#i know this prob aint a 4th ask but i find its related
thedarkmistress16 ยท 3 months
Why do people buy fireworks? Seem like a huge waste of money to just light something on fire for 10 seconds on a random street. That stuff ain't cheap, and there's huge potential for property damage and injury.
I dont get it either, and to be real, people setting fireworks off kinda piss me off. I'm around neighbors who blow off fireworks every chance they get, even during the colder seasons. I'll hear them at the oddest times like right after it rains or during another holiday that has nothing to do with them. I later learned it was a cultural thing from a new friend and is related to adrenaline rushes from other sources, but its annoying as it is terrifying to experience in my area- like hearing a gunshot very close by. I'm also not a fan of loud noises or wielding a stick of wild sparks with the potential to burn me so yeah, def not for me.
Imo, people have turned the holiday (referring to the 4th) into an excuse to get drunk and cause mayhem. Like, celebrating freedom doesn't mean you can suddenly commit crimes willy-nilly like its the purge lmfao.
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