#i just can't picture rocky being that type of forward for some reason?? ?
ladybugkisses · 1 year
I’ve been taking a break from drawing self shipping content but that lackadaisy pilot sucked me right in lmaooo. Anyway, I’m curious about ur lackadaisy selfinsert!! I’d ask about how u and rocky would meet but I feel like he’s the type of guy to just randomly pop out of nowhere and be like “hey ❤️” lol
yeah lackadaisy is a sea of F/O potential isn't it gdsGKDS
i don't have all the details figured out yet, but i can say for certain my sona's a regular at the cafe so- they bumped into each other eventually (maybe literally. oops)
as of right now their dynamic is a bit of an awkward friendship because as soon as things enter a more romantic territory they both bail lmAO
also she doesn't drink but.. ...sometimes she goes to the speakeasy anyway to watch him the band play 😔
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toournextadventure · 1 year
Got my analysis ready!! This was a tough one because the pictures are vague that they could be a lot of things.
First picture of what looks to be a rocky cliff side overlooking the forest. My first guess was that it’s a secret spot that Birb takes Wednesday too for a date. Or it could be one of Birb’s hiding spots since she can rock climb. But it’s still located on Nevermore’s grounds. My second guess is that it has to do with a flashback maybe? Like it’s somewhere that Birb and Nicky have visited, depending on when Nicky became comatose. Or in a whole different direction, something bad goes down. Maybe with Krusti and Barfcus?
The second picture I looked at was the one with the laptop that has the graduation cap on it. That could be Weems is talking to Birb/the rest of the Scooby gang about what they want to do after Nevermore. That one was a bit easy. I just know it has something to do with furthering their education.
The third one of the book was a bit weird, cause it could go a few ways. The first way is maybe something to do with the Nightshade library like some type of research. Next it could be hinting at what Wednesday wants to do after Nevermore, like she’s been writing her novel so she probably wants to be some sort of author, maybe like a side job. Another thing it could be is just simply Birb and Wednesday having a relaxing moment of reading together.
Now the picture under the book one is very weird. It looks like someone is holding garlic cloves, but they’re too big to be the cloves of garlic. If it was a whole head of garlic, then yes it would be that big. I’m thinking they’re shallots or parts of an onion, which is a little confusing but that could hint at someone else’s career choice….then again there are witches in this universe/canon universe so maybe they’re magically grown cloves of garlic. I was a little lost on this one.
For the final picture, the one of Morticia and Gomez in the crystal ball, my guess is that Wednesday is telling her parents about Birb and Wednesday being an official couple? Or something along the lines like that.
I’ve been studying these pictures since I’ve been on break and the possibilities are endless but those make the most sense to me.
Bestie, when I tell you I'm always looking forward to your analysis, I'm not joking, I genuinely get excited every time I see what you've got this week. I love your reasoning and descriptions and UGH it brings me joy, bestie
I will say, you got... 4 close guesses? You're getting closer and closer each week, bestie. I can't wait to see what you're gonna think once the chapter is out!
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