#i mean im no one's idea of tall but. im twenty eight. and my shoes are d a n g l i n g
lylilorden · 8 months
my legs do not reach th ground in this chair :')
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mxliv-oftheendless · 4 years
Since you sent me two allow me to return the favor! How about a Gang AU with Vinnie and Bethie~?
(Okay, this was a bit confusing at first, bc I couldn’t think of anything to write. But then Shandi told me what she had in mind, and HOLY SHIT THAT’S A GREAT IDEA! Please enjoy this AU of the Starchild Assassin! Also this is really fucking long and I apologize. Enjoy anyway! And please send in more prompts!)
Vinnie kicked and struggled as the four men who’d jumped him dragged him out of the car and into the house. “Let me go! You fucking—”
“Ah!” one of them took out a gun and pressed it to Vinnie’s back. “That’s enough lip outta you, pretty boy. You’re gonna keep quiet while we bring ya to the boss. Understand?” 
Vinnie went silent at the feel of the gun barrel pressing between his shoulder blades. He could escape, maybe even kill them all on the way. He could then get back to Petey and tell him what happened. Whoever their boss was, Petey would make them pay. 
But at the same time... this house looked familiar. He knew this house. 
“Vinnie, please don’t leave me! Come back!” 
A flash of guilt came and went as the pleading voice echoed in his ears, and Vinnie found himself going still. The one with the gun nodded. “Good. Now move it.” 
Vinnie fell into step as he was half-guided half-dragged into the house. 
“What’s the boss even want with ‘im, anyway?” another one asked. 
“Shut up, Lou, ya know you’re not supposed to ask questions,” snapped the third. 
“I heard he’s the trophy fuck o’ the Brooklyn Wildcat,” the fourth commented. Vinnie felt the urge to hit him. He was not a trophy fuck. 
They brought him up the stairs and down a hallway, and finally came to a door. The third one knocked, and after a moment a female voice called out. “Who is it?” 
Vinnie’s eyes widened. That voice... it was so familiar. But where had he heard it before? 
“Delivery for ya, boss,” the first one called. “We got that package you’ve been waitin’ to get.” 
“Which one?” 
“The one that got intercepted by the Wildcat.” 
Another pause. Then: “Bring it in.” 
The third one opened the door, and the first one nudged Vinnie to go inside. It was a medium-sized study, with purple carpet on the floors and a large oak desk, with bookshelves lining the walls. Two windows were on either side of the desk that overlooked the street. And seated in the chair was a young woman in her mid twenties, wearing a nice shirt and blazer with her brown hair up in a bun. She looked up as the five of them came inside, and her eyes immediately met Vinnie’s. 
Vinnie froze, his eyes going wide and his jaw slack. It couldn’t be... but it was... 
They stared at each other for a moment, then Beth’s eyes went to the one with the gun. Her eyes narrowed. “Mario. Are you pointing a gun at his back?” She didn’t wait for him to answer. “Put it away. We’re not savages here.” 
The man, Mario, sheepishly took his gun away from Vinnie’s back and put it away. “Sorry, boss,” 
“You’re forgiven.” Beth stood up from her desk. “Thank you, boys. That’ll be all for now.” She waved for them to leave. “You can leave now.” 
“Ya sure you don’t need anything else, Ms. Caringi?” Caringi? When did she change her name?
“No, thank you, Louie.” 
The four men turned and left the room, leaving the two cousins alone. Vinnie couldn’t stop staring at her. She’d been only eight when he ran away, scrawny and small, always clad in oversized sweaters and following him around like she was his shadow. But now... she was much older, wearing clothes that fit, and stood tall and confident like she was born to be the way she was. 
“B-Beth?” it fell from his mouth before he could stop it. He just couldn’t believe he was seeing her again. 
Beth smiled. “Hi, Vinnie,” 
Vinnie couldn’t stop his legs from moving, and he ran to her and hugged her tightly. Beth hugged him back. “Sorry about Mario, by the way, he’s kind of impulsive. He’s trying to stop, though. And, sorry for kidnapping you. I just had to see you, and I didn’t know what else to do...” 
“I-It’s fine, I just,” he pulled back so he could look at her, holding her shoulders. “I can’t believe it’s you... You’re so big... What’s going on? Why did they call you “boss”? A-And why is your surname Caringi now?” 
“I’m... Well, Papa died, a couple years ago. And in his will, he named me his successor. I’m the head of the family now. And to make it official, I changed my name to Caringi.” 
“Oh... How did everyone take it?” It was surprising; he’d never heard of a woman running a mafia family. 
Beth frowned a bit. “Some of our asshole cousins tried to stage a coup. Said they should be the ones to run the family instead of a little girl.” She smirked a bit. “I showed them who’s boss. They’re decomposing in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean right now.” 
Vinnie smiled, then sniffed as tears stung his eyes. Beth noticed, and frowned in concern. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, just...” he hugged her. “I’m so happy to see you again. I-I’m sorry I left you behind...” 
Beth shook her head. “You don’t have to apologize. If you stayed, you probably would have been killed. What matters is, you’re here, and we can be family again.” 
The happiness faded at that. “You mean... I’m staying?” 
“If you want to, yeah,” 
He could stay here, stay with Beth... but Petey… Vinnie began to pull away, shaking his head. “N-No, I—I couldn’t do that to Petey…” 
For some reason, Beth frowned. “Vinnie...” Then she sighed. “Fine. But at least wait until tomorrow morning to decide. It’s late, and I don’t know about you, but sleep sounds great right now.” 
Vinnie felt the urge to ask for her to let him go back to Peter now. He’d be furious when he found Vinnie missing, and he’d come after Beth when he found out what happened. But if Vinnie went back now, then maybe he’d listen to reason. “I-I really should—”
“Please?” And there was the look. The innocent Bambi eyes. 
Vinnie’s heart clenched at the look. How many times had he wished he could see that look again? “... M-Maybe, Maybe I could stay the night...” 
Beth smiled. “Great. Let’s go get you set up in a room.” 
Smashing, thumps, and muffled shouting was what woke Beth from sleep. Almost immediately she was awake and alert, and got out of bed, grabbing the Ruger handgun she kept under her pillow. She put on her house shoes and went for the door, listening to the shouts. It all belonged to one voice, an older-sounding voice. The other one sounded like it was crying, and Beth recognized it immediately. Vinnie. 
Her blood boiled in her veins, and she wrenched open the door, going out into the hallway and meeting Vincenzo and Luigi, who were guarding her door. “You two,” she ordered, “with me.” 
The two of them fell into step on either side of her. “What’s goin’ on, boss?” Luigi questioned. 
“Well from the sounds of things, it seems a mangy cat’s broken into the house. But it’s not going to get what it came for.” 
As they neared, Vinnie’s room, the voices grew louder. 
“—tey, please, I didn’t mean to—”
“You think I’m gonna believe what you got to say?! I make you who you are and this is how you fuckin’ thank me?! By whoring yourself out to this new fucker?! You fuckin’ slut!” 
“I-It’s not like that, I—ah!” A cry of pain. 
“SHUT UP! You’re gonna shut the FUCK UP and come back with me. You don’t belong to this fucker, understand?! You belong to me!” 
Beth frowned darkly, and turned to Vincenzo. “Vincenzo, go get Mario and Louie.” As he ran off, she turned to Luigi and nodded. “Do it.” 
Luigi nodded, then kicked open the door. He ran inside and pointed his gun. “Drop your gun!” 
At that moment, Vincenzo returned with Mario and Louie, and they ran in to join him inside the room. “Who the fuck d’you motherfuckers think you’re talkin’ to?!” Beth heard the voice shout. 
She took that as her cue, and strolled in, working to keep her voice calm. “Well, from the looks of things, I’d say we’re talking to the Brooklyn Wildcat. Peter Criss, isn’t it?” 
When she saw what was going on, it became harder to keep herself in check. Peter was holding Vinnie against the wall, a hand firmly keeping him in place by his hair. Vinnie was shaking, crying quietly with tears streaming down his face. There was also a bruise forming on his cheek. 
Peter glared at her. “Who the fuck are you?!” 
“Smarter than you,” Beth fired back. “Coming here all by yourself, with no guards?” She shook her head, tut-tutting. “Unprofessional. And stupid. But anyway, I’m the “new fucker,” as you so eloquently put it.” 
A look of surprise flashed across his face, before hardening. “No fuckin’ way. There’s no way Bennie Caringi would croak and make a fuckin’ kid in charge.” 
Beth shrugged flippantly. “Well, that’s what happened. Now, if you wouldn’t mind,” she brandished her handgun, “get your filthy hands off of Vinnie, and get the fuck out of my house.” 
Vinnie’s eyes widened and he shook his head fearfully at Beth. Peter looked furious. “Like hell I’m gonna do that. He’s mine, and I’m taking him back.” 
“Wow, referring to him like he’s property. Wow.” Beth shook his head. “And here I thought you’d be willing to talk this out like a civilized person.” 
“Get in the know, honey: I ain’t civil.” 
“Clearly. You break into my house, smack around my cousin and call him a slut, insult my authority, and refuse to negotiate. Well... I guess there’s only one option left.” 
“Oh yeah, and what’s that? Gonna ask your bodyguards to do it all for ya, little girl?” 
Wow. Beth raised an eyebrow. He might as well have been begging her to do it. 
Without a word, Beth lowered her gun and fired, the bullet going right into Peter’s stomach. He howled in pain and stumbled back, letting go of Vinnie as he did. Vinnie scrambled away from him and clung tightly to Beth, shaking and crying into her shoulder. “Are you okay?” she asked quietly. He nodded into her shoulder. “Good. You can sleep with me tonight if you want.” After a pause, Vinnie nodded again. 
“You... You fuckin’ little tramp!” Peter yelled from the floor, glaring at Vinnie. “You can’t fuckin’ do this to me, Baby Doll!” 
Beth felt Vinnie tense against her, and glared at Peter. “That’s enough outta you. Boys?” 
The four of them lowered their guns and went over to Peter. Vincenzo and Mario hauled him up. 
“Take him to the... special warehouse, boys,” Beth ordered. “And make sure he can’t escape. Break his legs if you have to. We’ll deal with him in the morning.” 
As soon as the five of them left, Peter screaming obscenities at both of them as he was dragged away, Beth gently guided Vinnie out of the room to hers. Vinnie wouldn’t let go of her, clinging to her pajamas and keeping his head bent, his shoulders shaking with sobs. It made Beth angrier. Oh, Peter Criss was definitely going to get a slow death for this. 
But she would deal with it in the morning. For now, she was going to get Vinnie back to sleep. 
She let Vinnie get comfortable in bed, then got back into bed herself. And almost immediately, Vinnie hugged her tightly again, pressing his face to her shoulder. “I’m s-so s-sorry,” he sobbed. “I’m sorry...” 
Beth hugged him. “It’s okay, Vinnie. It’s not your fault.” 
“I sh-should have g-gone back...” 
“The same thing would have happened, Vinnie.” 
“N-No... y-you don’t know that.” 
“I do. And I think you know it too.” 
Vinnie lifted his head and gazed at her. Then misery overtook his face again and he sobbed. He knew she was right. “I thought he loved me,” he cried. 
Beth let him cry into her shoulder, rubbing his back. “I know... But he’s gone. He’ll be gone forever when we’re through with him. He won’t touch you again.” 
“Why what?” 
“W-Why would you do that... f-for me?”
Beth looked him right in the eye. “Because you’re my family. Family doesn’t abandon each other. And they certainly don't let them get slapped around by some Brooklyn asshole.” 
“B-But I abandoned you,” Vinnie argued. “I l-left you behind. I d-don’t deserve—”
“I don’t care,” Beth stressed. She squeezed Vinnie’s hand. “I don’t care that you left. You’re here now, and if you want, you don’t have to leave ever again. Because you’re my family, and I love you.” 
More tears rolled down his face, and Vinnie sniffled. “I love you too, Bethie,” 
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