#i know this isn't Star Wars but I contain multitudes
goingroguepod · 7 months
Working through Terry Pratchett's City Watch books and I gotta say, it's almost good there isn't a faithful adaptation of these because it would be simply too powerful.
What do you mean modern feudalism/late stage capitalism critic and recovering alcoholic Sam Vimes and his squad of made up of Himbo, Lazy Uncle, Weird Uncle, Hot Werewolf, Big Dude, Gender Non-conforming Dwarf and assorted weirdos has never been successfully adapted into a case of the week, rambling city fantasy crime show?
Have the TV execs heard about Sam's burning commitment to do good in a city that doesn't care, working within a system that is already irreparably broken? Do they know about how Lady Sybil, a blunt and sensible woman in her 40s, inspires a sense of stunned awe is everyone around her, including the narrator? Do they know how feral the internet would go over "One True King Who Doesn't Really Vibe The Monarchy So He Just Hangs Around Being Nice To People And Also Is Extremely Jacked"?
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
(Per the Lost Boys post bc this got too long) I'm sure there's a certain amount of confirmation bias when saying that a lot of movies Dean references are queer and I'm also curious about how it actually breaks down. But Dean makes so many pop culture references that I don't have the energy to try and do that during my rewatch lol. However I think also there are movies that he references that aren't not-straight (for lack of a better term) but the way they are referenced feels decidedly not-straight. Like your post about Porky's II is a great example of that! Another that comes to mind is him talking about Black Swan which was insane! The same episode with the cursed ballet slippers! The movie is about ego vs id and hidden desires! Dark vs light! Innocence vs ambition! "Purity" vs sexuality! Claiming he watched it for the actress was just ?? especially when coupled with the flipping ballet slippers. (Also it's super not a "chick flick" and it's not a macho movie either but like... the director also did Requiem for a Dream and Mother. Arronofsky is also.... yeah.) I still cannot get over the Black Swan reference given the themes of the movie/Swan Lake and at that point in the show I think the queercoding of Dean has become much more intentional by some of the writers. I have so many Thoughts about that episode.
See also: "Swayze gets a pass." Does that mean any Swayze movie? Has Dean watched Point Break? Did they watch it at one of their movie nights? If so, did Cas ask him why Johnny would shoot at the sky after letting Bodhi get away during the chase? What other Swayze movies has Dean watched?
I have so many questions about which other movies they watched together. Black Swan isn't exactly "art house" but it's also not Terminator or Star Wars. The fact that he has canonically watched movies ranging from high brow-ish psychological horror to popcorn flicks just makes him feel so Real which feeds even more into the idea that the character contains multitudes and isn't just a super macho one dimensional character which then reinforces the queercoding and characterization of him as a repressed/closeted bisexual man. Which is a completely different massive essay that other people have written better but I'm late to the party here and just rambling at this point.
Oh hello I love you. 
YES! - when he references a movie like star wars or the shining it’s usually one off lines that are so widely quoted that people who have never seen the movies know them.  Meanwhile the Porky’s II reference all the way back in season 4 was about Dean’s secret desire to live out the plot of a movie.  I love your breakdown on black swan, I think that one’s lost somewhere in my draft and now I can just defer to you on it.
Amazingly, someone has already done half the work of cataloguing Dean’s media references, but the catalogue is  ... extensive.   Imagine, Dean calls Sam the nerd in the family. http://supernaturalwiki.com/Dean%27s_Movie_%26_TV_references
I know I need to make a post about confirmation bias and what it is at some point, but I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t think there was something intentional here, particularly in later seasons. 
Dean References Discussed in Ask: Lost Boys post (x) , Porky's II post (x) , #Spn Film Studies ,
some additional SPN Homage: Saturday Night Fever (x) , Ben Hur (x) , Musicals from Heroes Journey (x)
Next Time on SPN Film Studies: Reservoir Dogs and Castiel's Love Confession in Stuck in the Middle
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