smoke--- Going to weird places out of town--- He knows everyone, so whenever you go somewhere y'all are seen--- But out of town it's like no one knows your names--- Lots of affectionate actions--- Little kisses on the top of your head, "accidental" hand brushes, etc. --- With Tim, it's those little things or full on making out --- There's NO in between --- Tim will always call you "kid", there's no alternatives. --- If you're his kid, that makes him your daddy am I right ladies 😉😉🤤Dating Curly--- Will probably begin and end in disaster --- So much fun though, honestly--- Drive-in every Friday night--- You are his girlfriend and therefore you're married.--- Curly will not hesitate to punch anyone that hits on you--- Tim finds it cute, but man if he has to answer the phone one more damn time --- Cooking for him--- Baby just needs food --- The key to his heart is in his bottomless pit of a stomach :)))--- WEARING HIS JACKET--- "yeah so we're going out??" "yea that's the plan" "aah okay.. hold on" cue him tossing ANYTHING of his at you to wear --- SO MUCH CUDDLING--- Curly loves cuddling --- Especially spooning because he's a lil horndog --- He will get hard no fucking joke --- HE HAS YOU AROUND HIS GANG--- "Hey guys, this is my girlfriend" --- "Hey girlfriend, can you pass me that?" --- "My girlfriend, Y/N, right over there she..." --- Curly gives Tim dirty looks bc he's trying to "steal his girl"--- Dining and dashinnng --- Not Endorsed, Do Not Do This My Children--- Tim gives Curly money sometimes to do stuff with you --- It's adorable--- Curly has been known to cheat but if someone really means something to him, he won't ofc --- He can stay loyal its just his hormones that--- DANCING TOGETHER--- Curly will get so fucking triggered if you say Elvis is dead--- "Curly, Elvis isn't even relevant. He's dead."--- "Y/N I SWEAR TO GOD"--- Elvis will always be in. Always. --- Sitting together at lunch!!--- And in all of your classes during school!!--- Lots of making out--- That's Curly's favorite pastime--- SO MUCH HICKEYS--- HE'S THE GOD OF HICKEYSI tried to make it even but I think I failed
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