#i i aint gonna never stop loving u bitch
yooniesim · 7 months
Not the antiblack, transphobic troll blog doing a classic dirty delete... Can't delete dumbassery love, that stays on the internet forever 😂
Dumbass already forgot the teen life stage exists, misgendered me in a random post showing both they ass cheeks, doubled down about it with a classic "he/she/it whatever they are", made fun of a black person's black sim's lips being "too big" while randomly hyping up a black sim made by a white simmer, posted 90% black sims making fun of their features while reblogging posts w/black celebrities like ice cube and Rihanna (probably the only black ppl they know) to add to their lil act, said "i don't only make fun of blacks" and blocked when confronted about it (soooo obvious), which was all pretty boring and expected and not worth acknowledging... but then they deleted all of that cos the big bad honest troll blog got no spine! which has me fucking rolling HELP 🤣
How ya gonna act like the voice of the ppl and delete all your bad takes? Didja get too many mean asks about them, baby boy? 🥺 can't stand by all ur meaningless dick swinging? feeling insecure about having no comeback skills on top of that? 🥺 every time someone bucks up at you you do a delete and stop acknowledging them and its so damn funny for someone pretending to be so hard and real. I mean I knew you were gonna mention me once you saw I said you have no skills, I was waiting to see what you'd come up with, but I didn't expect it to be this weak... imagine being a troll and taking obvious bait 🤭 just to confirm u got no talent. soooo sorry 😂
So much for "honesty" 😢
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malglories · 7 months
who else is tipsy on this fine sunday evening i’ve literally watched bachelor in paradise, outlander, and the gilded age in a four hour span. who else has been through what i’ve been through
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efloarchive · 5 months
icb its been literally years since i first met @knghted when we were in the f.t fandom 🤢 they really been putting up with my houdini ass since forever 😭😩
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iamyourdensityy · 1 year
this is a post for my bestie angel bloom if you are not angel bloom know they r the bestest of friends they're so cool
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happy valentines day dude 💗💞!!
AWWW OMG!!!!! TYSM ♡(*´ω`*)/♡ fr I'm so lucky I met u. We haven't known each other for very long, but you've been such a positive impact on my life and I'm eternally grateful for that. I love u man 💙 happy valentines day!!!
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ag-shers · 1 year
me omw to love @lovescepter​
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askrena · 2 years
❰❰ SUPPORT ❱❱ sender comforts receiver after a loss / traumatic event
self-indulgent memes
      SHE HALF-EXPECTS THE HAND Linoan offers her to glow with a Heal spell— to be smudged with wounds and sweat and magic burns. But no. It is gentle. It is warm. It is simply… her hand, landing on her shoulder in a comforting squeeze with no other expectations.
     Linoan is simply there. Simply (and thankfully) alive. There is no raging battle behind her, nor are there terrible cries of phantom foes. No battle-bred adrenaline coursing through their veins, nor poison steeped deep beneath their skin. It's just her, and her fingertips, and the soft pad of her palm. They are not warriors in this world— at least, not yet. They can enjoy a brief moment of respite, and enjoy it together. Sharena takes a deep breath. 
     "It was difficult, wasn't it? But I'm glad that I went through it with you and the others. Even if we couldn't defeat them at the end, the kinship we formed is important to me."
     She gives her a smile. Then, she takes Linoan's hand from her shoulder and gives it a squeeze.
     "So... thank you, Linoan. For everything you've done."
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
So are you a Jikook supporter or are you a Jimin solo?
JIMIN SOLO, from now on
And I hate JK as much as I love Jimin now.
I can proudly say this. I can't stan an artist who works with most ugly people in the industry who are known for paying their way to charts, who uses all his privileges knowing his so called brothers and partner didn't got it, one who gets everything on a silver platter for him, one who commits works which will rile up his y/ns and Fandom, one who's finding it so enjoyable to grind on a woman while shooting a MV, one who pretends to be a good person and being completely innocent of everything evil his company is doing for him. His whole success is build purely on agency push and white men help. LETS BE HONEST FOR ATLEAST ONCE.
Jimin achieved EVERYTHING from his own hardwork and dedicated fans while JK who was 'resting' (his own words) got a payola guaranteed song handed over to him from that ugly pig of a CEO and rjs challenging it will go a no.1 of hot 100. Aren't they ashamed???? Aren't you ashamed ????
Where are the jikookers who announced they'll just concentrate just on jikook while Yoongi got some privileges Jimin didn't ? Didn't they said they can't act like everything is OK and unstanned rest members when Jimin was sabogated? Now what they have to say when JK is getting all payola guaranteed promotions for him? Or is it applied to other except JK ? Jk can do any shit under this sun and you all will still support him just because you think JK * might be * dating your favorite ? Think what kind of person JK really is if he is stepping over Jimin every chance he gets ? Did you forget that works for this song started immediately after Jimin got that no.1 ????
Everyone associated with this song, be it producers, writers, singer and his new fav actress,promoters everyone are going to hell for this. They are achieving all this over a innocent man's hardwork and tear and his fans dedication. This is mocking the fans who supported him with everything by giving their company favorite all promos jimin deserved
Fuck Jungkook
Fuck hybe
Fuck scooter
Fuck bang pd
A bunch of pathetic dicks
I honestly don't even know where to begin with u
Which Jikookers are these you're talking about? I dont remember Jikookers unstanning the members because Suga got more than Jimin. Those are not Jikookers. They're your fellow solos. So stop waiting for us to start hating on JK coz that aint gonna happen.
Jimin solo from now on. Bitch no! You've always been a Jimin solo. Who are you lying to with this from now on, bullshit??!!
Why are u getting mad at JK NOW for accepting what is being given to him when the injustice to Jimin has been happening forever? Why aren't u mad at other members for accepting what they've been all these years? I am confused by people like you. What do you want JK to do exactly? Quit his music career? Refuse to drop an album as is expected of him? Breach his contract? The fuck do you want from him, huh??
One who is finding it so enjoyable to grind on a woman while shooting a MV
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Can you please share the link of JK grinding on this woman? It seems you have exclusive footage of this?? Do you mind sharing please? Because I fear July 14th came and went and I didn't even notice??
Aren't you ashamed?
And you all will still support him because you think JK *might be* dating your fav?
See, you're not just a Jimin solo, but you are also a JK anti. And it didn't start today. You've always been this way. It's quite clear from this fucked up ask that you are and have never been a Jikooker. Idk why u pretended to be??
I do not have any energy for an illogical person if I'm being honest. So please don't come back. This whole ask is messed up. You're messed up. You know dick about what happens behind the scenes but have contorted this theory that has u filled with all this hate. It's... no. Just no. I can't deal with u or anyone else like u. Idk how u found me but please don't come back. I'll block u. I can't deal with this amount of hate. You're toxic. You're the people we go after on twitter for shitting on JK. Please get off my blog.
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jumblekinz · 1 year
webkinz hosts as vines
I made this post in like 2017 but never posted it and I’m finally cleaning out my drafts... feel free to add on
Sheldon Turtle: It's summer! I got my hat on backwards and it's time to fuckin' party! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fuHwZKXPFY
Debbie Dragon: I literally got so much to do, I’m like freakin-! Calm down, relaxation. Chill out, stop screaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew6VhePf0tA
PJ Collie: This is a fuckin’ crime, I’m looking so good right now, ain’t none of my friends invited me out but y’all gon see me today! Y’all gon see me! https://www.tumblr.com/vinesforall/135942776924/dicksplit-when-u-lookin-bomb-as-hell-and-aint?source=share
Arte Fact: LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbVEy4ki5yE
Persephone: This bitch called me ugly, I said ‘Bitch, where?’ she said ‘Under all that makeup’ I said... ‘Bitch, where??’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKBLmMB70DA
Ms. Birdy: hi, welcome to chili’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs53JQTuEc0
Daisy Doe: Me and my omelet. *flips* :O!! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/myud91WNIHQ 
Chef Gazpacho: well fuck this. My dish is poptarts with a green onion garnish and ranch on the side. I’m just gonna… take this home. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vd4qIJZqqU8
Tabby von Meow: people say I can’t do what I love without college. I don’t need no degree to be a clothing hanger! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spoObfZ63DU
Amanda Panda: when you wish upon a STAAAAAR... nothing happens https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zqR6FwWgQ90
Fred Rover: you GOT this Travis. Make em wait for it... BOOM. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8Pr-p8tCruw
Fiona Feathers: Oh yes wait a minute, Mr. Postman! Ayyyyy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9a_mUz4LCc
Alyssa Fairy: that one where the fairy toy flies into the fire https://www.youtube.com/shorts/q3nNwvmQ2MY
Nafaria: Y'ALL UGLY *vanishes* https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xECigynJEpw
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hedgehog-cynder · 8 months
flower boy review : fucking beautiful no complaints beyond rating on any scale. ill note some things about every song cause :3
foreword: holy shit what an opener. nothing lasts forever, nothing sticks together????? absolutely heart wrenching. amazing lyrics amazing everything THE ENDING SYNTHS?,$,%?"? breathtaking i swear to god
where this flower blooms: i would just like to say AGSGDGSUSHDHSGSHDJSHAHDGSJAGSGSJSGDD. instrumentals are beautiful tyler sounds beautiful frank sounds beautiful lyrics are chefs kiss what else is there left
sometimes...: i dont care if its one minute long I dont care its so fucking pretty and soft and sobbing material. on my first listen it jumpscared me because i thought it was BOYFRIEND. also the voice of the radio host is very comforting and helps me not dissociate
see you again: 20-20 20-20 vision cupid hit me cupid hit me with precision i wonder if u look both ways when u cross my mind i said i said im sick of sick of sick of sick of chasing ure the one thats always running through my daydreams i i can only see ur face when i close my eyes its so fucking beautiful kalis voice is heavenly this song makes me want to die
who dat boy: god everything about this one is just fucking beautiful the synths the lyrics the delivery asap sounds just so fucking good. everythings just. AGHDGDHSG and the ending feels like getting run over /pos
pothole: this is probably a song ill use to demonstrate tyler as an artist to whoevers interested in my autistic rambling cause. its one of the longer songs in the album its got stops n twists n turns the instrumental is to die for jadens voice is just so pretty. its one of The tyler songs to me. but dont take that last part seriously cause i say it about every song
garden shed: this one is the first song off flower boy ive ever listened to. it is just So. ITS JUST SO!!!!! estelles voice the slow pacing its such a good waltz. i would have to write out the whole lyrics because theres no one part of them i love more. its just so beautiful
boredom: everything about this song makes me feel like im going to die if i dont hold head in hands dramatically. its so vulnerable and heart breaking annas voice the harmonies the orchestrals everything just makes me want to sob. the end is especially devastating. another one im gonna use to explain tyler
i aint got time: god where to begin. whatever sample he used in there is fucking perfect for the job everythings so good and stimulating his delivery is flawless everything makes me wanna jump and kick and dance its all just beautiful. the ending is very silly i love it and also WOAHHHHHH. FUCK YEA GOOD FOR HIM
911 / mr lonely: just thinking about it is devastating. every time i listen to it i am mentally on the floor in fetal position. its so sorrowful and emotional while having the best motherfucking instrumentals and delivery like GOD i never doubted him but this man really does it all
droppin seeds: ok this is where my notes will fall a little flat. i cant take mentions of sex in any capacity seriously i am sorry. its a beautiful song though and i love it
november: oh god this one BREAKS me. its so emotional and open and i cant fucking get enough of it. and yet again it does so while being a FUCKING BANGER. the last verse always hits like a sack of wet mice and oh is it really bitch u know the dealy really hilly willy tilly silly hold that billy how i milly rock is soon going to become my newest vocal stim and i have no choice but to accept it
glitter: god what a devastating sad song. it really captures what its talking about. how joyful and cute and loving it is AND THEN the lowered pitch & tempo please dont save me the repetition of how ya feel? the kinda second half is all so much like being stuck in heartbreak i love it. it makes me feel like im falling from heaven. plausibly crowley style
enjoy right now, today: honestly with the sad note glitter ends on this one sounds so bright in comparison its fucking hilarious. i honestly didnt expect it to be almost fully instrumental but holy shit if anything it just shows how good he is even without lyrics. i have also never heard a more work at a pizza place song in my LIFE and its honestly making me wanna redownload roblox just cause i feel nostalgic. FUCK what a good closer
yeah thats it im done <3
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lizardshit · 10 months
vines i need 2 quote more
road work ahead? uh, yeah, i sure hope it does!
hurricane katrina? more like hurricane tortilla!!
a potato flew around my room before you came
i'm in me mum's car broom broom
i smell like beef
hey my name is trey i have a basketball game tomorrow well i'm a point guard i got shoe game
mother trucker dude that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick
i'm washing me and my clothes
i don't have enough money for chicken nugget
ha ha ha i do that
can i get a waffle? can i pls get a waffle?
there's only 1 race...the human race WHAT ABOUT NASCAR?
and they were roommates OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES
i wanna be a cowboy babeyy
do it for the vine
staaaahp! i coulda dropped mah croissant
oh hi thanks 4 checking in I'M STILL A PIECE OF GARBAGE
happy crimus..... it's crismun....merry crisis. merry chrysler
get to del taco. they got a new thing called freesha… free… freeshavaca-do
chris IS THAT A WEED?! no this is a crayon- I'M CALLING THE POLICE 911 whats ur emergency
two bros chillin in a hot tub 5 feet apart cuz they're not gay
so i'm sitting there BBQ SAUCE ON MY TITTIES
look at all those chickens
oh mah gawd i love chipotle
i didn't get no sleep cause of y'all, y'all not gone get no sleep cause of me
mrs keisha? mrs keisha? oh my fucking god she fucking dead
how much did you pay for that taco? aight, yo, you know this boy got his free taco
so no head?
that is NOT correct
anything for u beyonce
um i've never been to oovoo javer
ah fuck i can't believe you've done this
there is only one thing worse than a rapist. A CHILD no
hi welcome to chili's
everybody say colorado!! I'M A GIRAFFE
i brought you frankincense. thank you. i brought you myrrh. thank you. mur-dur! JUDAS NO
ily bitch i aint never gonna stop loving you bitch
come get yall's juice
so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift?
honey, you've got a big storm coming
i like turtles
deez nuts HA GOTTEM
oh i like ya accent where you from? i’m liberian. oh my bad. *whispering* i like your accent
go ahead and introduce yourselves. my name is michael with a B and i’ve been afraid of insects my entire- stop, stop, stop. where? hmm? where’s the B? there’s a bee?
dad, look, it’s the good kush this is the dollar store, how good can it be?
wow an avocadooooo thaaaanksss
jared, can you read number 23 for the class? no, i cannot what up i’m jared i'm 19 and i never fucking learned how to read
hey i'm a lesbian i thought you were american
ooooo he need some milk
it is wednesday my dudes AAAAAAAAA
give me your FUCKING MONEY
what the fuck richard
why are you running WHY ARE YOU RUNNING
whoever threw that paper, YOUR MOM'S A HOE
lebron james
i'm just cooking pizza *FUCKING FALLS*
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roachcult · 2 years
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mocha-tapioca · 1 year
behold, my thoughts on the hirogaru sky leaks and cures and all that good stuff THERE WILL ABSOLUTELY BE SPOILERS UTC JUST TO CLARIFY
we need to address how the shows name is a pun on "hero girl" like that is absolutely sick to me
blue lead, which is definitely a first!! i don't dislike it necessarily, it fits well with the theme + im excited to see where they go with this, but it would also sorta stick out like a sore thumb among the other leads of the franchise who are mainly pink
main girl sora!! her personality is fine to me, we have our standard upbeat lead, but this is also the first lead to not come from earth, which is pretty cool. the fact that she wants to be a superhero is a nice tie-in to the show's name, with her name meaning sky in japanese so it reads like "hero girl sky" which is so adorable to me <33 her civilian design is pretty cute, i really like her fit tbh!! her bangs are,, a yikes from me tbh
mashiro!! i find it interesting that she's a white cure with a pink subcolor, reminds me of kanade from suite tbh. i think she's a total sweetheart btw her relationship w her grandma is giving me honoka vibes. civilian design-wise is also fairly standard (im trying so hard not to be biased here bc her outfit is so similar to what i usually wear), her hair reminds me of a mix of yui's and that one pink girl from kiratto pri chan. in terms of her cure prism design i absolutely love it and idk why???? like the space-themed skirt with white layers of fabric on top is GORGEOUS and the heart earrings paired with the bow?? mwah mwah this is a design that caters to me too much for its own good
these two are absolutely a duo they basically have each other's shoes they were advertised together.
as for the pink and orange cures, my guess is that they're mid-season as sky and prism are most definitely a duo like lovely and princess were. im neutral on pink, aside from the ruffles on her top her design isn't really much to me, but she's giving me the vibes of a total diva and if she's gonna be like sumire from liella im here for it <33 im sorry im going to be an apologist for everything she does this bitch does no wrong. with orange, i'm glad that we're getting another one but nothing really stands out to me about their design either besides the jaunty little top hat that's so undeniably funny to me. also that kid aint cis i am so undeniably sure of it that kid is the phantom thief of genders calling it like rn
apparently the show is also focusing around idols so if i don't get bangers for endings i WILL sob forever
literally why did we have to get another baby that becomes a cure. ITS GOTTEN OLD TOEI YOU'VE DONE THIS LIKE FIVE TIMES NOW. STOP PLEASE I BEG. her design is fine, i have never seen a baby with hair that long, but it's fine. i literally have no opinions on this baby besides we don't need any more babies. we have had multiple please stop the only time u peaked w these was with felice
pretty cure please give us a consistent plot and a good show this time around. delipa is a fun watch but the show is also kind of a mess and literally every other character gets more development than the main character
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antisocialgaycat · 8 months
feel free to ignore im kind of just screaming into the void here
so i love my friends right like theyre great people however there are some things that they do that kind of make me dislike them and i feel so bad abt it cos i love them but some of the shit they do makes me so uncomfy and i dont want to say anything cos what if they hate me for it and want to stop being friends with me and even though i know that they wont it still scares me lol but some of the shit they do makes me so uncomfy like some of them are hella transphobic and dont even realise it hell some of them say homophobic shit like in a joking way but it still kinda scares me also one of them uses autistic as an insult and that absolutely does not sit right with me and like this one isnt even that bad but they constantly refer to me as the gay one and they dont even seem to think of me as more than that sometimes also i have asked them a hundred times to call me lesbian instead of gay but nope im the gay one in the friend group and nothing will change that and that kind of doesnt vibe with me too good also theres this person who they keep referring to as my girlfriend or my wife and that absolutely is not okay with me and if asked them to stop so many times but they either cant or wont cos they keep calling her that and the thing is that the person they keep calling my wife is a really good friend of mine and we also have a lot of friends in common and i hang out w her and her friends a lot and whenever my friends see me with her they always take photos and shit which makes me so uncomfy i hate having photos taken of me and theyre also really unsubtle about calling her my girlfriend and shit when shes around and when her friends around and im so scared that either her or one of her friends will figure out that i like her and she'll be like ew thats mank and ill lose yet another friend and even tho i know thats so so unlikely cos shes a great person but it would at the very least make things awkward between us and i dont want that cos shes a good friend (better than my fg) so if my friends mess up that friendship i swear im gonna have no friends at all cos ill likely get pissed as fuck at them and my other friends will think im mentally fucked up and then i may as well just leave the entire fucking school and go to my local one and even though i know im catastrophising to the end of the earth and back it still doesnt take away from the fact that some of my friends are making me feel so uncomfy that i dont want to hang out w them even tho i love them also theres these two really toxic people in my grade who sometimes hang out with us (one more than the other) and theyve told the one whos not nice per se but less bad than the other one and hangs out with us less to fuck off and the homophobic transphobic bitch who uses so many slurs its not ok at all they seem to have no problem with oh and theres this kid in the year below us who always dabs up the rest of my fg but whenever he sees me he just says ew no ur a lesbian and one time he said that i prolly jerk off to furry porn and first of all what the actual fuck second of all that made me feel so uncomfy and third of all my fg just laughed and they still bring it up so often and they surely can tell it makes me feel so so fucking scared and i dont even fucking know why oh and one of my closest friends has the most terrible taste in guys like i swear she lies the most toxic people and im the only one who can actually see that cos all the others think theyre hot and they dont realise just how bad its gonna end every time theres literally only 2 people in that group who actually dont ever make me feel like my skeleton js gonna fucking scuttle out of my skin and crab walk to the nearest trash can and jump in so tysm to sarah (i aint gonna tag u cos i dont want u to see this post lmao im still gonna post it tho) and arkie (she doesnt even have tumblr and will never see this post but i still want to put it in writing) anyways yuh thats my lil vent
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primordyalsoul · 11 months
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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princemick · 1 year
mythological scene in a renaissance painting looking ass. i love you (bitch) (i aint never gonna stop lovin you) (bitch)
bro I'm cradling u in my hands n giving u a forehead smootch so hard rn
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