#i hope you enjoy my silly little fic about the impact of internalised homo and bisexual phobia
punkslovepoints · 2 years
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obliterations everywhere (we blaze with scorching heat) - Part 5/5 Pairing: Steddie (Stranger Things)
Steve pushed his way into the trailer, leaving Eddie standing still holding the open door. He looked around, as if checking for visitors. "No Wayne? No Hellfire?"
Eddie shook his head, terrified that if he spoke he'd ruin it.
"Good". Steve took two strides back towards Eddie, pushing the door closed behind him. Then he placed both his hands either side of Eddie's face and kissed him.
Eddie isn’t gay but lots of people make that assumption. Maybe they know something that he doesn't, because he's damned if he doesn't enjoy flirting with Steve Harrington.
Steve was pretty confident in his sexuality. He liked women. A lot. And sometimes, on the odd occasion, he liked men too. He'd decided that didn't have to mean anything though. Then he met Eddie Munson.
Eddie can have a little sexuality crisis too, as a treat.
[read chapter 5/5 on AO3] [complete fic on AO3]
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