#i hope what i wrote about laios makes sense idk i probably could have worded things better or explained things more
iloveutoodeath · 3 months
dungeon meshi enjoyer 🫵🏻 whomst is your favorite :3
😋👈 that’s me lmao. i have a lot of favorites from this series tbh, all the characters are so well rounded and thoroughly fleshed out so everyone feels so real and human, which makes it so easy to grow to like a character the more you learn about them even if they didn’t impress me at first. obviously laios is my #1, he’s such an fun character and i love how passionate he is about the things he likes, and how it’s not only his knowledge of monsters but his curiosity and desire to learn more about them that drives the whole story forward. i like the fact that (from the adventurer’s bible i think) when he was younger and still in school he had been encouraged to become a monster researcher, but he gave up on that path because school was difficult, only to join and desert the military and work his way southward until he met up with falin (actually i like that falin quit school too, lmao. i have a soft spot for characters who are dropouts, deserters, or quitters in general). all the extras comics kui has drawn about the siblings’ time before arriving to the island are very very important to me, but in particular laios’s self doubt, shame, guilt, and obvious depression from that time period, and the complex ways in which that all relates to his relationship with sister are things that really resonated with me 🥺. in general i love how over the course of the story the way he views that relationship shifts, and with it he goes from someone who sells himself short to someone who really embraces himself as a whole, and you can’t help but be drawn to that u know?
and well besides laios, marcille, kabru, and mithrun are very special to me. and senshi is my guardian angel. i also really like thistle (i love his little jester outfits) and kuro (puppy… i wish there were more kobold characters lmao) OH and of course, of the monsters i like the dragons best, especially the green dragons. i also like the design of the cockatrice, because compared to the basilisk it looks a bit more like a dinosaur lmao :P !!!!
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