#i honest to god just to whatever tf i want. i live in a bubble i explore in that bubble
stewyonmolly · 10 months
Do you have any advice on how to find the fun side of Succession / Kenstewy fandom? I have been struggling esp.on Tumblr with seeing so much negativity. Feels like the fandom is mostly just people policing and bullying each other re: how others see and write Ken and Stewy if it's an inch different than their own headcanon. Then there's greater Succession fandom who I have seen be really nasty about how people ship it at all - even in the tag! Wondering what your experience with this is.
As a popular writer, do you ever get hate and how do you deal?
oh i have not experienced any of that tbh so i don’t really have advice… i only follow very select people, i’ve only read like 20 select ffs by people i trust or which were recommended by people i trust, and i truly have never seen a nasty thing on this website towards anyone who talks about succession. i almost never go into the tags willy nilly. i don’t interact w people randomly at ALL so tumblr is like me shouting into the void for me. ig my advice would be always to tailor your experience, block liberally, it’s your life! take everything w a grain of salt. everyone brings their personal DNA into their understanding of media they interact with. i also do not consider myself a popular writer at all like to me it’s me and my circle of ~10 mutuals who talk about succession who i love dearly.. i write for me, i write what i want to read, and that’s it! this doesn’t feel very helpful but at the very least it’s truthful :’) oh editing to add that i have been so lucky not to get direct hate? i sometimes get asks where people question my opinions or takes but that isn’t hate that’s literally j discussion and i find it so fun considering all the reasons listed above like the way i understand something will never be the same as someone else does. and i love that!!
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