#i mean... this would have been an excellent damsel arc for lena
lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
AU where Lena is questioned by Colonel Haley in regards to her relationship with Supergirl, with Haley certain that Lena is close enough to her by now to know her real name. Or at peast hold some clue that could lead Haley to answers.
Lena doesn't help herself any by deflecting any and all questions ("a clandestine government organization illegally detaining a private citizen without due process, not a good look for you" / "bold of you to assume a Luthor and Super share anything beyond a superficial working relationship"), which only serves to both frustrate Haley and embolden her to taunt Lena with her executive order *from the president* and the fact she has carte blanche to get answers.
Eventually, Haley breaks out the truth seeker. But to her consternation, Lena is able to resist its influence by dissociating and squirreling herself away in one of her famous boxes. It doesn't negate the physical effects of the truth seeker, but does prevent the spilling of any secrets. (Lena doesn't know Kara's secrets, but she knows a bigot when she sees one, and has enough loyalty and affection towards SG that she refuses to give ANYTHING.)
Which means hours later, after Haley withdraws to let Lena suffer alone with the truth seeker still on her arm, Alex hears a whisper of Lena's detainment at the DEO and storms into the interrogation room. She finds Lena sweat soaked and shuddering where she's cuffed to the table, barely conscious.
Haley calmly walks in when Alex demands that Lena be released and the truth seeker removed. The Colonel declines at first, until Alex leverages Lena's celebrity against them ("do you really think the president will stand behind you when people ask why Lena Luthor died in federal custody?").
In the end, Lena is released, and Alex takes her to Kara's to recover. Where Kara comes home (from searching the city for Lena, who missed a lunch date with Kara) and nearly explodes when she finds out what's happened. At this point, Alex has no memory of Kara being an alien, and she thinks Kara doesn't know that she's not an FBI agent. So she confesses everything right then and there, and Kara has to pretend she didn't know.
Kara diligently watches over Lena until Lena wakes briefly, confirming to them that she's on the mend. Only then does Kara leave, spinning into her supersuit and slamming into the DEO, radiating rage. With dozens of weapons pointed at her, she zeroes in on Haley with eyes aglow.
"Lena Luthor is off limits."
Haley scowls. "You're hardly in any position to make demands, Kryptonian."
Supergirl's head tilts, before she disappears in a blur of motion. In a blink, a pile of weapons are at her feet, and a squadron of stunned agents struggle to register how their guns left their hands.
"Think again." Supergirl's hands curl into fists at her sides. "Come near her again, or anyone else I love, and I will grind your entire organization into the ground."
"Is that a threat?"
"It's a promise."
Taking a step backwards onto the balcony, Kara holds Haley's gaze for a pointed moment, before launching into the sky faster than the human eye could follow, cracking concrete in her wake.
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