#i know you cant tell but the colored one is swap chara
licollisa · 1 year
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Let's play dress up with dust
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deltarune-au-domain · 2 years
Was drawing a random character design one day, and decided to make it a kris au desgin, the impulse to inspired by your blog, kinda.
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Basically there a creaton by a nerd multiversesal scientist, used to beat corruptions and anomalys to death (or just to stop from causing disruptions in any given universe) with a baseball bat. Theres some symbolism I also pulled out of my ass here:
The constant 'x's on them are referencing the original kris's zero freedom, but this ones creator lets them have freedom. (He's not an asshole)
The stripes are just a genral reference to frisk, chara, and asriel.
The light green references spamton's strings, again a references to originsl kris's freedom.
The cross on their tie is symbolic for for Angel's, more specifically Asriel, as I just feel like he's the angel referenced in the prophecy of the deltarune.
You cant really tell it, but the top little half of the collar split if also a reference to the soul, being the player.
Also this Kris was made poc because this kris's creator wanted to be more original than the other kris's (they obses about that). Also I'm gonna draw their creator later, just dont feel like doing it right now. Also I got an idea for an asriel and kris age-swap, dont know which on I'm gonna really make yet. Gonna redo the coloring later tho, this was just more of a proof of concept thing, I guess.
(Also I'm sorry I've never gotten to the ralsei sprites. I lost some inspiration original as it was a time where I was still really trying to figure out how to draw goat anthro's, and I love inspiration. And then life also happened, so I just forgot about it, and never really got to it.)
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They vibing
Also its ok that you didn't finish. Things happen.
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