#i know is skill issue😔🥲
aeroplaneblues · 9 months
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General Fu🔮🦁
Fu Xuan is so pretty 😭 whenever I got frustrated drawing dude characters I’d draw her and feel better🥹 This is my offering to the gacha aeons see if I can get her with a 10 pull haha. Also all jing yuan ships are so good but idk if its bc i adore this character or they are so quality🧐
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yannysif · 1 year
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Today's drawing is a bg wip! I can share this one because it's not spoilery. Perspective is HARD but somehow the sketch looks alright. But everyone knows lineart is the hardest part hahaha.... 😔 I'm no background artist, but I have about 6 bgs to do for day 1 alone (and that's not including day/night variations)... I'm gonna keep trying my best to keep with it but honestly, if I feel its way too much of a pain to do, I might just use some free assets instead so the whole creation process goes much faster. The issue is finding the exact aesthetic I want for the setting...
I'm trying to not be too hard on myself; My plan is to get a working game going so people can enjoy the story at least, and then ultimately redo all the assets in the future when my skills have improved. Even so, kinda hard to beat some sense into a life-long perfectionist 🥲
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dottores · 1 year
so like, cat
hi bby ;)
i wanna pull for scara but it’d be my first time doing so and I only have primos and I don’t know if it’s a good idea 🥲
1) i’m always gonna say pull for a character if you love the character because eula and shenhe 🥲 are proof enough that reruns might not come for a long ass time. i don’t think they’ll do that with scaramouche because i’m very certain his banner is gonna have insane sales but i wouldn’t want to risk it if you love the character 🥹
2) i’ve heard a lot of controversy on his playstyle 😭 personally ?? i think it’s a lot of fun, i love flying around n hitting things w him. it is fairly difficult to dodge with him, i’ve noticed, but that might just be a skill issue on my part 😔💔 bc i’m not used to the playstyle. damage wise, i have him c0, lvl 20 lost prayer, lvl 1 talents all around, and if i rmr correct i have 2 piece shim / 2 piece new set on him rn — and he still does fairly decent as long as there are elements to swirl. i don’t think i’ll have him properly built for quite a bit though, so maybe someone with him actually built can chime in about damage. but !! faruzan is also on the banner and she’s an awesome support for him!
3) just keep in mind upcoming banners — raiden and ayato are in 2nd half of 3.3, and then alhaitham (hutao/yelan/shenhe/ayaka/xiao) <- 3 of those five are suspected to rerun next patch, ive heard. so if any of them are characters you’re adamant on having, it’s smth you should keep in mind
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