#i look like a dumbass posting this on april fool's day and i'll block you if you try to clown me but this is /srs
jasontoddssuper · 1 year
Marco is not a Hunter situation where she can be read as any kind of trans and still be positive representation.Marco dosen't like being seen as a boy and the subtext is so strong for that that it's basically text-The reason she's always trying to act 'manly' is to overcompensate because she's insecure about not being seen as such and that might work as a good trans guy narrative with a different character but not her.Girlhood,not just femininity but straight up presenting as a girl,is what makes Marco happiest with herself
Seriously,just compare her princess scenes to the ones where she's straining herself to be act like an Ordinary Cis BoyTM and you'll see a big difference with how natural her mannerisms feel between them and it's canon that she started a revolution by being a girl that inspires other girls to be who they want to despite other people trying to force them not to be.Plus,not to make this about romance,but it's worth noting that Marco's canon first girlfriend(Jackie)turned out to be bisexual and that she very much intentionally has MANY instances of romantic subtext with a male character(Tom)that she became best friends with on an episode where the promo pic is her wearing a dress while they're drawn to look like the couple in a romance novel and that in the same episode,he straight up calls her 'girl' while serenading her with a romantic song he knows she loves
This is literally a trans girl narrative,regardlesss of disney's 'boys can be princesses too!!!!' bullshit.It's a GOOD trans girl narrative that should've been canon but disney hates lgbt people so they censored it and you can't slap on another trans label on it and call it rep,because our experiences overlap but they're not interchangable.It's transmascphobic to take a character who is miserable with boyhood but loves being seen as a girl and call them a trans guy.If you disagree,block me.Also:If you ship her with Star,block me as well,cause i've SEEN that y'all are always the ones insisting she has to be a guy in some way.My blog is NOT for gross people like that
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