#i just thought this was funny jdgkjdfhg
chrismcshell · 1 year
latest update on my death stranding playthrough:
i’m playing on “easy” difficulty - not the absolute easiest, but one step down from “normal”. so far, i’ve felt like the game is fairly challenging but i don’t suffer a lot for it, if that makes sense? like, i’ll get out of a tough section and be like oh boy my cargo must be so badly damaged now, but then i check and it’s only like 1-3% damaged. ive also barely gotten sam hurt at all.
so i was thinking maybe i’d try bumping it up to “normal” to see how that goes...
and then i got the reverse trike. and i was so laughably bad at driving it. i kept getting it stuck on rough terrain and not being able to maneuver myself out. i had that thing down to 50% health in an embarrassingly short time. sitting on this busted motorbike with steam coming out of it like why did they even let me drive. anyway idk if raising the difficulty level would even have an impact on vehicle durability or whatever, but im not taking chances. staying on easy mode cuz i cant fucking drive
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