#i just love him so badddddddd hes baby
kaeyapilled · 10 months
i hope freminet gets a hangout......
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I'm kinda new to this whole Tumblr thing, so bear with, but I'm so glad to see much Vinnie love around here! My baby deserves all the love he can get!! 💖 On the topic of mah boi, how 'bout smol scenario where his s/o has a habit of slipping their hands under his shirt when they're cold?
Oh this request was PERFECT for today! I needed some fluffy sweetness cause I’ve been icky and gross and my period is right around the corner so i needed this so badddddddd! I made it more like some of the other cold reader requests I did in the past naming wise so I hope u like!!!
Vincent with a Slightly Hypothermic S/O:
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You will never have to worry about being too cold around Vincent Sinclair, because not only does this man radiate a ton of heat, but he spends most of his time in his workroom in the basement, wax being heated up by the roaring fire that always seems to be ablaze. 
Don't feel bad coming to him to warm up either, Vincent will always make himself available to you whenever you need to be warmed up. Sometimes he will gently tease you about how hot and humid it is outside and you're somehow STILL cold, but the little smile he gives while you huff and pout assures you he really doesn't mind. 
Just make sure to get his full attention before getting too cuddly, he is often so engrossed in his work that he won't hear you come up behind him. If you don't want to scare him out of his skin, then make sure to approach him where he can see you clearly before wrapping your arms around him. 
He doesn't mind you running cold in the slightest, in fact, it's a blessing with the combination of the southern humidity and his workroom. He will happily let you trail your cold hands under his sweater and across his skin. Vincent might get a bit eager after a while, especially if you let your hands drift over his stomach for too long, so unless you want that to happen you should make sure you don't get too handsy. 
He especially loves cuddling in bed with you at night. You help him cool down at night, and if you're the type to press your cold bare feet against his skin he won't care in the slightest. Just having that physical contact helps him sleep, and if he can help you warm up in the process then he is happy to help.
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sherlollydramoine · 4 years
FINN: He’s your bother’s bestie and one night, you get shitfaced trying to keep up with their drinking game. You try to seduce Finn every chance you get, but he takes care of you instead of taking advantage of you ❤️
Soooooo.... I got a little carried away. Enjoy this drunken attempt at seduction because I literally have no idea what the hell I’ve just done. Lol
Warnings: alcohol consumption, ridiculously terrible seduction attempts, language, some comedy, and mostly just fluffy hilarity. 
Word Count: 1,439
“I got this!” you hollered as you stood next to your brother Toby’s best friend Finn during a rather raucous game of Vodka Pong. That is exactly what it sounds like because your brother and his friends sure knew how to have a damn good time, and they had run out of beer halfway into their ‘boys night’ that you decided to crash at the garage, so they decided Vodka was a better alternative.
You square your shoulders, prepare your throw and miss the solo cup by a mile. You could hear Finn snicker to your left and you playfully elbowed him in the stomach.
“Dammit!” you slur, “I fucking had it.”
“Yeah, if maybe the cup was located about a mile to your right.” Finn teased.
“I’ll help you next time.”
Your brother lined up his shot, took aim,and the lightweight ping pong ball landed in your cup.
“Fuckkkkkkkkk” you groaned, as Toby just grinned at you and shrugged his shoulders. You fish the ball out of your cup and plop it into the cup of water sitting off to the side, pick up the red cup in front of you and down the contents quickly. 
When it was your turn to throw again, you felt Finn come up behind you and whisper “I told you that I’d help you.”
 One of his hands was resting on your hip and the other on your elbow. He started giving you advice on how to properly line up the shot, and something about just relaxing your grip. You were unable to hear a word of what he was saying because all you could focus on was the close proximity of his body to yours and the way his body felt pressed against yours; his breath hot on your ear and the way his voice rumbles in his chest when he speaks.
“Okay, So YN, are you ready?” Finn asks.
“That’s cheating!” Toby yelled in protest, though his eyes were alight with some sort of amusement.
“Huh?” is all you manage to say.
“YN were you listening to me? I was telling you how to line up the shot and how to hit your target every time.
“Sorry Finn, I got distracted by your sexy body against mine, and your voice is so gorgeously distracting.”
All of a sudden Toby let out a loud guffaw of laughter and Finn looked a little bit shocked.
“Oh shit!” you cover your mouth in horror, “Did I say that out loud?”
Finn just slowly nods his head, while a smirk slowly spreads across his face.
Three rounds of vodka pong later, where the boys got their infinite supply of vodka you’ll never know, you started swaying a little bit. 
You were about to call it a night and just go home to pass out but you caught sight of Finn standing there,his hair glowing an almost red shade in the weird lighting of the garage and your stomach did a flip flop. It suddenly felt as if you’d been struck by  lightning and your long ago suppressed feelings for him came bubbling up to the surface. You’d told yourself that it was a no-go, I mean sleeping with your brother’s best friend could only cause drama right?
“Fuck it” you mutter aloud to noone, you decide to attempt to sexily saunter over to where Finn was leaning against one of the work benches sipping on his water bottle. 
After your accidental confession earlier you’d felt his eyes watching you.
“Sup?” he asks, with a raised brow.
“I dunno Finn. Yous so sexy I wanna fuck you so badddddddd.” you confess again.
“As much as I’d love to fuck you too darlin, I think you are too shitfaced to do anything about that right now.”
“NO! IM NOTT” you yell, causing Toby and Benny to look up from whatever they’d been quietly discussing in the corner. After Toby assessed the situation and realized that you were just reacting to something and not in any danger he smiles brightly before opening his mouth.
“Finn you can fuck my sister. Just don’t break her heart man or I run your ass over and I won’t regret it!” Toby yells.
“YOOO BROOOOOO NOOOOOOO” you scream back attempting to whirl around to give your brother a piece of his mind but instead you just end up swaying on your feet and then crashing into Finn.
“My heroooooooo!” you sing-song, as FInn lets out a little chuckle. 
“That’s me, Finn, your regular ole knight in shining armor.”
“Mmmmmm… you’d look good in shiny armor.” you mumble running your finger up his chest, neck and then along his jaw. 
He grabs your hand and moves it away causing you to recoil in embarrassment, or attempt to recoil anyway, but you nearly lose your balance and he ends up grabbing you by your waist to stop you from crashing into the open Craftsman tool box full of tools.
“My hero again.”
“Let’s get you home YN, I think you’ve had enough tonight.”
“No. I don’t want to go. I want to make out with your face.”
“If this is your attempt at seduction you aren’t doing a great job. It’s supposed to be a little more subtle than that,” he laughs, his grip on your waist tightening just a little bit as he attempts to pull you upright.
“Oh ho ho ho… says the man that thinks ‘Let me show what these mechanics hands can do’ is the greatest pick up line ever. I don’t need seduction advice from you, I’m doing just fine on my own thank you. Now, shut up and fuck me already.”
“No can do sweetheart, but I can help you into the car.”
“You suck! No-no-no-no! I suck. I give great head Finn, wanna find out just what my loud mouth is capable of?”
His awkward laughter was infectious though and he leans over and whispers,”Baby, when you aren’t three sheets to the wind and can stand upright, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me but right now you need to go to bed.”
“Hmmmph I can stand up on my own. Watch me.”
Of course your clumsy, completely shitfaced ass had to trip over something invisible and you ended up sprawled on the hard concrete of the garage. Toby looks up that loud clattering noise and shakes his head at you. You roll over and just start laughing, gut clenching full fledged laughter, the kind that is contagious. After a few moments of Finn looking panicked he joins you in the laughter. 
“You can stand on your own, huh?”
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” 
“You said you could handle it, I think this is further proof that you just need to go to bed.
“Oh my God Finn why are you so obsessed with getting into my bed?”
His gorgeous olive complexion began to slowly turn an interesting shade of red.
“You misconstrued my meaning.”
“No I didn’t. Face it, you want to be in my bed just as bad you want to be in my pussy right now.”
“Christ on a cracker woman, your seduction skills are so on point today,” he says with an eye roll.
“See! Told you I was better at the art of seduction than you. Can I find out what your mechanic's hands can really do? I’ve heard rumors that your fingers are quite deft at-”
“I’m going to help you up off the floor now, and then I’m going to put you in the car. Once you are in my car I’m going to drive you home and help you into your bed. After you are all tucked in I am going to go home myself.”
“Hmmph. You could just share a bed with me.”
“No can do. With you in this drunk-seductress state I’m afraid of what might happen to me if I should dare close my eyes for a second.”
“I’m soaking wet for you right now.”
“Are you sure you didn’t just pee your pants?”
“Nope. Pretty sure my pussy is so wet you could drown a toddler in my panties and there is only one cure for my problem Finn. I need your D in my V immediately.”
He just lets out a loud sigh, kneels next to you, hooks his arms under your armpits and hauls your drunken ass to your feet. 
Swaying along with his body he maneuvers you to his car and plops you into the front passenger seat. You watch as he walks around to the driver's side but as soon as the car pulls onto the road it was lights out for you.
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