#i mean him feeling no love for shapey comes from knowing he isn't his bio kid uhh and other reasons. but this is the primary one
kanrix · 5 months
what do you think abt the theory of uhh clay actually ''caring'' about orel in his own way? the reason of why people think that is because he shows "love" to him (orel) in the same way his father ''did'' (which actually was clay kinda gaslighting himself into thinking that it's love but whatever).
I mean. It's kinda how I see it? he cared 'enough' about Orel to do the things he believed a loving/caring father should do. he felt worth something when his father hit him, he was worth the anger, so that must be how dads show that they care to their children.
But he does not love orel, not that much at least,,,,If anything he feels some type of attachment, simply because he is his biological son. He spanks Orel because that's how he thinks good, responsible parents discipline children, abuse means you care, yadda yadda yadda
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