#i love sachiko i love brie...
setternine · 3 years
"aaah, work was so hard today," sachiko deflates onto the table sandwiched between them. heaving a great sigh in attempt to relieve some tension from her body, to no avail. "distract me, tobio, tell me all about your day." she peeks up at him, extending one hand over to him with her palm up & open, wiggling her fingers invitingly. will he understand she wants to hold his hand? find out next time on dragonball Z!
@unsunned brie i love u i keep laughing
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His gym bag is carefully set aside, hands rummaging through its contents to find a protein bar he had bought earlier while Sachiko collapses on her seat. “ Good work today. ” Tobio’s display of support is but a casual mumble, delivered in a low exhale as he idly plays with the packaging of the snack and leans back into his own seat. Both were quite drained from a long day of work, though such tiredness hardly ever prevented them from meeting for at least a few minutes in spontaneous outings, whenever Tobio’s schedule brought him somewhere near her town.
One big, unrestrained yawn escapes past his lips, followed by a grunt. His arms stretch forward to relax his muscles, and it’s then that he takes notice of her request and spots the wiggly fingers atop their table. For a few solid seconds, Tobio only stares. Head drops sideways in confusion, mind gears turning... until they click. When they do, his face slowly sinks into a frown, sharp gaze darting back up at his old friend.
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“ ............... If you wanted one, you should’ve just told me when I was buying it. ” With a soundly slap, he dumps the protein bar into her palm. “ Leave some for me. ” Olympic athlete Kageyama Tobio, one of the greatest strategists in the world of volleyball, remains unable to read his social cues. Better luck on your quest next time, Super Saiyan Sachiko. For now, have a snack.
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