#i really wrote this knowing all too fucking well its gonna hurt me owo
cheemken · 9 months
Thinking abt this new concept of villain au Iris and how she decided to try and become Champion, and like, she already has the gym badges yknow, before that fateful battle two years ago, she went through the gyms to prove herself capable of being a Gym Leader herself
And hey, she never got the chance to actually challenge the E4, so this was good opportunity. She wondered if that old man w wild red hair was still Champion, she forgot his name, but hey, she has to admit, he was a kind man and treated his Pokémon like family. She wishes him well. What was his name.. Al.. Alder! Yes, that's the one, the kind man who would often visit her and Drayden at Opelucid. He was nice, Iris liked him, he had a lot of stories about Drayden and himself when they were younger. It reminds her of the times she and her brother would play around w Pokémon too.
But, this is no time to reminisce of the past, it's time for her to challenge the League and become Unova's Champion. Whether or not Alder will be the one waiting for her, she doesn't care, she will win.
The E4 was no challenge for her. Surprisingly, they still recognize her. Shauntal hugged her, telling her that she missed her, all of them thought smth had happened to her, but she's glad she's okay. Caitlin woke up from her slumber in a hurry, almost couldn't believe that it truly was Iris standing before her. Marshal was left speechless, like Shauntal, he crouched down to hug her, hiding his tears and going on how happy he was she was alive. Grimsley dropped his coin the moment he saw her, but he smiled, wiping his tears as he went on how she got everyone scared thinking she was dead. It was a strange feeling. Drayden, the Elite Four, they all showed concern towards her. They showed how happy they were to see that she's still alive and doing well. It was.. unfamiliar to her. Ghetsis would often show them that he cares, but it never felt as warm as w Drayden and the E4. It was drastically different, and ofc, she knows why, it was still strange for her. She wasn't used to it.
Well hey, no need to dwell on those thoughts, she tells herself, as she walked towards the Champion chambers. It has.. been a while since she last been there. She wonders who'd greet her within the room. She actually prayed it won't be N.
Heading inside the chamber, everything was so different. Sitting on the throne, she saw someone donning blue, those hazel eyes looked at her, a small gasp left his lips as he hurriedly stood from his seat, almost running towards Iris but stopped midway, hand outstretched, wanting to reach out for her, but was terrified at the thought that perhaps.. it was another trick of his mind. Iris felt overwhelmed, it was her friend. He became champion, just as he always dreamt he'd be. She wanted to reach out too, to hold his hand once more, to hear his voice, and Arceus granted her that one thing as she finally hears the voice of her friend again.
"Iris..? Is that.. is that really you..?"
Hilbert.. she missed him so much. Tears brimmed her eyes as it did w him, and she nodded, running straight to his arms, w him holding her close, afraid she's gonna disappear again. They know they're going to battle soon, ofc Iris didn't head to the League just to see him, she probably didn't know he was Champion, but.. right now.. right now they don't have to think abt that. They'll cross that bridge when they get there, rn they're just happy that they're together again.
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queen-of-hearts92 · 6 years
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Giant hands as imagery never mean anything good. The literal stage hands from episode 8 was scary enough but now theres this huge looking hand at the start of Maya's chapter of Overture. Due to this manga being a prequel to the anime I don’t think it’s a coincidence that a giant hand is featured here. Considering what hands like these usually mean, it gives quite unnerving implications, especially for Maya since this was in her chapter. Let me explain! About Maya Tendou and why I’m sad about her.
Quick note from the future: I wrote this post before episode 10 happened so while I would change somethings around I still stand by a lot of what I said here! I’ll probably do a follow up post to this one eventually! Ok thats all, enjoy the meta! owo/
Loom hands can represent danger from a powerful force, they often mean something is preying on someone else. Like a predator hunting down prey, the sharp claws add to the predator image hence the literal stage hands are also clawed. An example would be in the book/movie Coraline who is targeted by the Other Mother. Not only does Other Mother have creepy hands but on the posters and covers for the movie there is indeed a clawed hand above Coraline. 
Another thing looming hands can represent is a lack of control over yourself/your life like being directed by a puppet master. Remember when Maya was talking about the beauty of choice in episode 7? We can start to see why she views it so positively, cause she doesn’t often have that. To go with the theme of a lack of control, the controlling hand can also represent abuse of any kind. 
You see. The visual of an adult hand reaching towards a child who looks like her in the darkness has some, sad implications about Maya. I actually did wonder if that sort of thing happened during her childhood. I never put it in my write ups cause I didn't want to assume nor did I feel I had enough evidence but then this chapter happened. Now I’m suspecting abuse, physical and/or emotional most likely. I’ve said a few times in my write ups that you don’t get someone like Maya out of a happy childhood, and I know I’m right but what happened exactly we were only able to guess at for awhile but thanks to this chapter we have some idea of whats going on. 
Maya has had expectations thrown at her since she was born. Her parents it sounds like that they groomed her to be a stage girl. I’ve always been bothered that she's referred to as a thoroughbred. Yeah that word can be used at ppl but not normally, you call race horses that are born and bred to compete a thoroughbred. Maya has that word in every one of her descriptions, and that’s why. 
She was bred for the stage, nothing else was ever an option for her. Maya’s whole existence is the stage, the ghost story play in her chapter is really referring to her. She’s the ghost that gets swallowed up by the darkness. Two of the quotes from the play that stood out to me was “Aside from the heart of a stage, the position zero, there was nowhere else that I belonged.” and “The light of the spotlight is the only thing that reveals my existence at all”. To farther cement this parallel is that the ghost girl has Maya’s hair style therefore looks similar to her and only Maya is able to see her. Maya the performer is seen by others of course but Maya as a human being isn’t. That’s the invisible part, only being in the spotlight reveals her existence.
We can see this in the fact that Maya doesn’t have any close friends and while Claudine is easily the closest to Maya she’s still distant to the point that Kuro also sees Maya as a perfect embodiment of the stage. Kuro couldn’t even fathom that Tendou Maya was afraid of something silly like ghosts hence she thought Maya was acting instead. That’s a big relationship barrier here, Kuro needs to see Maya as a human being or their relationship just isn’t going to work.
Noticing that Maya has been dehumanized by everyone around her is extremely depressing honestly. From what I can tell her parents see her as a well trained prized pet, her peers see her as above them, and her crush sees her as this perfect stage girl to a point she cant recognize if Maya is acting or when she’s genuinely like scared in this case. Maya does do what she is expected to do but it seems like she’s created a coping mechanism of sorts. If her peers see her as this untouchable figure fine, she’ll be that to inspire them to progress. She wants to be the best so others do their best, this way it gives her a purpose besides just being a wind up toy on the stage. However this kind of coping won’t work forever cause at the end of the day she’s still treated like an object and not a person. Something will give, and it will hurt a lot. Like someone, please see her as a person! She needs that so so badly. God dammit...
On top of all this Maya being associated with birds has depressing implications as well. Birds can mean all sorts of shit, but one of the big ones is freedom. Ya know, caged birds still sing after all. If Maya is that bird, the one who can’t fly freely, then she’ll learn how to sing. However Maya isn’t associated with the traditional caged birds, she’s associated with swans. Swans can’t be contained like that, shouldn’t be contained like that. Just because a swan has accepted their cage doesn’t make the cage less smaller or tighter. Or feel less suffocating. Like I said in my episode 7 write up, Maya is trying hardcore to look only forward and never back but not facing the ghosts of your past can and will cause problems and eventually drag you down. Maya isn’t a lark or any kind of songbird, she’s a swan that learned how to sing and perform. And if that swan can’t or won’t break free, then its only gonna get worse from here.
All this shit ofc factors in kuromaya. I think one of the reasons why Maya has fallen for Claudine and seeks her out is while Kuro does see her as perfect, instead of backing down she fucking goes for it and thats exciting as hell for Maya. People just don’t do that around her nor succeed in truly challenge her like Kuro can. Plus unlike her, Kuro chose to go into the stage and acting. Maya must really admire that she chose this rough path and did it cause she wanted to. Hell maybe even envy her for being able to do that. She loves Kuro’s drive and passion, she loves being around her. But I do think that eventually Kuro also treating her as not human will get to Maya. And when that happens, that’s gonna hurt a lot man.
I honestly can’t imagine what it’s like to go your entire life being treated like a fancy animal at best and a thing at worst. The coping mechanism is probably the only reason why she hasn’t fucking lost her mind or her sense of self, but as I said that won’t solve anything in the long term. 
Maya is gonna break, everyone has their limits and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’ll be hitting hers soon. She, honestly needs to. You can’t bottle that shit up forever, its gonna explode. When the break happens I’m pretty sure Claudine will see it happen, cause she needs to see that Maya is human too. She’s probably the only one who can possibly understand since she also grew up in the spotlight. This will be a helpful and healing experience for both of them, Maya can finally let it all out and Kuro can learn a new way to look at her and even their rivalry over complicated lesbian mating dance. I’m hoping that’s what episode 10 will show us.
And I’m gonna cry a lot if it does go this way, ever since I noticed how everyone around her dehumanizes her I’ve been sad about it. I just want Maya to be happy god dammit. ;A;
Edit: I just gotta say, Green Finch and Linnet Bird now makes me think of Maya and now I’m sad. orz
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sodasyrup · 4 years
i really let these build up
DAY 315: nah lol it okay. I was able to write, I was just staring at the screen. and I wrote more until I finished the second chapter today!!!!
congrats on writing!
DAY 316: THIS THUNDERSTORM IS A STRONG BOY TODAY OH FUCK!!! I actually heard the thunder even with my earbuds in max volume 😳
i fuckin love thunderstorms..........
DAY 317: I didn't get to write today 😔 honestly quite tired but I got to have hot chocolate so that's good
DAY 318: I was able to write and we're supposed to have really bad storms today!!!!! also I almost fell asleep before doing this lmao
Whore redacted
DAY 320: in a gift event and got my giftee. I'm so excited to start writing for them!!!!!!
day missing?
DAY 321: I was so distracted today and I don't know why 😔 also I really want a switch so I can play animal crossing but I don't want to burden my parents
oh.... if u get a switch we can play naminal crosigns 
DAY 322: OH MY GOSH, THAT'S AMAZING!!! GOOD JOB!!!! :D!!!!!!!!!!
DAY 323: this whole week, 0/10 for me. I've been so forgetful and keep procrastinating. the only reason I am able to finish what I have done so far is because of sprints 😓 oh well! but I'm tired so sleepy time night!!!
oh babe sorry. i hope u slept well
DAY 324: dunno if I already mentioned this, but I'm in two birthday events and I already reached the first minimum word count for one of them and am halfway to the other event's word count minimum!!! :D
time to pass the MAXIMUM WORD COUNT
DAY 326: my legs hurt from standing so much reorganizing my clothes 😪
id rather die than organize my clothes
DAY 327: I WENT OUTSIDE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A MONTH AND WATCHED TWO MOVIES I RENTED!!! Sonic was really good and Birds of Prey too!!!
outside......... *smacks u* dont get infected 
DAY 328: my knee HURTS!!! also I really hope I can get a new laptop soon so I don't have to worry about it and can write freely
*rips out ur knee* you deserve so much 
DAY 329: I have one day left of "school" and I doubt I even have much to do and I hate it :( but how have you been? are you doing good?
u did it..... today was my last day of work! twinsies....even tho im LATE
DAY 330: I'm gonna miss everyone but at least soon I will be able to sign up to finish my driving lessons and then focus on my writing completely :D
oh fuck epix! i cant drive im gay
DAY 331: my knee hurts but I finally figured out how I want my gift fic to keep going!!! also I hate america once again but I love the people who are rioting because honestly, I'm surprised we haven't lost our patience sooner
FIX UR FACKIN KNEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also god america is awful but my heart goes out to the protesters 
DAY 332: don't know if you've heard about pride///fall but be careful, okay? also I'm pretty sure there was a protest not too far where I live. however it ended, I'm just proud
ive heard of it but idc too much ive been around for awhile i know the internet well enough to just shrug it off. more concerned for others
DAY 333: dude it's okay. don't force yourself to answer them all at once. almost all of my daily anons have been written while I was half asleep in bed anyway, I vibe with that
owo........i answered them ALL
DAY 335: thanks dude. it's just painful to see innocent people be hurt or k*lled. nothing about this is right and I hate so much of this world right now. I can only hope things get better from here
also yeah it sucks so much but we can work towards something better, together
DAY 336: I made ramen two hours ago and ate it. in the middle of the night. my stomach may not agree fully but I don't regret it. also I cannot type at all today
i think ramen just does that? makes u shit ur pants
DAY 337: currently crying because I just finished reading a fic and I'm just emotional. I knew what was gonna happen because of the major character death warning but jesus fuck, it hurt so much in the end. I loved it. 15/10
i cant read angst no comfort it makes me depressed
DAY 338: I've had a headache this whole day 😔 and I think I'm starting to feel bored and lonely. I might take a walk at some point or just sleep a lot
sorry man, NZ has been out of lockdown for awhile. hope you feel better soon
DAY 339: I said fuck it and had ramen again at like midnight, however much my stomach disagrees be damned. and now I am sated uwu
DAY 340: sleeby... but playin sims... and eating cheese... mmmmmmm 😋
sims......chehze....... mlemlemelme
DAY 341: leggy hurts but I have ice cream so I guess it balances out uwu
dude fix your leg serious go to a doctor or something
DAY 342: it was raining today!!!! and I loved it!!!! it was so windy!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love rain when im not in it
DAY 343: I finished drawing a second of and started my third! I love them all so far
DAY 344: I was sad today but I had two cups of hot coco and did several sprints so I'm feeling better now :)
coco is very nice, you deserve it
DAY 345: it got cold all of a sudden??? excuse me, how rude. anyway, it's hot chocolate time!!!! imma add a little salt
the cold is me sucking away ur- wait wait wait salt in your fucking coco?
DAY 346: it was cold as a BITCH last night and it's cold again!!! 😭 at least I got blankets and hot chocolate 😋
DAY 347: I might have allergies, idk. but I can finally finish up my driving lessons!! and I finished my required hours so woohoo!!!
i’ll sneeze in ur mouth to fix ur allergies 
DAY 346: okay but real talk- I'll probably stop doing these after I do a whole year if that's okay. and I finishing up my driving lessons!
THATS FINE BABE one whole year like. fuckin dedicated!
DAY 349: I just realized I messed up the day number for the last one *dies* goddamnit. anyway, early sleepy time!!!!!! uwu
you’ve messed up a few but its ok bc youve done this for a fucking YEAR
DAY 350: MY BODY FUCKING HURTS????? rude. I don't even know why, it just did
im gonna remove ur bones
DAY 351: oof writing is hard and drawing is hard. goddamnit life is hard. BUT THAT WON'T STOP ME
i wish i had hands to draw and write
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