#i knew i was gonna like nightheart
the-owl-tree · 8 months
I’m just visualizing how delusional you guys sound about him. You guys are constantly talking about how much you want him to fail you want him to die you want him to get neutered. You just with the absolute worst happened to him, and when I piled all that up into one ask. It’s only problem now. It’s suddenly a problem to needlessly hate on him. Got it.
bro someone just called him dinkleberg it's not that deep
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g0ldenfur · 2 months
I finally finished Wind! Quick thoughts for now:
Nice character progression for Nightheart. I like how many interactions he has with Squirrelstar in this book because it makes for a great contrast with how he thinks about and behaves around her as compared to when he was a shitty whiny baby man. Love him. Also very funny seeing him have to deal with an apprentice who does something irresponsible without telling him. How the tables turn...
Also nice character progression for Frostpaw. Now that she's confronted the uncomfortable truths, she has to stick her neck out there to make the things she thinks is right happen. Ultimately it's her sheer determination to do this, despite the mocking and lack of belief she encounters, that wins the other cats over. Her lack of belief in herself was the biggest thing she had to overcome and now she has. I've been expecting Froststar since River and I still expect this in the end.
Sunbeam felt like she had a lot more movement last book, but I did like her chapters here still. I did like that she ultimately needed to accept that ThunderClan deserves her loyalty more than Berryheart.
Splashtail is such a funny villain. What a dumbass. MacLeod Andrews went hard on his crazy speech in RiverClan at the end of the book.
Berryheart is gonna be so wicked in the next book, I feel like, and I'm here for it.
Tigerstar being a big Dad man is adorable.
SO MANY CUTE THUNDERCLAN MOMENTS. Cute elders. Cute apprentices. Cute Nightheart and Sunbeam and Bayshine.
Squirrelstar feels like she's avoiding losing her actual character for the sake of being leader, for now anyway. She still feels very much like the Squirrelflight we all knew and loved, and I can't say as much for Firestar and (especially) Bramblestar once they became leader. Remains to be seen if this holds in the next series, but I'm optimistic.
Overall I still really really like A Starless Clan. Feels like a solid top 3 WC series for me, and that could only hope to improve assuming Star sticks the landing.
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shadowsight-aster · 8 months
thinking about my starless clan rewrite just a bit namely my girl nightflicker (nightheart but i hit her with the transgenderification beam) it's pulled years and years into the future and the colonies have burnt down to their bare essentials and their values have turned on them (for example, thunder's colony now values honor and loyalty above all else--even above morals. if you go against the values of the colony, you Die) nightflicker is expected to be a carbon copy of firestar because she's part of the bloodline + she looks like scourge (who was turned into a thing of myth by the colonies and used as like. kitty cat satan) and quote unquote "acts like sol" for questioning the oppressive nature of the colonies around the lake flicker! obviously doesn't like this! she's rebellious because she was beaten down, stifled, made fun of and belittled cause she looks like a long-dead freakazoid AND her older brother strayed from the path and was presumed dead that’s when she knew the colony was fucked (she’s not just mad, she’s acting out of fear.) (this doesn't justify her means to an end though. ohhhhhh she spirals HARD) after losing the one cat she cared for, she changes her name and runs to the glare’s territory where she meets sunbeam, ready to learn of how scourge almost dismantled the colony so /she/ could destroy the colonies and rebuild them once and for all (if they're gonna only see her as a bad omen, then she'll be their bad omen.)
i need a fem villain protagonist in a main arc. not a want. A NEED. i will support her wrongs ALLLL the way
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
Just wanted to check out the Sky Spoilers especially after I heard a few things and man.
(((Spoilers Below for the second book of ASC)))
Nightheart is just a little brat? Like I knew he was already from the first book which I read half of until I got too bored to finish but he’s so obnoxious. Straight up insults Jayf, Brightheart, and Alder who weren’t even being rude?
He’s like fine until he’s like “wait was that an insult to me, to poor me who’s just bullied all the time” and then is ableist! Like dude what??? From the thread he says Brightheart does NOTHING for the clan, Jay can only mix herbs bc he’s blind, and Smth abt Alder I forgot. But dude just insults all of them who haven’t done anything besides stop his bleeding and laugh about him getting bit by a squirrel. Also before this he snapped at Flipclaw who was just being joking about it and he knows his words hurt the poor cat.
I haven’t gotten much farther in the spoilers bc I don’t care that much. Bramblestar is acting kind of out of it which is even noted by the cats around him so maybe he is being written with some brain diffrence(sorry I don’t know how to explain this)? I’ve seen a few posts abt him having maybe early onset dementia which could be interesting for him tho I hope it’s handled well. Squirrelflight also seems to be doing quite a bit of his work. She does all her deputy duties but also is keeping track of the green cough info, handling meetings and trying to puzzle things out while also trying to keep Bramble alright.
Nightheart also just seems so annoying with how he’s like “atleast my mom’s brother likes me. At least one cat in Thunderclan is my friend and cares about me unlike everyone else who just hates me :\”
But he only notes this after insulting the poor guy? I just don’t enjoy him at all. Dudes so annoying. I’m def not reading sky bc I don’t care at all. I’m fine just grabbing fandom info and making cool things instead. This arcs just so pandering to Night and it irks me too much to read. His chapters just aren’t fun to read at all and make me angry. Frostpaw seems interesting and I love more focus on Riverclan. Sunbeam I enjoy she’s funny to me but I like fandom interpretations way more than canon her, I also like reading about Shadowclan and how they are. Still not gonna read it lol that’s just kinda my thoughts so far
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prettyboywarrior · 1 year
Sakura was quite motivated lately, his voice carrying stronger, his opinions seemingly ironclad and with a tone at times that made even his father shudder in fear. Anger, sorrow, and a desire to make sure that the work that he started would not stand where it was.
Xaos once told him that he could reach people in a way the fighter could not, just because of his position, and he had promised that he would do his best to be the best person he could... because he didn't like the idea of people suffering as Xaos did.
So he was an advocate, a speaker, only lighting up when he had something to fight for, but so distant and sad when he thought no one was looking. He was determined to change the world, in his own way... in the only ways he knew how.
And with that came a book. Fighting off the chains... a collection of short stories directly from the horse's mouth, stories from those he found that were touched by the fighter in some way. A book that could go the corners he could not reach... a way for his words to inspire others to take up their own fight in the best way they could, to make the sort of change that was necessary to bring some sort of equality... some sort of peace and harmony to a world that truly had none.
The princess, now queen, wrote the foreword himself, an explanation, a call to action, the message he wanted to get across, the message Xaos always said, but never in a way that people could hear without balking. And before the first words of the first chapter, the only words not in standard print, but seemingly in the princess' handwriting.
Dedicated to Xaos Nightheart
My friend, my hero, and a man I love with all my heart even now.
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mineashthetrash · 2 months
I know what the new WC books remind me of now- its fucking Bravelands, the tone and mood is fucking Bravelands
I read bravelands when the first few books were out because i was bored and thought it looked interesting, but the feelings and 'vibes' were WAY OFF! The general mood is defeatism and tragedy, a suffocating, cloying feeling of nothingness and sadness. Very few happy things happen, and its not even imaginitive in its tragedy
like. Spoilers for like the first 3 books. The twist villan sucked ass. Nothing interesting happens with him, and 90% of the book is 'character who knows character b is evil' thinking about how evil character b is and how much character b sucks.
That's what the Frostpaw scene in Wind's preview reminded me of. The 'oh my fucking god not again, this guys clearly fucking evil, why is everyone either an idiot or a jerk'! THATS why i dont really want to read Wind, because ive read a whole book of nothing but that before and i hated it
Idiocy in warriors is nothing new, but it doesnt feel like anything else, either. Its hard for me to articulate exactly what i mean, but. P03, Avos, even OOTS had characters to like, scenes of banter or playfullness that broke up the seriousness, characters who liked each other. Meanwhile in ASC i dont blame Nightheart for wanting to leave, because his clan feels like a bitter, angry piece of cardboard. In po3 jayfeather was liked. Not everyone liked him, but people shared their prey with him, people tried too hard to keep him safe, his clan sucked towards him at first, but people eventually grew to appreciate and respect him.
But it genuinely feels like nobody likes our main characters. They dont have friends, people dont share prey with them, people dont even say 'hello, how are you'. it feels like everyones either being an idiot for the plot, being an asshole for the plot, or just generally being unpleasent. its one of the reasons i hate Lionblaze's rettconned personality so much. We need gentle giants, kind cats who can be a bit gruff or arrogant, cats who deep down are nice and playful, not another fucking POS who would rather kill you than look at you.
At least bravelands embraced this, and had a 'its nature, whatre you gonna do' kind of vibe. Everyone knew shit sucked, and they tried to make the best of it. god this is super incoherent. Sorry
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kipswarriorcats · 2 years
vague river spoilers watch out
hey remember a long time ago when i said i was gonna hold off on designing the starless clan protagonists until the book came out
because i was afraid i was gonna do what i did with rootpaw and make a design that didn’t fit their character
but then i caved and drew frostpaw/flamepaw anyway and made flamepaw a black and orange tortoiseshell
and gave him a bunch of cool flame-shaped markings.
because his name is FLAMEpaw.
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moonybadger · 2 years
Random thoughts on the new Starless Clan book! 
I enjoy all the new protagonists for the most part! Frostpaw is my favorite, she’s real sweet and spunky in a way that mixes well with Mothwing’s personality. Flamepaw is a very funny angsty teen and I do really like him choosing his own name at the end of the book. Sunbeam is probably my least favorite so far, but I don’t dislike her and I think her moping is very funny. 
Villain Lightleap pls? 👀
I do wish they’d stop having three protagonists though; I don’t think there’s really enough time in the book to properly fill out each of their separate stories, they never really have much of a relationship with each other, and the stories don’t always tie together that well. 
Like honestly I don’t really see how what’s happening in Thunderclan has anything to do with the Riverclan and Shadowclan dilemmas? Other then Flamepaw and Sunbeam having one conversation with each other 
(Lightleap probably for sure had something to do with Reedwhisker’s death though, so that one doesn’t bother me) 
Saying that, I actually think that Flamepaw’s story worked better then Sunbeam’s, at least in this book. Sunbeam’s kinda dragged, when I think the point of it is to set up Lightleap and Berryheart as antagonistic forces in this book, but it didn’t really happen until the end. 
Someone on twitter said they totally saw Curlfeather getting killed coming, but I really didn’t! I knew SOMETHING was gonna happen, but not that and certainly not in such a violent way 
Frostpaw becoming leader of Riverclan would be very funny though 
*waves magic wand over Flamepaw/Nightheart* I cast trans-your-gender on this cat 
I liked how down to earth the conflict in this story was though; I felt like I was watching a cat version of Downton Abbey and thoroughly enjoyed myself
Squirrelflight was interesting in this book! This is the first time I’ve been more on Bramble’s side in a Squirrel/Bramble argument, though not in the way you’d think. Like I do think that they need to be firm about their borders, but I don’t think she should yell at Bramblestar about it when he seems really fragile and frazzled. But I also think like... that’s kinda their default mode of communicating so she probably has trouble talking to him in any other way? 
So I disagree with how she’s handling things, but I see WHY she’s doing it (along with her failing Flamepaw on his second assessment) and I have such low expectations for this series that when a character does a bad thing that feels in character I’m very proud of the writing and give it a participation ribbon. 
Also as a well known Squirrel/Crow shipper I loved their conversation on the border 
Other small things I liked:
The hunting patrol (Twigbranch in particular) being really scared when Bramblestar was disappointed in their hunting 
Bramblestar being really hurt when cats didn’t realize that he was acting out of character when Ashfur took over 
Bramblestar seeming like he has demensia or something similar 
The sweet scene between Bramble and Flame after the gathering 
Frostpaw’s relationship with Curlfeather and Mothwing 
So much Mothwing in this book 
I’m so glad they killed off Reedwhisker and didn’t make him leader, like I already don’t care about Harestar I don’t need another background character as a leader. 
Fringewhisker having to deadlift a giant ass tree branch to prove her love for for Spireclaw
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the-owl-tree · 5 months
a lot of the recent male protagonist “problems” are so dumb and boring after like 2 minutes of thought on it but I thought I was crazy for thinking that even when I was still reading the books as a kid. I can’t believe we were fucking robbed of finchlight trauma and ptsd from the previous arc and lingering resentment towards thunderclan and starclan for allowing it. and instead we got rootspring 2. she should be allowed to be angry with brambleclaw even if it wasn’t his fault. it was his face that sic’d dogs on her mother. his face that banished her family from the only home she knew. her trust in her clan should be shattered for allowing this. for being too afraid to go “no, fuck you bramblefake we’re gonna protect each other” before it was too late and other cats had to get involved (even if it’s not 100% true, she should be allowed to remember things wrong like her brother and the authors) I could deal with nightheart’s arc in the bg of finchlight’s pov if it was consistently acknowledged that he’s being an unreasonable prick and finchlight explodes that sparkpelt never abandoned him. she was banished and he chose to stay. << iirc he chose to stay. if not disregard but she should still yell at him for being a cunt anyway. not like he doesn’t have other shit making him an infected thorn in the paw
I'm hoping that we'll get to see more of her honestly, especially since she and Sunbeam have been getting closer (which is cute. very cute. I really like that she's bonding with them). Please writing team, give me some SunFinch crumbs, you've already denied my SunLight.
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