#i mean i guess. some of these i wouldn't necessarily recommend dkjskdjsk
transmutationisms · 11 months
Your understanding of succession is very nuanced and I find reading your takes very enriching! All I wish is to have your literary analysis skills. If you could share where you started in understanding topics like psychoanalysis, bodily fluids as a symbol, using political lens to understand lit, or anything like that, that would be much appreciated! Sorry if this has been asked before, if you could direct me to that post I’d appreciate that
hi! i wouldn't consider myself any kind of expert in lit crit and i think it's something i continue to get better at just by doing more of it. so i'm not sure how helpful i can be here lol. but, some texts that have probably formed theoretical foundations for my reading of succession are:
history of shit, by dominique laporte, tr. rodolphe el-khoury
water and dreams: an essay on the imagination of matter, by gaston bachelard, tr. edith r. farrell
psychoanalysis of fire, by gaston bachelard, tr. alan c. m. ross
marx's 1844 manuscripts
anti-oedipus: capitalism and schizophrenia, by gilles deleuze & félix guattari, tr. robert hurley, mark seem, & helen r. lane
body fascism: salvation in the technology of physical fitness, by brian pronger
'malthus and the evolutionists', by robert m. young
the birth of biopolitics: lectures at the collège de france, 1978–79, by michel foucault, tr. graham burchell
discipline and punish: the birth of the prison, by michel foucault, tr. alan sheridan
faces of degeneration: a european disorder, 1848–1918, by daniel pick
capitalist realism, by mark fisher
three essays on the theory of sexuality, by sigmund freud, tr. james strachey
society of the spectacle, by guy debord, tr. donald nicholson-smith
le paris moderne: histoire des politiques d'hygiène, 1855–1898, by fabienne chevallier
we have never been modern, by bruno latour, tr. catherine porter
the arcades project, by walter benjamin, tr. howard eiland & kevin mclaughlin
french modern: norms and forms of the social environment, by paul rabinow
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