#i laugh every single time someone makes the comparision
deepersea · 1 month
oh my god i'm so happy that more people are thinking about himeru. this guy deserves everything good in the world and i want to hold him like a hamburger. i've been wanting to share my thoughts, so i'm glad you're letting us do so!
i often think about how he would treat his partner during their first time. i believe he would be sweet and understanding, and he would try to be gentle during the whole process and to attend their needs to satisfy them.
if they wanted to try something out with him, he would do it! i would absolutely request for him to let me sit on his face, i just know that this guy is too good with his mouth to the point where i would be left trembling... and flattened like a hamster.
however, i wouldn't want him to do all the work, y'know? he deserves to feel good in return, even if his partner's responses please him. i want to give him the biggest head he has ever gotten, coming from a virgin. it's kinda like when someone says "oh it's my first time" then proceeds to devour as if they were experienced... (i know i would be clumsy but let me dream)
moving on, i think he would try to take it slow and gentle with his partner, even though he would want to pound them (but that will be for another time). he would let them pick the position, then take care of the rest. he would praise them with loving words and actions, telling them how lovely they sound when they moan, and would tease them by rubbing against their sweet spot just to hear them make that little noise he loves again. it would be the most tender yet intense experience you would ever have, and you would end up wanting more no matter how exhausted you are because i know you want him. all night. the thirst for himeru is eternal
— 🍞
You and me both, 🍞, you and me both. It's like the rain after a drought. I've been so spoilt with everyone suddenly talking about him for a week straight, I felt like someone was pulling my leg at first. You're of course very welcome to join the merry band of Himeru ramblers.
And what an excellet topic to bring up! Excellent thoughts as well! you get it, 🍞. Please go right ahead and take your rightful place on his face. He'd be so happy to hear you requesting something, even more so if it gives him the opportunity to take care of you to his heart's content... just don't expect him to let you off until you're actually melting... flattened... don't worry, his hands are going to keep you in place until he's ready to let you off... in the meantime, get comfy.
Also, you showing initiative? Hot. I think your enthusiam would be sweeter to him than any technique, so you go devour that dick like it's your calling. I believe in you. Give him that vacuum seal double hand twist gawk gawk combo 3000. Also, I feel like if anything would get him flustered (and let's be real, we all want that) it'll be probably either that (he's trying so hard to last, just so you know) or telling him how much you love him. The latter always works for obvious reasons, but I feel like if you actually took the initiative like that during your first time, you'd really throw him for a loop. And I'm all for that!
And I wholeheartedly agree. It may not be his first time (though I don't think that he has all that much experience either) but you can count on him being just as thoughtful. Not only does he remember how it feels like being this vulnerable and open with someone and how it naturally takes time to get used to, but also... well, he also needs to get used to it with you as well. Which he wants to, so badly. So count on him giving it his all, whatever you could want. He doesn't strike me as the type to sleep with people unless he cares about them a great deal, and so of course he's going to take this as his golden opportunity to show you just how much he does. Meaning you won't have to worry about a thing. You'll be in the very best hands.
But yeah, prepare to be praised. You're doing amazing, taking him so well, feel so good. He may not be the most natural when it comes to declarations of love, but you can bet he'll use this occasion to let you know, be it with small encouragement and sweet whispers or simly his actions oozing affection. And if he finds that you handle a little teasing well... Well, you'll know that you're in for even more fun the moment you see that smirk at the corners of his mouth...
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suicidalcatz · 5 years
Pairing : Jake Kiszka x reader
Genre : College AU
Previous parts : Prologue ; Chap 1 ; Chap 2 ; Chap 3 ; Chap 4 ; Chap 5 ; Chap 6 ; Chap 7 ; Chap 8
Masterlist : here
AN : Hello reader ! How we feelin today ? Yeah me too, I guess it’s time for a party then ! But pay extra attention to the title, I warned you. I’ll be waiting at the end, I have some things I’d like to discuss, see you in a few!
Chapter 9 : Be careful, okay ?
Unsurprisingly, it turned out that we were the only ones invited, for some reason I couldn't quite decipher. It was only December so maybe the boys didn't make friends with their other classmates yet, but still I found it odd. They were funny, nice, and really, really skilled. But their friends, or lack of for instance, wasn't a topic I could bring just like that, so I'll have to wait for now and ask any of the twins when we were alone, I guess. Couldn't say I was surprised by their dorms, too, as they were pretty much the same as ours, maybe a little bit more messier. The four of them slept there, in two different rooms, on two different floors, from what I understood.
Josh of course lead the way, while Mandy was whispering questions she couldn't keep in her head but was too shy to say out loud for everybody to hear.
- Who's the long haired bassist ?
- That would be Sam, my little brother, he replied in the same quiet tone. Why ? Interested ?
Mandy poked him in the ribs when he smirked at her in a suggestive way, and I let out a chuckle. The boys were all in favor of going inside to get warm and drink together while getting to know each other. It seemed like a good program. We helped them bring all of their stuff back inside either to the Music Dept building (drums and mic) or their dorm (guitar, bass and amps). And as Jake wouldn't let me lift anything that he deemed heavy, they declared me tambourine supervisor, making a show of putting it in my hands like a holy relic and insisting that this job meant a lot of responsibilities. Not gonna lie I was feeling kind of stupid seeing them carrying gigantic amps in their arms while the tambourine I got kept ringing with every step I took as if to remind me how useless I was.
- Oh that's him you were talking about last time, I said while sneaking a peek at him behind my shoulder. You guys really look alike. And the drummer is your childhood friend Danny, right ?
Josh looked positively surprised for a moment before acquiescing, asking me how I knew this info.
- Jake told me one time, when you were rehearsing.
The thought of that night made me smile to myself, remembering the awful pictures and odd war metaphors with poor Danny trying to calm everybody down. However, my smile disappeared quickly when I caught Josh's unamused expression. It didn't last long, hardly a second, before he found his usual cheerful self, but it was enough to make me uneasy. Something in his eyes told me there was something wrong. And I knew it was linked to Jake, I just ignored why. A piece of the puzzle was missing and it was slowly upsetting me since nobody cared to tell me. He was weird when he saw the both of us hanging out together, and flipped when he discovered we texted, but I thought we were over that now. So was he still upset about the whole thing ? Should I avoid talking about it even though I have his phone number too now ? Or am I being totally paranoid ?
The singer abruptly stopping still in the middle of the hallway got me out of my thoughts, though, painfully so since I face-planted on the back of his head and shoulder blades, making the tambourine ring in the process.
- Please stay with us mama, we're here.
Rubbing my nose, I heard Sam snort loudly and probably at me but had already been warned that he was a sass master, so took no offense in it. Danny, on the other hand, seemed like the sweetest dude alive. Always smiling and asking if we needed help with anything, with a quiet charm and a soothing aura. What a great guy. Now that I knew a bit more about the Kiszkas, I felt sympathy for his poor soul.
Jake came by my side, and I suddenly got surrounded by the twins, one of them waiting impatiently at my left, and the other filling the empty space between the wall and I. Gently dropping his amp on the ground, he searched in his jeans pockets for the key to their room, lightly brushing my face with his hair in the process, before bending over a little to unlock the door. He moved aside just enough so that Josh could have the honor of introducing us to their room by violently slamming the door open while posing and screaming « TADA ! ». Shaking his head, Jake got in first, seemingly not in the mood to wait for his brother, switching on the lights and putting his guitar and amp at their place in a corner of the room. Josh motionned us to go first, and Mandy pushed me by the shoulders.
It looked... just like them. And smelled like them, too. The ground was covered by gigantic berber carpets, bunk beds were on the side of a wall, cornered by guitars, amps, and boxes of vinyles piled up in a tower. Some rock legends posters were displayed here and there next to their respective beds, and facing their single wardrobe, which I supposed they all had 2 drawers of it. On top of it was a turntable, and facing the door a window and a messy, messy desk. Orange leathered fatboys were sitting on the floor, an ashtray was hiding in a corner beside the wardrobe, and a door next to the desk was leading the way to their kitchen. Raising my head, I saw they had decorated their celling with colorful fabrics in red, maroon and orange, keeping one of them at the window as a curtain. Numerous mobiles hung by the celling, some of them with agate and quartz stones of every color, others in the shape of animals crafted by hand, and the whole room smelled of masculine perfume and incense. It was so them I was suddenly aware of where I stood and every nervousness I had lost came rushing back again.
- Welcome to our humble home, greeted Josh as Sam had already climbed barefoot on the top bunk.
- Please make yourself comfortable, added Jake.
The brunette removed his shoes and went around the room to get a towel in order to scrub his sweaty face, letting it stay around his neck. Danny asked Mandy if he could take the beer keg to get us all drinks and she thanked him, standing by my side frozen in their doormat.
- Oh please don't stay here ladies, have a seat, anywhere you want.
Josh didn't even have to turn around from his vinyle collection to know we didn't move an inch, it was honestly scary how well he knew us already. That piqued Jake's interest who raised his head and gestured for us to come.
- This is my bed, he said while straightening the covers a bit, feel free to sit on it if you want to.
Jake then sat down on the bottom bunk and gave a heavy pat on the mat, and that's the moment Mandy chose to shake out of it and push me on the bed in the less discreet way possible to make sure I couldn't sit anywhere else but besides Jake. I swear to God.
The death glare I gave her when she made herself comfortable on a fatboy was so intense that she felt it and smirked at me. Unbearable.
- Be careful not to bump your head, okay ?
Jake's raspy voice came to my ears and when I turned my head he was smiling at me, hand on the back of the top bed. We were cramped in here, not having much space to ourselves and almost hitting our heads with every movement we made, but it came with a strange sense of security and intimacy. You could put a curtain around us, and it'd be like we were all alone.
- If you're uncomfortable you can always sit on the ground or take the desk chair, interrupted Josh without looking away from his vinyles.
Both his brother and I shot a glance at him but he wasn't returning the favor, instead he kept his face burried in his boxes, trying to find something to listen to. His behavior was beginning to concern me more than I thought it would. And even Jake raised a questionning brow at his intervention. For some reason he looked really serious, with a closed expression. Not someone you'd like to ask the hour on the street. I shrugged it off for now, like the others did, telling myself it'll pass eventually, and that we were all gonna have a fun night together. Once Josh finally found something worth listening to, Sam let out a loud sigh of relief before relaxing into the bed cracking under him, letting his long legs hang into the nothingness between the mattress and the ground.
- Oh, you must be reading my mind, he groaned. Finally some fucking good music. All those pop and rap concerts today nearly made my head explode.
We all snickered at that comment and a smiley Danny put a goblet of beer in all of our hands before settling down next to Mandy. Once Josh was absolutely sure of his choice of music and nodded along in the rythmn of the first few seconds, he climbed on the desk and clapped his hands in his little brother's direction, something that surprised me for a second before Sam threw a little box his way, and I understood. They had a weed box, that Josh opened and began to roll a joint for us to smoke together.
As the night went on, my former stiff posture got more relaxed, and Mandy had already befriended every person in the room, requesting for Sam to teach her how to roll a proper joint, and laughing at Danny's witty interventions on the matter. We were pleasantly either drunk or high at this point and Josh got into an unstoppable karaoke mode, blessing us with his singing and exaggerated dance moves, only focused on the music blaring through the turntable's speaker. Jake and I were face to face now, sitting cross-legged while he passionately shared his knowledge on astronomy with me. And I knew for a fact that in this moment all the stars he spoke about were nothing in comparision to the ones he had put into my eyes when he talked with such passion to what he and other people  deemed as nerdy subjects. With the alcohol running in my veins, listening carefully to the words coming out of his mouth was becoming more of a challenge, especially when said mouth looked so delicious, with his voice low and eyelids hooded by the drinks he had.
- I'm sorry that's not interesting, he finally apologized while running his fingers through his hair.
- What, no ! I love listening to you, you know so much stuff, it's impressive.  
On the covers, my hand found his knee in a reassuring manner, too fixed on his smile to care about everything else. The world could catch on fire and I wouldn't even notice, had a feeling he wouldn't either. We were in our own little bubble, not paying attention to anything that wasn't the other. Mandy flirting with Sam, Danny contemplating the ceiling, Josh singing loudly ; everything was just background noise to us. Certainly because he was drunk himself, Jake took my hand in his to give my knuckles a light peck kiss.
- Thank you. If only people were more like you...
He trailed off, taken aback by the sudden music change, and gave me back my hand. My heart was still banging against my ribcage while he was trying to guess what the song was, asking his twin for a confirmation. The sensation of his soft lips against my hand was still very vivid, and my brain was too busy replaying his last sentence again and again to think of anything else. A fluttering sensation I knew too well spread in my stomach when he returned his attention to me, a boyish smile adorning his mouth. I could ear him say how much he loved that band, but my heart was still thumping so loud in my ears that I stood there in silence, replying to his smile with my own and craddling my hand with the other like I just got burned.
Unaware of my internal breakdown, Jake let the joint hang between his lips, and my gaze could only follow his movements before he noticed me.
- My bad, do you want some ?
My whole being was on auto pilot and I only bobbed my head at his question, letting the boy in front of me put the joint between my own lips, getting his zippo to light it for me.
- There ya go, don't inhale too hard or your head'll get dizzy. Try to keep the smoke in for a bit.
Taking a deep breath, I did as I was instructed, his eyes never leaving mine as I did, careful and cautious until he motioned for me to blow. As an art student, it obviously wasn't my first time smoking weed, because all stereotypes were true, people here smoked a lot. More than necessary if you'd ask me. But it felt good nevertheless to be taken care of while I did, even being instructed what do to. I didn't cough, but my face heated up almost instantly as I felt the smoke burn my lungs and my vision getting a bit blurry with the drinks I had before. The whole room reeked of weed and booze Sam had toppled on the carpet, the air filled with a thick cloud of white smoke mixing with those of the incenses Josh had lit up earlier. Jake took the joint between his fingers, considering the few centimeters left before looking at me with a serious expression.
- Do you trust me ?
- Of course I do.
Maybe sober me would've said that it depended on the topic or asked what shenanigans he was up too, but drunk me was on autopilot mode and couldn't get enough of Jake, whether it was his scent, his voice, or his fingers and knees brushing mine because of how close we were sitting. So it really didn't matter right now, I trusted him with anything.
- Come closer, he muttered while putting half of the joint on his mouth.
He gestured for me to get closer to him and swiftly brushed my hair behind my shoulder before framing my face with both of his hands, fingers linking our two heads together as he leaned on me, keeping us merely inches apart. With the joint between us, he began blowing smoke for me to inhale, keeping it from escaping with the barrier his hands formed. It was intense. Both the strong effects and the proximity of our bodies. I don't know which one made my heart rate go wild, too concentrated on his eyes just in front of me, body heat emanating of his body and bathing mine in a warm sensation. I could feel some of his fingers gently tug on my hair as it got tangled in it, and automatically put my hands on his shoulders during the exhange, giving it a firm squeeze when I couldn't take more weed. It hardly lasted more than a few seconds but everything seemed to happen in the painfullest slow imaginable. I coughed, this time, not letting go of Jake's arms as he took me in his arms, rubbing circles on my back.
- Are you crazy ?
Tiny tears had gathered at the corner of my eyes because of the smoke but I could still clearly ear Josh's humorless voice next to us. My back was facing him so I missed the exchange but Jake's body tensed and his hand left my back as he shrugged, probably silently asking his brother what was up. Wanting to calm my breathing to listen to them only made my body betray me as a violent coughing fit got over me, causing me to shake and Jake to reaffirm his hold on me.
- Can't you tell she's not used to it ? Good job, Jake.
- I'll get her some water.
His voice resonnated in my ear before I felt him slowly detach himself from me to get up. I could tell part of him was upset his brother kept nagging him, but the other one probably felt too guilty to retort and he just got to the sink with an empty glass in hand. Scrubbing my eyes, I met Josh's sympathetic gaze before he patted me on the hand, and even though I'd usually appreciate his concern, his whole bizarre behavior had me more upset than anything at this point so I shook his hand off to follow Jake in the next room, slaloming between Danny's large sleepy body and Mandy and Sam's spot. I found him in the dark, standing back to the door, checking the water with his index finger to make sure it was cold enough.
- Hey.
When the brunette looked at me, his concerned eyes made me instantly feel guilty. Maybe I should've been more responsible, but I was okay, more than okay, I didn't drink too much or anything, just enough to feel light-headed, and there really wasn't anything to get worried about.
- I'm sorry I made you smoke too much, he started while filling the red cup.
- You didn't do anything wrong, I just had a coughing fit. You know, I said while getting closer, I used to do this with friends so you don't have to feel bad or anything.
A small smile spread at the corner of his lips and he turned off the water, only looking at me when he handed me the cup. And after all the booze, weed, and smoke, I must admit it felt pretty nice to have cold water running down my throat.
- I know, but I should've been more cautious, y'know ? One time I got carried away and my girlfriend got sick so I should've known better s'all.
My heart stopped at his words. I didn't hear correctly what he just said. It wasn't possible. Maybe I was too drunk after all, imagining things that nobody said, ever. A painful lump grew in my throat, making it impossible for me to drink anymore. My stomach was in knots, overcoming my whole body with a nauseous feeling. My voice was small and strangled as I spoke.
- Your girlfriend ?
- Yeah, Mina. She lives in our hometown so it's kinda hard, but I feel like you two would get along so fine. You kinda remind me of her sometimes, you know ?
A fond and nostalgic smile danced on his lips as he said that, making me want to vomit for real now. Not because I was disgusted, but because my stomach kept turning on itself, and my breath was stuck in my lungs. I put the cup back in the sink when I noticed my fingers were shaking. How could've been so stupid ? Of course he had a girlfriend. I wanted to cry and then laugh at myself for being so dumb. Of course there was no way this perfect boy was single, what was I even thinking ? Anger started rising within me, at myself, for being this delusional. I was feeling downright pathetic to have ever thought he could love me the way I loved him, and what pained me the most was that I was the only one I could blame.
- Everything alright here ?
That's when Josh's head peaked through the open door and I sucked in a breath, feeling tears clouding my vision. Unable to bear it much longer, I faked a headache and waved everyone goodbye, only letting myself cry in the comfort of my dorm.
AN : Not gonna lie I’m so stressed about this chapter, please don’t hate me, I had this idea in mind for a while now. The Angst Days Are Not Over unfortunately, but it’ll get better in a few chapters. Please let me know what you think, feel free to message me or review, see you on Saturday for Part 10 ! (And I’m currently writing Part 13 atm) As always, thanks for the love and support, I know this is a slow burn so you might get impatient but we’ll get to it soon now.
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activatingaggro · 7 years
the scarf wars: p1/4
Also known as: in which Pheres Dysseu [RS] has a very terrible three hours, part one of four. Featuring Hadean [ID], Maidel [AC], Lucina [DP], and a guest appearance from Cernia [TC].
DP: Well I came into this chat expecting to find people I don't know | Bvt I fovnd yov instead
DP: Hello Pheres
ID: hi other rustblood.
DP: Hello other rvstblood | It's nice to meet yov
ID: pheres had best not try to use your entering to change the subject.
DP: Oh he will | Trvst me
TC: H! sh!tt!er rustblood
DP: Well that's one way of saying hello | Hello to yov too
ID: do you two know each other.
DP: I know Pheres | Bvt that's it as far as I know
ID: pheres you had better not be absconding to avoid answering me. =:I
TC: Oh there's a~other perso~!
RS: | Some of Us have Customers | Hadean | Haha |
ID: how convenient.
RS: | Anyway | Yes | I am Back | And | Hello | Lucina |
TC: ! thought !D was talk!~g to me
ID: =:I we both know i'm not the shittier rustblood around here.
TC: Yes you are
DP: Well if it'll stop a brewing fight | I'll volvnteer for the role of 'shittier rvstblood'
DP: I wovld ask if Pheres wovld join me | Bvt he's far too good for that
ID: there is no brown in these veins. i am as maroon as maroon gets.
RS: | Why would I ever Join You | if You are So Kindly Offering | ? | That would be Neglecting Your Noble Sacrifice | in the Name of Chat Security |
DP: Yes Pheres | Bvt misery loves companyy
DP: And yov're very good company
RS: | And | Hadean | There's no Need for Insinuations |
RS: | I'm not Going to Take a Picture of My Sales Receipts just to Ease Your Pumpbiscuit of Suspicision |
RS: | Unnecessary Suspicisions |
RS: | =:B |
DP: I don't know Pheres | I hear yov've been doing some odd things in that winnebago of yovrs
ID: wow pheres did you piss in this rust's grubflakes.
ID: they're just all over you huh.
DP: Oh he's nice | Bvt very good at pissing in grvbflakes
DP: He's famovs arovnd my jvrisdiction | For being very good at that
ID: pheres you cad
RS: | Hahahaha | What can I Say | Hadean | ? |
RS: | Apparently I am a Ball of Spit and Vinegar | =:B |
ID: you black casanova. =:P
DP: Bvt that being said | Tallow and Cyrrvs are begging me to ask yov to visit again
RS: | It is a Highly Guarded Secret | But | Sometimes |
RS: | You just Have to Give a Firmly Worded | Apology |
ID: no wonder i'm still single.
DP: Well a ball of flvff and condescension is a bit more on the mark | But spit and vinegar works I gvess
DP: Yov jvst dodged a bvllet there I'll have yov know | I have a friend who's particvlarly into the shipping scene
DP: I don't even know why | It's kind of concerning
DP: And she jvst stopped looking over my shovlder| Right before you said that
DP: Bvt she did nearly pee herself lavghing | Over Pheres being a casanova
ID: i didn't say i was unhappily single. let it be known.
ID: pheres seems to have the most action going on around here.
DP: Oh I believe you | Bvt she's way too enthvsiastic abovt thinking otherwise
RS: | And | I will Visit Soon Enough | ! |
RS: | | | Or I |- WAS -| Before I Saw all of That | Good Heavens |
DP: Well if you don't want to visit vs | I'll jvst be svre to let the boys know
DP: I'm svre they'll be fine | Bvt they will be quite sad
RS: | And | There is no |- ACTION -| There is Simply Over-Enthusiasm | Haha |
RS: | And a Lack of Manners |
RS: | Not in This Instance | Of Course | =:) |
ID: sure pheres. sure.
DP: Well after yov yelled at Maecii enovgh to vpset her | Which is a difficvlt task believe me
DP: I'm inclined to qvestion yovr manners
ID: pheres yells.
ID: he didn't seem the type to have it in him.
RS: | I Don't |
RS: | Haha |
RS: | =:/ |
ID: no offense pheres. path of least resistance and all is fine, you do you.
ID: what are you selling anyways pheres.
ID: hair care products.
DP: He sells books | Some of them are actvally qvite interesting
RS: / antiques / to very fussy highbloods / who are / quite honestly / not buying enough to warrant this amount of my attention / =:/ /
RS: / and books /
ID: huh what kind of antiques.
RS: / lucina / instead of attempting to drag me to the forefront of the conversation /
RS: / why don't you explain why you're on here / instead of tending to your busy little berg / ? /
DP: Pewter recommended the chat to me | He said to check it ovt
DP: And I do get breaks yov know | There is no pressing emergency right now
DP: Why are yov here | Instead of selling things to vnappreciative highbloods
ID: pheres multitasks to give us the honor of his presence. =:P
DP: Impressive | I might swoon
ID: seems like you might do a lot of swooning over pheres. from what i've seen.
DP: If by swooning yov mean | I kind of want to fire him from breathing
DP: Then I swoon quite a lot
[Pheres offers to take Hadean with him up to the Mouth to look at Lucina's tombs, since they're both in Hanhai, which leads to a rejection, which leads to:]
RS: | | And | Hadean | Haha |
RS: | Um |
RS: | Do You really Think that I Look like the Sort of Person to Murder Someone | ? | =:1 |
ID: no. but the best murderers don't.
ID: rustblooded murderers at least.
RS: | ! |
RS: | Now I am Not Just a Murderer |
RS: | I am a Skilled Murderer | ? |
RS: | =:1 |
AC: Ø .n. that's true. but I don't think Pheres would murder anyone. unless he had to. not that he would! but sometimes things happen. ugh. this sounds horrible I'm sorry Pheres. I'm just saying theoretically. Ø
RS: | | | |
ID: i mean you could be.
RS: | I Appreciate the Sentiment |
RS: | But | Please | Rest Assured |
AC: Ø I know you're perfectly fine Ø
RS: | I would not Cull Someone if They had a Gun to My Head |- HONESTLY -|
RS: | This is a Very Silly Conversation |
AC: Ø .n. but then they'd kill you and that'd be really sad. Ø
DP: I'll be yovr other character witness | Pheres isn't mvch of a killer
DP: He's more likely to spvtter angrily and get his own hair stvck in his movth | Than he is to whip out a gvn and a knife
AC: Ø .n. so many people would miss you Ø
DP: It's trve | The boys wovld cry for days
AC: Ø And I would be sad and Emerel and Kit and Sipara! Ø
RS: | Okay | Um | You are Missing the Point Here |
RS: | Oh | That Sounded Uncouth | My Apologies |
RS: | But |
RS: | | | Let's go Back to Discussing Rocks | =:1 |
DP: No no yov have to really amp vp your presentation | Like
DP: These are rare bloodstones from fire movntain | Only 10 left in existence
DP: Get them while you can!
AC: Ø what Ø
AC: Ø that sounds fake Ø
AC: Ø like from a video game Ø
DP: I know bvt | Pheres yov probably know all abovt this
DP: People will bvy a lot of things if yov get them excited for them
AC: Ø We have lovely marketing ouo Ø
AC: Ø That's what you mean, right Lucina? Ø
DP: Right
RS: | Oh | Yes | ! | It is Absolutely True |
RS: | Maidel | If You Tell People that They're Unique | then They'll Buy Anything | Really |
DP: Marketing is important
AC: Ø Our artifacts really are very nice though! Ø
[This eventually leads to a comparision between Hadean and Riccin, which leads to Pheres explaining that Maidel likes Riccin, and Maidel arguing that Pheres likes Riccin.]
AC: Ø They've been very good to me! Ø
AC: Ø ...but I don't think they like me, so you might not want to say that. .n. Ø
AC: Ø They might get offended. Ø
ID: well i can about assure you that if i was to meet riccin. there would be blows.
RS: | Oh | ! | Don't Take It Personally | Riccin is Incapable of Liking Anyone | =:) |
AC: Ø Or probably laugh. Though that's not so bad. Ø
AC: Ø Why would I be offended? Ø
AC: Ø That's silly. Ø
DP: Wait Pheres | Have you ever actvally disagreed with someone while still liking them
RS: | Absolutely | I Disagree with You on the Regular | Don't I | ? | =:) |
DP: Becavse it jvst occvred to me that yov demonize disagreement | Qvite often
RS: | And |
RS: | | Haha | Hadean | Is There Anyone that You Would not Come to Blows upon Meeting | ? |(edited)AC: Ø Riccin just likes different kinds of people, I think? .u. Ø
DP: I wasn't aware yov actvally liked me | Whatever will I do now
AC: Ø I mean, they like you, Pheres Ø
AC: Ø They listened to you. .u. Ø
RS: | | Maidel | Listening to Me just Means that I Know how to Handle Them | ! |
RS: | Much like I Know how to Handle a Great Deal of Our Customers |
RS: | Or Lucina | Haha | =:) |
DP: I don't need to be 'handled' Pheres | Yov make me sovnd like a wild animal
RS: | Oh | ? | My Apologies |
RS: | Have You Stopped Striking People for Fun | ? |
AC: Ø I think you're very - Ø
ID: i thought handled made you sound like an out of control troll who needs a moirail.
AC: Ø ono Ø
RS: | She Does | Unfortunately | It is the Rare Maroon that Could Use Pacification | But | Well |
RS: | She's a Little Volatile |
RS: | Oh | Well | She'll find Someone | Eventually | =:) |
ID: stay wild and free dp.
AC: Ø Lucina why did you hit someone? Ø
DP: Just him | Because he was doing this shit
DP: This shit where he treats me like I don't have a brain | And need to be dealt with like I can't control myself
DP: If yov mvst know Maidel | Pheres is awfvl to all of vs most of the timeAC: Ø ;m; what? Ø
ID: i don't think pheres has been awful to me.
AC: Ø but why? Ø
RS: | Oh | Don't make that Face |
RS: | I am not Awful |
DP: Yov haven't met him in person | Give it time
AC: Ø I don't understand Ø
ID: he did seem offended over my split ends.
DP: Yeah | He got mad that we had the same scarf
DP: And now he treats me like an idiot | And it pisses me off
RS: | Maidel |- WORKS -| for Me | Lucina |
RS: | And Takes Care of the Shop |
RS: | I am Fairly Certain He has a Better Grasp of My Demeanour than You | =:) |
RS: | But | Please | ! | Continue | =:B |
DP: Hate to say it | Bvt how yov treat Maidel has nothing to do with how yov treat me
ID: i think dp wants more respect pheres.
RS: | Oh | For Heaven's Sake |
RS: | When I Said Continue |
RS: | I was not Anticipating | Two Minutes of Typing |
AC: Ø I don't want to be included as part of an argument ;m; Ø
DP: Yov are nasty as hell to me | Yov make commentary on every little thing I do
DP: Yov keep sticking yovr nose where it doesn't belong | And inserting opinions when yov have no idea what you're talking about
DP: Yov're rude to Pademi | Yov screamed at Maecii
DP: Yov've ticked off Pewter and I didn't think that was possible | Need I go on
DP: With this many people vpset at you Pheres | The problem is yov
RS: | | Are We really Airing Our Grievances in the Middle of a Public Chat | ? |
ID: ac i think we just need to let them get this all out.
DP: It's not me | It's yov
ID: so uh. let's go to the other chat.
RS: | This is a Charmingly Novel Experience |
RS: | But I think I'm not Especially Keen on It |AC: Ø ;m; Ø
DP: And oh wow look what yov're doing now | Same thing yov always do when yov don't want to own up to being an ass
DP: Yov make it ovt like it's everyone else's favlt | Like everyone else in the world jvst doesn't know how anything works
DP: Charmingly novel my left foot | It's only charmingly novel becavse that's the easy way ovt of an argvement
DP: Hard to argve with someone | Who's constantly trying to deflectRS: | Oh | For Goodness Sake |
RS: | Do You want to | Say | Take This to a Private Chat | ? |DP: There's no point | Yov'll never change
DP: It'll always be someone else's favlt | And never yovrs
RS: | I am not Entirely Sure the Resolution You Want Here |
RS: | Should I Apologise for Maecii Attempting to Hex My Vehicle | ? |
RS: | Or for You Striking Me | in some Misguided Pitch Flirtation | ? |
RS: | Or Pademi Insinuating that I am Incompetent Enough to Get Two Six Sweeps Murdered | ? | Mind | Most People Outside of Your Little Brooding Cavern of a Home Usually have Lived by Themselves for Several Sweeps at That Point |
RS: | But | Heavens only Knows They are Somehow Incapable of Venturing Out From under Your White-Eyed Gaze |
RS: | Clarify | and We can Tie This up Neatly | and Consider It Amended | =:) |
DP: It wasn't a misguided pitch flirtation Pheres | Yov weren't fvcking hearing me ovt and I get so tired of you treating us all like we're too stvpid to fvnction withovt yov
DP: It's my town and it's my job to protect it every way I can | Do yov even know how stressfvl this job gets?
DP: I do what I have to | And if that includes keeping an eye on the boys when I know fvll well other trolls their age are alone
DP: And if I have to fight yov and anyone else | To keep vs from ending vp like poor Levzig and the agricvltvral district
DP: Then yes I'll do it | No qvestions asked
DP: Vgh alright tell you what | Come by when yov have the chance and let's try talking it ovt again
DP: Bvt vse that damn smiley again | And yov lose yovr privileges to see the boys for the next perigee
RS: | For Someone Who Enjoys Harping on about the Respect She is Owed | and the Very Many Burdens that She Faces |
RS: | You are |- Remarkably -| short of It for Anyone Else | My Goodness |
RS: | But | Haha | Alright | We will Discuss This in Person | My Next Visit |
RS: |- IF -| You can Manage to Keep Your Temper | or at Least Your Hands | to Yourself |
RS: | I'd put a Smiley There |
RS: | But I would Hate to Distress You Further |
DP: Fine Pheres | Yov have a deal
DP: Let's talk this ovt like reasonable advlts | Maybe I'll take yov to my next town meeting
[And then Hadean, helpfully, while these two duke it out in PMs:]
ID: whoo okay here we are back again.
ID: let
ID: me
ID: just
ID: hide
ID: your
ID: conversation
ID: from
ID: my
ID: sight
ID: almost
ID: there!
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marumigamer · 7 years
Dragneel family
Let’s say this is a continuation of this short story (chapter 527). I couldn’t resist showing you this.
I said Gabriella, the fairy queen, never fights but... Read yourselves.
Tagging @keiid because my Dragneel Family includes Larcade.
Mavis group reunited with all the other mages, and went directly to the Fairy Tail guild. Zeref was at the door, with that sadistic smile in his face.
- I’m sorry - said Zeref -, you’re late.
END appeared at his side and roared. Lucy hugged the END book. No one could believe what they were seeing. A pink haired and elegant woman passed across every single mage. Her face was calm, but angry at the same time. She went directly to Natsu and Zeref.
- Grandma… - whispered Over. Mavis and Larcade looked at him.
- That’s not possible! - said Zeref, scared -. You should-!
The woman took Zeref and Natsu’s faces and used a magic on them. A magic who threw them inside the guild. Acnologia appeared from nowhere and catched both. Natsu and Zeref were turned into children because of that magic. In the woman’s left hand was another woman, with purple hair, while her right hand was closed.
- You… - said the pink haired woman. Her voice was calm, but angry -. You made Raziel believe all of us were dead. You possessed my older son’s body since he was born, and you turned my younger son in an Etherias Demon. You will pay for it.
The pink haired woman opened his right hand, showing two seeds, which destroyed seconds later. Then, she threw the other woman inside the guild, which Acnologia attacked, breaking the ground in half Magnolia and creating a huge crater. He was still holding Natsu and Zeref. They were unconscious in his arms.
The mages were saved by a dragon. A dragon who looked exactly like Acnologia, but his wings were different. They were fairy wings.
- Aunt Morgana! - yelled Over.
- Aunt!? - asked the others, looking at the dragon.
- It’s been a long time. Over - answered the dragon -. I see you have been reunited with your mother and brother. Good to know.
Over smiled at her. Under them, the purple haired woman was trying to not be hit by any attack, and searching a weak point to attack them. Acnologia was in a demon form and wasn’t an easy target. Plus, Natsu and Zeref were in his arms. To be correct, he was holding them with his left arm, which he replaced with an arm of sand and water, while fighting with his right arm.
In Morgana’s back, Over and Larcade were following the fight. Larcade was curious to see his grandparents, and Over really wanted to see his grandmother fighting seriously.
- She’s dead - said a black haired and dark skinned man at Larcade’s side.
- Totally dead - added another man, a blond one, who was on the other man’s back.
- Grandpa Lucifer and Grandpa Ezequiel - recognized them Larcade.
- It’s been a while, Larcade.
Larcade smiled and nooded. Mavis managed to put herself between her twins and look at the fight. The purple haired woman tried to attack the pink haired, but she was fast and send her rival far away with a kick. Her white and simple dress was dirty and broken, but she didn’t mind at all. Acnologia appeared behind the purple haired woman and punched her, but she managed to escape from the demon’s attack.
- Who’s the purple haired? - asked Sting.
- Anastascia, the dark fairy - answered the dark haired man.
- And you are?
- Lucifer, Raziel’s father.
- So, you’re the one who-
- He wasn’t, Sting - interrupted him the blond man -. It was a lie from his brothers. We love the same woman, and she loved us. That won’t change.
- I won’t accept him in the family easily.
- Say something, Ezel - asked Lucifer.
- Sting is the one who entered in hell to save me - answered Ezequiel -. He has his reasons to hate you.
- But it wasn’t me the one who kidnapped you. It was Samael.
- I know.
Anastascia attacked Natsu and Zeref. When Over saw it, he tried to jump and help, but Sting holded him. A fire explosion happened between Anastascia and Acnologia. When the smoke dissipated, the figure of a young long haired man appeared. He wasn’t normal. He had rage in his eyes.
- Who’s that!? - asked everyone.
- ZND - answered Sting -. I saw him once, but I never forgot his appearance. He’s the fusion of Natsu and Zeref.
- You remember? - asked a woman at Sting’s side.
- Only a little, Anna.
- Enough for me.
- Are you sure he's Natsu and Zeref? - asked Mavis.
- Look at his hair - pointed Sting -. It starts pink and turns black when it grows. Plus his eyes. One is black and the other dark green.
ZND. Zeref and Natsu’s demon. A powerful fusion, even more if it’s used in their adult forms. And that’s exactly what was happening. ZND’s adult form was in front of Acnologia, facing Anastascia.
Anastascia knew very well she was in disadvantage. But she wanted to recover the body she was possessing for the last 400 years. Zeref’s body. She knew it was easy to control, unless the others. But she didn’t know Zeref that well. Fused with his brother, Zeref was stronger than she knew.
- Take my place! - yelled Morgana before turning human in the air.
The ones in her back landed in another dragon. A red one.
- How you are alive, Igneel? - asked Sting, surprised to see the dragon.
- Ask that to queen Elementia - answered Igneel -. She knows how she did it.
- You’re losing the most interesting part - said a blond boy at Anna’s side.
He was right. ZND was in his demon form, and Morgana too. Morgana was in a free fall, and extended her right arm to punch Anastascia directly. She landed on the dark fairy, creating another crater. The first thing Anastascia saw were Morgana’s green eyes. The second, her demon form.
- She’s exactly like Acnologia - pointed Mavis.
- She’s his daughter - answered Over -, and our aunt. Dad has a lot to explain later.
- He must tell to all of us what is happening. And Natsu too.
Some of the members of Fairy Tail decided to observe the fight. Suddenly, Wendy frightened and angered.
- She is… - said Wendy -. That woman is… She killed my parents in front of my eyes.
- Then join - said Lucifer -. This fight is against her after all.
Wendy jumped and used her wind magic to attack Anastascia, which the dark fairy dodged very well. Wendy used her wind magic to land safely. Her body wasn’t strong enough to do what Morgana did.
- You two don’t want to join? - asked Lucifer to Over and Larcade -. It’s your family.
- I prefer to watch - answered Over -. Grandma fighting is not something you see everyday.
- She looks like dad, but pink - pointed Larcade.
- Are you talking about her hair?
- Yep.
- Wait until we see dad’s real personality to make comparisions.
- Zeref is like Gabriella, Natsu is like Sting, and Morgana is like Raziel - said Ezequiel.
- I wish I had something to eat to see this fight… - said Lucifer.
- Penauts? - asked someone at Lucifer’s side.
- Hello, god demon dragon. Give me those.
- Oh! Raios! - said Over and Larcade, totally sycronized, looking at the huge man at Lucifer’s side.
- It’s been a while, demon fairies - answered Raios.
- Who do you think that will defeat Anastascia? - asked the black Exceed in Raios’ head.
- Morgana - said a boy at Raios’ side.
- You always say your girlfriend, Tyrion.
- Because I trust her, and she’s strong enough.
- That doesn’t mean she’s stronger than her parents or brothers.
- Papa! Dad, say something!
- Don’t put me in your fight, Tyrion, Shadow - answered Raios -. Let’s enjoy the fight.
Everyone looked at the fight. Anastascia ripped Gabriella’s dress enough to take it off. Immediately, Acnologia used his cape to improvise a dress for her, and gave a dead look to the ones who were looking at her with lust faces.
- You really thought he woudn’t do that if you look at his wife like this? - pointed Lucifer.
- She’s his wife!? - asked the mages, surprised.
Lucifer nooded, and the rest of the family laughed.
- Welcome to the Dragneel Eucliffe Dreyar Heartfilia family, Mavis - said Sting -. It’s a mess, and not all of us are related by blood, but it’s good, and we are immortals.
Mavis looked a her twins. Both smiled at her. They were included in it a long time ago.
- Should I add Redfox to the title? - asked Sting.
- No, we’re fine - answered Raios.
- What!? - reacted Gajeel to that confession. The immortals laughed at it.
- I will explain it later, Gajeel…
- You better do it.
- … Nii-san…
Gajeel’s face was priceless. After a while of trying to make Raios say why he said that, Gajeel decided to watch the fight with the others.
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