#i know it would be yet another memory colelction thing
ganondoodle · 11 months
(im maybe thinking a little too much about that totk rewritten project ..)
had a cool idea and wanna know what people would prefer; after you beat ganondorf once, marking the half way point of the game, would you rather:
get a long cutscene in which you see some of his memories, that shows why he ended up there and why he is the way he is, with you occasionally being able to walk around in them
get a few sudden flashes of memories, nothing detailed or clear but have 'miasma hearts' spawn across the surface and underground map, a tree like growth of miasma that holds an important memory from the past; they unlock in order of them happening as there are several stages of growth to them, you can find all before seeing the first one but you cant access the memory until the 'tree' has matured, they will grow more the closer you are to unlocking them; they slowly lead you back towards ganondorf and you need all of them to unlock the endboss
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