#i personally adore astarion and dont like cazador for that reason but not everyone has to think like me
from a cazador simp thank you so much for being so open and welcoming to us!!!! this blog is really well-run and is such a positive space <3
Thank you! I'm doing my best to keep things positive around here. I follow the latin maxim of primum non nocere- first, do no harm. Or as the Wiccan rede puts it- 'An ye harm none, do what ye will', which was probably inspired by Crowley's 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law'. I'm already rambling, but all I'm really saying is- if it's not hurting anyone, you do you! It's clearly not a new idea, yet certain circles of tumblr seem to have forgotten it.
I cannot abide the gatekeeping- I think fiction provides a much needed outlet to explore archetypes of evil in a safe way. And it's human nature to be fascinated, even oddly seduced by such things, at least in the abstract. Maybe it helps us learn to accept and understand our own shadows. Or maybe I'm overthinking things. But in any case, I don't see anything wrong with liking 'problematic' characters. I won't allow anyone to be attacked for their character preferences on here.
Most people have the common sense and bare minimum of media literacy to understand that Cazador and Ascended Astarion are evil dudes, but some find them hot anyway. Sounds good to me! What you enjoy is no reflection of your character. I'm not here to delve into all the discourse, and I know there are a few AA and Caz stans with some horrendous takes out there- but regular fans shouldn't be punished by association. This blog is all about celebrating the diversity of fandom and sexuality, and I'm happy you're a part of it!
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