#i really liked the other bg as well but i can't get a clear shot of it in the dimensions i want bc of the ui so i might just not bother lol
c6jpg · 3 months
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One wonders if Shenhe has adapted to life outside Jueyun Karst, and if she's accustomed to the food out there… Ganyu has been so busy lately that one hasn't seen her in ages… Next time, one must ask what kind of work she's been doing that has been keeping her so busy. Hmm, about the massive Xiao Lantern one mentioned earlier, should one construct one to gift them?
…Ugh, why haven't those old fossils arrived yet? The dishes are getting cold already!
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shiro-hatzuki · 1 year
yknow making stuff to feed my milgram obsession somehow has taught me quite a bit about image editing. or at least, image editing using a program that is not quite optimized for it.
struggles with firealpaca aside, i was going through my files the other day and realized that i don't tend to share a large amount of my edits. part of that is due to the fact that many of these are parts of a larger project, so i never really considered sharing them since i want to get to the bigger thing. but another part is due to the fact that the edits are not quite up to the standard that i want them to be at, so i don't feel like they're worth sharing. but looking back at some of these, even though the edits aren't quite to par or are pretty useless, they're still alright, so here's a little showcase of some of the edits i've done thus far!
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there's this pan shot in kotoko's s1 mv, and i went "oh boy! that's an easy edit!" so whipped this together in like 10-15 minutes. i think i just wanted to use this as a banner for something? but that never happened.
[more stuff under the cut]
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edits of the birthday arts from the amnibus store announcements! these were part of my bigger series of birthday wallpaper edits. these files exist because of some technical layer stuff with the wallpapers. i was more focused on recreating the patterns for that series rather than putting the art on, so these edits weren't really worth sharing.
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in the milgram server i'm in, a person kinassigned the prisoners flowers, and that gave me the idea for these edits! i gave up because it was surprisingly difficult to find flower photos that i could actually use. i'm proud of how yuno's came out, though!
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i needed the emblem-logo for an art i was doing, but because i'm really bad at geometric stuff, i did the only logically thing: edit it! back in season 1, the character page had a graphic with the milgram logo right behind the box where es and jackalope would be, so i took some time to edit that, then spent way too much time on the emblem. the emblem itself is a little plain, but it did well enough for the art i was making.
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back in season 1 after we got some verdicts, i used the verdict arts from the judge page for this one. i can't find the files i used for this edit, but i think i used haruka's and fuuta's verdict arts for this? trying to edit out the characters to just have the sheep and goat symbols with the words around was a bit tricky, so the text ended up a bit scuffed.
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the artist for the milgram light novel cover released a version without the text over it on their twitter and i really wanted to use it for my phone wallpaper! but the dimensions weren't right for it so quiet and gentle were cut off. i thus made an edit to make it fit better. i'm really bad at recreating art styles though, so when it comes to extending images like this, my solution is to make it burry so you can't see my bs. i think the thing i put the most effort into was extending the book on the floor.
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this thing took so. much. time!!!! to make. this was partly because i wanted this to be as in tact and clear as possible, so blurring wasn't an option. both of the stars on the desktop and mobile files had parts cut off, so i needed to mash them together and edit out the bg on the mobile version. also as much as i love them, es's head is in the way of the bottom point in both stars, so i needed to reconstruct that bottom part and a part of kotoko that was cut off in both stars by throwing more prisoner stars at it and using kotoko's character art. also fun fact: both desktop and mobile version of the prisoner stars has their top points cut off, but the mobile version less so. but there's no way i'm going to edit out the background again if i have to, so i'm using my edit of the initial star to add the points to the transparent desktop version. and if you've seen my recent word art edits involving the stars, yes i will be doing this for all the prisoners for s2. or at least, i'm planning to. yet despite all the hours i put into it, the seams still are too obvious, so leaving the stars as is isn't really something i want to share, thus why i'm only releasing these as my word art edits for the time being. can you tell from my ranting that these stars left me v tired?
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the most recent edit. i had the idea to use the max resolution thumbnails from the album trailers as my pc's wallpaper, but there was a problem with yuno's. haruka's (and now fuuta's) thumbnails were extended at the bottom so the art took up the whole 16:9 aspect ratio, but yuno's thumbnail wasn't. instead, it only has those black bars on the top and bottom. of course, i wanted the version with the extension on the bottom, so i extended it myself. trying to recreate the fog effect was tough, and where the og stops and my edit starts is obvious, but it works for my purposes!
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pumpkin-spike18 · 1 year
✨Weekly Progress 2023 #11 & #12✨
Whoops, I was so late on updating last week's progress update that I decided I might as well combine the two. 😅
Week #11
Wrote ~1k words for SYVNH
Generated BGs for EKL
Sketched S1 for EKL
Unfortunately, I didn't get as much as I hope done between the two weeks. I'm running into a bit of writer's block, or, more specifically, writer's fear. I'm sure I'll work through it. Until then, I'll work on anything else I can to continue dev-ing. Benefits of being a jack of all trades, I suppose <:
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The presentation for Exorcist Killing Lie is like a manga and this is an example of the first scene. It's a lot of extra art, but I hope it'll be worth it in the end... assuming I manage to code it all haha...
Week #12
Finished S1 for EKL
Split the VA/sound channels for SYVNH
Added persistent check to SYVNH
Finished drawing balcony scene for EKL
Started on BG for SYVNH
Since I've been having a tough time writing, I decided to start working on the coding! I finally fixed 2 ongoing issues for SYVNH, which is splitting the VA/sound channels. I created a brand new audio channel within renpy to achieve this. I knew it was doable prior to release of Demo 2.0, but I was pressed for time and forgot the exact code to do it so I ended up omitting the update for 2.0.
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P.S: past!Me, how dare you? Some of these files had 1k+ calls for audio and I had to sift out which ones were sound effects and which were VA soundbytes! 😭
I might go through one more pass just to make sure all the sound effects are caught prior to releasing a Demo 2.1.
The second coding change is thankfully a simple one. It slipped my mind to make it easier for players to go back and achieve a perfect run... ;v;" The game will now ask if you want to clear your deaths if restarting the game after a bad end. It won't affect CG progress.
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And one more WIP shot of EKL, the opening scene to the game!
Other than that...
I've also done a lot of brainstorming this week, of odds and ends to various (new) projects. You know... like that meme I retweeted...
Summarized an untitled galge/BL modern day... CEO-intrigue/drama idea I have based on the relationships of some gods and goddesses from Greek mythology. Part of me really wishes I could turn this into a full BL story.
Got tempted to join Blossom Jam with a dark and edgy yuri Spring story about a murder mystery. Cause, come on~ I can't do pink without blood 😃
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