#i only now realized how many halloween inspired post i could've been making this month
Fuyumi: *dressed as a cat* Shouto! Natsuo! Have you both gotten into your costumes yet? Father will be here any minute to pick us up for the Halloween party.
Natsuo: Just give me a sec! Im trying to take a picture! I'm scaring myself with this costume. I don't even want to look in the mirror, haha.
Fuyumi: *worried* Is it really that scary?
Natsuo: *snorts* I can promise you, it is the most terrifying thing you will have ever seen before!
Todoroki: *from the other room* I'm sorry to disappoint you nii-san, but my costume is certainly scarier than yours.
Natsuo: No way! Just you wait, Sho! Mine will scare you to death!
Todoroki: Mine will scare you more-
Fuyumi: Will you two just come out already! I can hear father's car pull up!
Natsuo/Todoroki: *comes out*
Fuyumi: Finally! You both took forev....er.....
Natsuo/Todoroki: *both dressed as Endeavour*
Natsuo: You were right. Yours is scarier.
Todoroki: *shakes his head* No, yours is. I'm actually feeling anxiety just looking at you.
Natsuo: No no. Yours is definitely-
*Endeavour barges through the front door*
Endeavour: *dressed in his hero costume* Are you three ready yet? I've been texting all of your phones for ten minutes now-!
Endeavour: *tearing up* Natsuo...Shouto...
Natsuo: *frantically shaking his head* No. No no. Don't get the wrong idea here-!
Todoroki: This isn't what you think it is. We're not... It's Halloween so...
Endeavour: *too busy taking pictures to listen*
Endeavour: *excited* Fuyumi! Take a picture of us together!
Natsuo: HELL NO! *trying to run away but is caught in a bear hug*
Todoroki: *has already given up and accepts his fate*
Endeavour: *grinning* This is the greatest day of my life.
*some dingy hideout*
Twice: Dabi, have you seen Toga- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?!?!
Dabi: *dressed as Endeavour* Scary, right?
Shigaraki: Dabi, where is my-*screams*
Dabi: Ha. *on the floor from being almost disintegrated* Best costume ever.
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