#i havent even finished my design for SBD and havent even touched NLTT
scugs-n-doodles · 1 year
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Someone so as much says "Map" and as an avid tabletop player I go a bit bonkers. @agriocnemis drew a map for their little dudes and I had just been thinking about the set up for my guys so I jumped on the bandwagon. I took a lot of inspiration from theirs! I knew I wanted SBD to be in cold ass waters but realized none of my scugs are very cold resistant so I had to finagle that but I'm okay with stretching reality a bit to fit themes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The asterisk for Fawn is for note that her communication lines looks like that when she *has* them.
This is subject to change, but also growth because I could add more :eyes: Also age wise it goes oldest to youngest: LSC/SBD - NLTT - ISOS - DF
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