#i love you for it tho. i LOOOOVEEE this. im so feral rn
waterfallofspace · 11 months
🤧😩😭💦😳📝 for chu//uya and go//jo if u would like to please 👁👁
Hello ily I am so insane about them and I am losing my mind at getting an excuse to rant about them so AHHHHH!!! thank you 💗💗 ~From This Ask Game~
Gonna make this two posts because it's... it's gonna be so long. Part One: C/huuya~
🤧: What does their sneeze sound like? (Description, spelling, or both!)
Something little but fiesty, like him <3 Sooo, kinda vocal, you definitely can hear his voice in it, and if you know him well enough, you'll be able to tell from another room that it was him. Somethin' like "hh'ayshhhuh-! ak'yiezzshoo-! kih'tiezshhiew-!" BUT, if it's a bad itch, or allergy, and he's not managing to stifle, it'll sometimes dip into rapid, and that's more like "ashh- yieshh- ayyshhh'oo-! arshhh- krshhh- kashhh'oo-!" but those are more rare for him. He also stifles or half-stifles quite often. "engxt-! nkKxt-! hk'enXTiew-! nkXGT'shiew-! hd'tshhiew-!"
😩: Do they tend to sneeze just once or twice, or multiple times? Do they have fits frequently or rarely? Does how many times they sneeze depend on the cause?
If it's just a natural, no cause, maybe he'll get one/two. But most of the time it's caused by a smell, allergy, sickness, or wine <3. And in all of those cases, he'll be lucky to get less then five. However, in his defense, they're usually a bit spread out, not super rapid. (unless it's a really bad tickle~)
😭: When they’re sick, do they try to downplay their symptoms, or do they treat every little cold like the plague? Do they whine a lot, or do they complain quietly or even just in their head?
Somehow both?? He's definitely a "I'm fine, leave me alone" type of person, denial till the very end, he's ALWAYS okay and will work through anything. But at the same time, if he's feverish enough, or with people he feels safe with, if he's vulnerable, he'll be the type to complain. Sneeze, whine, gasp, repeat. But this is very rare for him, you can count the amount of time's it's happened on one hand. He's also the type to complain but about others, not his own symptoms. So if he has a headache, any noise or bright light or annoyance (Dazai <3) is suddenly 10 times more annoying, and worth complaining over. But if it gets into genuine complaining territory, not playful asshole banter, he immediately stops.
💦: How wet are their sneezes? Do they spray barely at all, or are you gonna need an umbrella? Do they try to cover at all, or just let it go? Do they sniffle a lot when they’re sick or allergies are bugging them?
Not really wet, though because he'll have longer fits, and tends to get congested from them, there will definitely be a light mist by the end. He also covers, absolutely, with his gloves, or hat, or an arm, unless he's too feverish, or specifically trying to annoy someone. Also he does sniffle, like a lot, despite trying to blow his nose to make it stop. It happens anyways, whether from irritation, congestion, or just instinct/habit. He annoys himself with it at times <3
😳: Are they embarrassed by their sneezes, or do they just not really care? Do they apologize after sneezing? Do they say “sorry!” or “excuse me!” or anything like that? If they’re embarrassed about it, why?
Embarrassed. He doesn't like any show of weakness, and honestly... the humanity aspect wrapped up in it makes him a bit uncomfortable at times. He likes feeling human, but it brings up complicated thoughts he doesn't want to address. He won't apologize, though if he's not really thinking about it, (or if he's with people he trusts/respects) an 'scuse me' will slip out here and there. Pluuuus, his sneezes are rather distinct, with the 'iew' sounds especially, and how much of his voice is in them, so he tends to feel quite embarrassed by their volume. (especially compared to some of his co-workers with MUCH more 'Mafia Appropriate' sneezes.)
📝: Quick! Come up with a scenario for them! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just something you think would be cute or something you’d like to see with them!
Thanks to you, 'wine snz Chuuya' has been LIVING in my mind, but honestly feverish Chuuya always lives there too, so let's see if I can combine them into something awful~ (feat. Soukoku bc... well... I just can't take how much I love them~)
Dazai arrives at the Mafia HQ, fully intending on tormenting his dear Chibi. I mean, it's been nearly a week since his last torment session, he's going into withdrawl.
He expected a bit of resistance, maybe a challenge, some banter, possibly even a punch. What he didn't expect was to find Chuuya nearly passed out at his desk, empty bottle on the floor, glass precariously tilted in his hand.
He rouses at the footsteps, gazing up at Dazai with eyes clouded by alcohol and... something else. He manages a deeply slurred "H'llo thr D- Dazz... Dahhhzai!" Followed by a barely covered rapid fit.
Well, definitely drunk. Though judging by the congestion soaking through the corners of his words, pretty sick too. This can't be good. With a moment of kindness he'd never admit to later, Dazai takes it upon himself to bring Chuuya home.
Upon touching him, he expects the normal feeling of powers being stripped. The heat however, comes as an unwelcome surprise.
BLAH BLAH he takes Chuuya home, Chuuya drunk snz the whole time, Chuuya too fevered to take care of himself so Dazai has to help him, clingy drunk/feverish Chuuya grabs his arm and won't let go, so Dazai has to lay on the couch with Chibi on his chest, and then some vulnerability stuff happens, including Chuuya admitting that he was drinking to try and cope with the nightmares that come with the fever dreams </3
THAT WAS WAYYYY TOO LONG- I'm so sorry <333 but also thank you for the ask!!! I love my guys 😭😭 NOW ONTO PART TWO! (and also uh... I very well may write that fic bc I've been wanting to write some more Soukoku angst lately, but I make no promises for how fast I'd do it haha~)
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